N - n

-na   v.end. Immediate past tense. See: -rna.

naama   A short way of saying 'irnaama'. See main entry: irnaama.

naama-errama   vi. leave, depart, remove oneself. Relha ntjaarra kala ingkarraka naama-errama, pmara arrpunha-urna tjaiyaka-errama. All the people have left, and are travelling back to their homes.

naamalhelama   vt. cause to move, shift (out). Lyaarta pitjimala, kwaiyala tjia ekuranha pmara ekuranhanga naamalhelama. Having come today, big sister shifted her younger sister from her home.

naamalhelintja   n. removal, deportation. Turrintja kngarra imanka nakala. Relha Israel-arinya ntjaarra ltaarrpa wulhaka, naamalhelintja etnaka namanga. There was a great war long ago. The people of Israel felt sad, as they were deported from their homeland. Morph: [naamalhelintja + suff–ntja].

nama   vi. 1 • sits. Aiyua era itja wutha ltarrknga marra. Era nama, tjina ekuranhaka kaaralhamala. The old man is no longer healthy and strong. He sits, waiting for his friend. Yinga paka kamerrama, yinga ilkaarta wulhama. Laakinhanga yinga nama. If I get up, it's painful. That's why I am sitting here.

2 • be, exist, is, are. Unta marra nama? Are you well? Katjiala marna itja rraatja ilkumanga, era tjuwa nama. Children who do not eat properly are thin. Kara-arra nhaakwa nama. The kangaroo is over there.

3 • stays. Yinga itja lhama. Yinga nama. I am not going. I'm staying.

namarrka   vi. sit for a time, rest first of all. Yinga nhanhala namarrka, purrkanga. Anma alputjinala. I'm resting here first of all, because I'm tired. I'll go back later on.

narrama   vi. two people sitting. Kwaara tharra narrama, urlpaiya eterala. Katjia kuka kwatjala walharlaanama. The two girls are sitting by the side of the river. Other small children are swimming around in the water. Morph: ct. & p. [nama + suff. ·rra,·ma].

narlaanama   vi. Three or more people continue to sit, sit together. Arrkutja urrputja narlaanama, yia ngkarrama. Some women are sitting and telling stories. Artwa urrputja narlaanama, kara mpumanga. A few men are sitting down, while the meat cooks.

nanhama   vi. ride on someone or something. Kwaarranha arai, motorcar-ala nanhama! Look at that girl, riding in the car!

nanha-nanha   n. one who is always there. Morph: [nama + suff.nha. Reduplic].

napanama   vi. always to be or sit. Arrkutja nhanha nhanhala napanama, era lyaarta kamerramala lhaka. The woman who always sits here, got up and went today.

nintjima   vi. sit while coming towards (eg. sit on a person’s shoulder. now: ride on or in vehicles). Wurra era nanthala nintjima. The boy is sitting on the horse, coming towards me. Morph: [nama + suff.intji,ma].

nartnama   vi. sit constantly. Nhaakwa arrkutja era nartnama. Lyaarta waara atha erinha araka. The woman is sitting over there all the time. I have only seen her just now. Morph: [nama, reduplic].

nintja   n. being, existence. Kngarripata etna itja unthama. Nintja waara etna narlaanama. Old people do not wander out and about. They just sit, just be there. Morph: [nama + suff.ntja). narlaanama continue to sit, sit together. wurlaanama keep on hearing. ararlaanama continue to look.

nantha   n. horse. Nantha itja naka pmara nhanhala imanka. Relha lurinyala etnanha kngitjika. There were no horses in this country a long time ago. People from other countries brought them here. Nantha kwatjaka irrpumanga, era kwatja nhanha urlpurta-ilama. Era paka yaarna kwatjanga rraatamanga, era iluma kurunga kwatja kurna intitjina. Relhala itja kwatja nhanha ntjutjika. When a horse goes into the water, he makes the water dirty. If it cannot come out of the water, it dies and the water will be toxic. People are not to drink this water.

-nga1   n.end. from, source, refers to physical movement and occurs in clauses where the main verb is one of movement: rratama, lhama. Uranga ura kwaarta rraatama. Smoke rises from the fire. Altjurilamala pula eratharra araka apma rraatitjalhamanga kwaarnanga. But when they had made an opening, they saw a snake coming out of the hole.

-nga2   n.end. located at. Pmaranga kuta era itnaama It stands right next to the camp. Tjangkana irna arrpunhanga mangkama. Mistletoes grow on different sorts of plants.

-nga3   n.end. In relation to, occurs with words about locations and directions. Pmaranga kuta era itnaama. It stands right next to the camp. Etna well tnyaaka Ntarianga alturla. They sank a well west of Ntaria. Urlpaiyanga etinya. Close to the creek. Nurnakanga ilanga. Far away from us. Ntarianga urntwaarra. On the other side of Hermannsburg. Ilthanga kathala Outside of the house. Ekuranga ingkarna Behind him.

-nga4   n.end. source, what something is made from. Partinturlala arna urrknganga antjua mpaarama. The magpie-lark uses mud to build a nest. Lyauwanga marna anga kutjima, thamala ilkuma. Seeds are collected from the munyeroo plant, ground up and then eaten. Relhala yinparanga tjaarta mpaarama. People make spears from spearwood. ltitjanga yultha mpaarama. People make all kinds of tools from mulga.

-nga5   n.end. Occurs with words about time 'during that time' or about states such as sleep and seasons such as heat, rain, cold sickness or lack of something. itjanga without something. Ankwanga, era lyaartanta alkngaampuma. She is just opening her eyes, after being asleep. Relhala lyuntja mpaarakala, wumpianga wurinyaka nitjika. People made a shade shelter so they could sit in the breeze during the hot season. Etna kwintja mpaarakala, lhurrpanga urala intitjika. They made a windbreak so they could sleep by the fire in the winter cold. 1996-nga From 1996 onwards.

-nga6   n.end. The reason for something, because. See: -kitja. "Itja ilirna tnyaama, kara tjipaarra inthurranga" "No, we're digging, there's good meat here". Rrupa-rrupa wurinya ekarltanga, relha trerrama. People are frightened of strong willy-willies. Nurna kngulyanga trerrama. We're frightened of the dog. Ungkwanganga era irtnima. He's crying because of you. Etapa ilkaartanga, era urlpurra-intama. She is lying on her stomach because her back is aching.

-nga7   n.end. used to make comparisons. See: -ngatijna. Nantha nuka ungkwanganhanga kakaralkura My horse is faster than yours. See: -alkura.

-nga8   n.end. indicates something negative, negative consequences. Era alkurtala turrintjanga ilpalhama He protects himself from the fight with the shield.

-nga9   n.end. indicates a body part that something is held by, translates 'by'. era tjurnpa etatha errkuma tail kantjanga She held the live perentie by the tail.

ngaatha   On this side.

ngaatha-mpinyala   adv. At the nearest part, closest to. Ngaatha-mpinyala arai, marna era paka pulya marra. Look at the end closest to you. Maybe the fruit is soft and good.

ngaatura   n. roots. See: takarra. Rua lhakala, irna paraka ngaatura katha-ilaka. The floodwaters ran and exposed the roots of the river red gum tree. Latjia arna kwaarnala mangkama, ngaaturanga Pencil yams grow underground, on the ends of the roots.

ngaiyala   n. hungry. Marnaka ngaiyala wulhama. I'm feeling hungry for some food. Relha nhanha kutatha ngaiyala nakalanga, era minta-erraka. This person, always having been hungry, became sick.

ngaiyala-errama   vi. become hungry. Katjia kurrka ngaiyala-erramala irtnima, marnaka kaaralhamanga. The baby, becoming hungry, cries while waiting for its food. Morph: [ngaiyala + suff. –erra,ma].

Ngala   kt. skin name. Arrkutja Ngalaka katjia nama Pilthaarra. A woman who is 'Ngala' has children who are 'Pilthaarra'.

ngalhama   vi. to shake, move. Irna nhanha ngalhama wurinyala waarnamanga. The wind is blowing and so shaking this tree.

ngalhelama   vt. to cause to move, stir. Relhala irna mpaltjarta ngalhelama, marna anga tnyitjika arna-urna. People shake the wild orange tree and the fruit fall to the ground.

ngarlpa-ngalhama   v.i. shake, shiver, move constantly. Unta ngarlpa-ngalhai, rriwa altjurilitjika! Shake the door, to open it! Morph: [ngalhama, reduplic].

ngalta   n. Desert kurrajong. Brachychiton gregorii.

ngampakala   n. forever, eternally, always.

ngampintja   n. eternity.

ngangkara   n. traditional healer, wise person, medicine man. Relha ngangkara-kartala minta angkerra-iwuma. The ngangkara heals the sick person.

nganha   pron. You. One person. Atha nganha wuka I heard you. Atha nganha ilaka, unta nhanha mpaaritjika. I told you, you were to do this.

ngantja   n. soakage. Kwatja itja intamanga, relhala ngantja tnyaama, ntjutjika. When there' s no water, people dig a soakage so that they can drink. Kwatja ngkathalanga, relhala ngantja tnyaama, urlpaiyanga eterala. Arna tnyaamala, kwatja rraatama. Relha kurrka waara kaaralhama, kurunga kwatja arrkarnama. Kwatja marranga, kurunga ntjuma. Being very thirsty, people dig a soakage at the edge of a river. Once dug, the water comes out. People wait a little while and then sample the water. If it tastes good, they drink it.

ngapa   n. crow, raven. Corvus bennetti. Thepa ngapa ura kwaarta aramala, era karaka pitjima. Crows come when they see smoke, to get some meat.

ngara   n. mole on a person's skin. lrlaakwa lyaakala relhala ngara thanthama. People pierce moles with spikes from the mimosa bush.

ngaraaka   n. bush bean. Rhyncharrhena linearis. Ngaraaka marna tjinya kuka nama. Bush bean fruits are long and slender.

ngarrua   n. well. Relha imanka ngarruanga kwatja thangkutjaarta. Long ago people used to scoop water from a well.

-ngatjina   n.end. 1 • From there, from one place to another. Lenhangatjina nurna alpuka-ntama Ntaria-urna. From there we returned to Hermannsburg.

2 • used to make comparisons. See: -nga7. Nhanha ingkarrakangatjina marralkura, intitjika. Arna marra nhanhala. This one is better than all the others to camp at. This is nice sand.

ngerra   adv. 1 • like. Nthaakinha ngerra unta wulhama? how are you feeling? Iwunha ngerra? what is it like? Apma aathanha urlpmurra­ urlpmurra, arna ngerra. Death adders are an orangey brown colour (like the ground).

2 • about, approximately, sort of. Yinga ingkinyala ngerra pitjika, erinha aritjika. I came to see her about midday. Yinga inguntha ngerra paka lhitjina, marna initjika. I might go some time later on, to get some food.

ngka!   excl. Give! Give it here!

ngkaiya   n. Macrotis lagotis. Ngkaiya lhunga kwaarnala nama. Bilbies live underground in burrows.

ngkama   vi. 1 • speak, say, talk. Iwunhama unta ngkaka? What did you say?

2 • birds sing, chirp. Thepa urrputja ngkama. A few birds are chirping.

ngkalhelama   vt. 1 • sound, make or cause to sound.

2 • play (instrument). Irna nhanha ngkalhelamala, era lyilhama. As he plays this instrument, he sings.

ngkalhelanha   n. one who makes sounds, player (of music).

ngkanha-ngkanha   n. talker, speaker, orator. Morph: [ngkama + suff.nha, reduplic.)

ngkangkawulhama   vt. beg, consistently ask for.

ngkarrama   vi. discuss, telling each other. Arrkutja urrputja narlaanama, yia ngkarrama. Some women are sitting down, telling stories. Eratharra ngkarritjika antja naka They wanted to have a talk. Morph: [ngkama + suff.rra,ma].

ngkarraltanama   vi. keep talking to one another. Morph: [ngkama + suff.rra,ltana Pluralma].

ngkarrintja   n. discussion.

ngkathaakwa   thirsty. See: ngkathala.

ngkathala   n. thirsty. Era ngkathala inthurra, kwatja itjanga. He is very thirsty because there is no water.

ngkeiparra   n. darter. Anhinga melanogaster. Ngkeiparra urlpaiyala pa kwatja eterala untharlaapuma. Darters live in the river or by the edge of the water .

ngkinya    See: ingkinya.

ngkupia   n. anthill.

ngkurlpa   n. tobacco, rock pituri. Nicotiana gossei. Ngkurlpa-karlaka ilpminya lhaangama, ilkuma-ntama. Pituri is mixed with ashes, then chewed.

ngkurlpa-ngkurlpa   n. false native tobacco. Nicotiana velutina. Nhanha ngkurlpa-ngkurlpa, tharrka waara. This is false pituri, just a plant!

ngkwaarla   n. 1 • sweet things, sweet substance. Ngkwaarla erralunga ntjaarra mangkama rirrkala. Lots of honey grevillea bushes grow in the sandhills.

2 • alcohol, wine. Unta ngkwaarla ntjunha? Do you drink alcohol?

ngkwaarna   n. bone.

ngkwaltja   n. 1 • pieces, crumbs.

2 • money, change, coins. Ngkwaltja paka ungkwanga intama? Do you have any coins?

ngkwaltja-errama   vi. breaking into pieces. Morph: [ngkwaltja + suff.erra,ma].

ngkwaltja-ilama   vt. break into pieces. Morph: [ngkwaltja + suff.ila,ma].

ngkwaltja-ngkwaltja   n. bits and pieces. Morph: [ngkwaltja reduplic].

ngkwarlknga-karta   n. cold, flu, snotty nose. Relhala ngkwarlknga-kartala aarra-aarra ntjuma, urnpa ntjaanama. People with colds drink and inhale lemon grass potions.

nguanga   n. tame, non-belligerent, quiet, merciful.

ngula   pron. who.

ngunha   pron. who, what place. Relha lanha ngunha? Who is that? Pmara ngunha nhanha? What place is this?

ngunhaka   pron. whose.

ngurla   n. cool, refreshing.

ngurla-ilama   vt. refresh, cool down. Morph: [ngula + suff.ila,ma].

ngurla-ilalhama   vi. refresh self. Morph: [ngurlilama –suff. –lha,ma].

ngurla-errama   vi. Relieve oneself, urinate, euphem. Lit: become cool. Morph: [ngurla + suff. –erra,ma].

ngurraka   adv. yesterday, previously, the time before today. Kwatja marra inthurrala ngurraka nhaka. Kanha lyaarta maartara itja wutha nama. Langala arama. We had a good rain yesterday. But today there are no more clouds. The sun is shining. Ngurraka nurna kutatha imampurla wulhaka, tjina urrputja minta inthurra intamanga. Muntja waara etna marra-errama. Arlta urrputjala etna kala intakala, nurna inguntha aritjina nthaakinha etna nama. We were always feeling upset before, as a few of our friends were very sick. They are getting better only slowly. They rested for a few days, and we will see tomorrow how they are.

ngurra-ngurra   n. evening, late afternoon towards dark. Mpalha kapurtala, relha ngurra-ngurra waara pmaranga rraatama, irna pa tharrka kwatja nthitjika, kurunga urlpurta kutjimala iwutjika. In the sweltering heat of the day, people come out of their homes in the late afternoon to water trees and grass, and to pick up and throw out the rubbish. Ngurra-ngurra, artwa nhanhala tap altjura-ilamala kaaralhaka. The man opened the tap in the afternoon and waited.

ngurrala   In the evening.

ngurra-ngurra-errama   vi. become evening, become late afternoon. Ngurra-ngurra-erramanga, mia pa kaarta waara katjianha arama, etna paka paarrpa pmara-urna pitjalputjina. As it is becoming late in the day, mother and father have a look for their children, to see if they are coming home quickly. Ngurra-ngurra-erramanga, miala marna etama, ingkarrakala ilkutjika. As it is becoming late in the day, mother cooks some food for all of the family to eat. Morph: [ngurrangurra + suff.erra,ma].

-nha1   v.end. 1 • 'to be existing' with verbs bases of state, being and existence such as intama 'lying'. Parta nhaakwa urntwaarra intanhama. The hills are over there on the other side. Tjaiya rraatja intanhama The road is straight.

2 • 'to do while going away' from base, reference location with errama verbs which describe a state. Kwatja yarranhamanga, mpurlaarra itnaama. When the rain clears, a rainbow appears. ntakerranhama continue to become scattered. Morph: [ntaka + suff.erra,ma].

-nha2   v.end. do while going away, doing along a motion path. With inanimate Subjects it implies that the event indicated by the verb happens along a path. Etna lhamala ilia aranhaka They saw an emu while they were going away. rraatanhama go out while going away. Morph: [rratama + suff.nha,ma]. ararlparanhama always look while going away from speaker. Morph: [arama, reduplic. + suff.nha,ma]. inanhama gets while going away. Morph: [inama + suff.nha,ma]. kurltanhama cover over while going along. Morph: [kurltama. + suff.nha,ma]. tjaananhama cross over while going away. Morph: [tjaanama + suff.nha,ma].

-nha3   v.end. The doer of an action similar to '-er' in English, ilkunha 'eater'. This can also be applied to instruments such as intanga thanha 'seed grinder'. Nominaliser. Can also involve reduplication of the verb base. Rutja nhanha kwatja intanha. This water dish is called rutja. Thepa kara ilkunha ntjaarra birds which are meat-eaters, birds of prey, from ilkuma 'eat'. Parta thurnta nhanha marna intanga thanha. This grinding stone is used for grinding seeds. Nhanha tjinaparlka, ingkaka ekarralhanha. This is a shoe, to wear on your foot. Morph: [ekarrama + suff.lha,nha]. Ingkarna waara artwa ntjaarrala kwatja errkunha kngarritja mpaaraka, Ntariaka. After that the men constructed a large water tank in Hermannsburg.

-nha4   n.end. Shows the person who is the Subject in a sentence. Laakinhanga Ingkaartanha itja marra wulhaka. The pastor didn't feel well because of that.

-nha5   n.end. Shows the person or thing which is the Object, the one who the action of the verb is being done to. Used to distinguish between Object and Actor in a clause. Kwaarra kngarritjanha ilama warnka. A big teenage girl is called warnka. Katjianha kaltjinthama mpurrkaka intalhintja. They are teaching the children the women's ceremonial designs. Mia kaartala kngulya itnura kukanha kara nthama. Dingo parents give their pups meat.

nhaaka   Variant: nhaakwa.

nhaakwa   Variant: nhaaka. pron. over there. A fair distance away. Kara-arra nhaakwa nama, parta nyintanga urntwaarra. The kangaroo is over there, on the other side of a hill. Parta nhaakwa urlpaiyanga urntwaarra intanhama. The hills are over there on the other side of the river.

nhaarrkuma   vt. squeeze. Katjia maama-karta irtnimanga, miala erinha nhaarrkuma, urlpurta rraatitjika. When a child is crying because of a sore, his mother squeezes it to get out the rubbish.

nhalka   n. satisfied. Yinga kala nhalka, marna ilkukala. I'm satisfied. I've eaten well.

nhalka-errama   vi. become satisfied. Atha kara erinha nthaka. Era kala nhalka-errama. I gave him some meat. He's becoming satisfied now.

nhama   vt. rain, water, sprinkle or water something. See: kwatjala nhama. kwatjala nhama It is raining.

nhanga   1 • pron. that, that one previously referred to. Kwatja iparta naka, nhanga relhala tnyaakala, pmaranga etinya. The well, the one that had been dug not far from the settlement, was there.

2 • adv. when, a situation or event that the speaker wants the hearer to recall. Katjia yinganha ilpangkalhelaka, "Unta nhanga ngkaka: nurna urlpaiya-urna purta lhitjika". The child reminded me, "You know what you said, that you will take us all to the river." Kngarripata nyintala yia ilaka, "Imanka arrkutja tharra Ntaria-urna pitjikala. Kurrka waara arrpunhaka yinga ilpangkama kuta, nhanga Tea Rooms unta ilpangkama, room alturla lanha, store room nakala. Kaarta mia nukanhala bed room mpaaraka. Kurunga arrkutja tharra nhanhala intaka." The old lady related, "Long ago, two ladies came to Hermannsburg. I recollect some of what happened still today. Now, you remember the Tea Rooms and the room on that west end, which was a store room previously. My father and mother made it into a bedroom. So then the two ladies slept here, in this room." Altjirrala kala nurnaka nguanga ntelalhaka. Era nhanga Jesuanha yairnaka ntulkala ilutjika, kurna nurnakanhakakwia. God has already shown himself to be merciful. For that reason he sent Jesus to die on the cross, because of our sins. Tjitjarta ingkarraka nurnakanha kaltjinthai ungkwanga-iperra rraatja eterritjika, nhanga pmarakurtwia ntjaarranha, kurtungurla etnakanha turta. Teach all of our leaders to think correctly about you. We refer to the landowners, and their custodians, as well.

nhangaparla   n. that kind, that sort. Thungarlpa nhangaparla nhanha, irna ititja-ipenha. That kind of lerp that's here, it is from the mulga tree.

nhanga-rinya   n. that’s, that ones very own, pertaining only to that one. Morph: [nhanga + suff. ·rinya].

nhanha   pron. 1 • this, this one. It can occur alone, or describing something else. nhanha minta This one's sick. Katjia kurrka nhanha ngaiyala This baby is hungry. Marna katjirra nhanha urnma, marra ilkutjika. Unta arama katjirra arrpunha? Arrpunha nhanha itja urnma. This wild tomato is ripe, good to eat. Do you see the other wild tomatoes? These others are not ripe.

2 • here. Ma, kwatja nhanha inai, ntjutjika! Here, take this water, to drink it! Nhanha kara-arra nama, kara marra! Here is a kangaroo, which is good meat!

nhanhala   adv. here, at this place. Era itja nhanhala nama. Era kala pmara-urna alpukala. He's not here. He's already gone back home. "Katha nhanhala nitjika arrararnalhai! Ntulya marrala." "Sit down outside, here at this place! There's good shade."

nhaala   adv. here (short form of nhanhala). Era itja nhaala nama. Era lhaka. He's not here. He's gone. Era pmara kwaarna nhaala ankwa-intama. He is here, inside the house, asleep.

nhanha-rinya   n. belonging to this, this kind. Katjia nhanha pmara nhanha-rinya. The child is from here, from this place.

nharra   kt. woman’s mother-in-law, woman’s daughter-in-law. Kwaarra nukanhaka nharra era pmara arrpunha-rinya. My daughter's mother-in-law is from a different community.

nhau-urna   adv. Somewhere over there. Nhau-urna relha turrama. People are fighting somewhere over there.

ninta-ilama   vt. explain. Unta itja ngkatja inpura nhanha ninta-ilama. You are not explaining this difficult expression.

ninta-ilintja   n. explanation. Morph: [nintilama + suff–ntja].

nita-nita   n. rich, wealthy.

nita-nita-errama   vi. become rich. Morph: [nitanita + suff.erra,ma].

nita-nita-ilama   vt. make rich. Morph: [nitanita + suff. –ila,ma].

ntaiyawuma   vt. fornicate.

ntaiyawunha   n. fornicator. Morph: [ntaiyawuma + suff.·nha].

ntaka   n. wide, broad. Kwatja rua ntaka ingkarna pitjima. A broad tract of water is coming behind the floodwaters.

ntaka-errama   become wide, become broad. Relhala parta arrarnama, kwatja eterala. Era anma aritjika pitjitjina, kwatja paka ntaka-errama. People put a rock at the edge of the water. They can later on come back and see if the water has perhaps risen in level. Morph: [ntaka + suff.erra,ma].

ntaka-erranhama   vi. continue to become wide. Morph: [ntaka + suff.erra,nha,ma]. Arlta urrputjala kwatjala nhamanga, urlpaiya ntaka-erranhama. It was raining for a few days, so the river got wider and wider.

ntaka-erretnama   vi. become wide while going along. Urala mpumanga, wurinya waarnamanga, ura ntaka-erretnama. When there's a fire burning, and the wind blows, the fire fans out and widens. Morph: [ntaka + suff.erra,etnama].

ntaka-ilama   vt. make something wide. Iparta-ilamala, etna ngkama, "Nhanha turta ntaka-ilai!" Digging a hole, they say, "Make this bit a little wider!" Morph: [ntaka + suff.ilama].

ntakaarra   n. south.

ntakaarra-thaka   southwards, in a southerly direction.

ntakarrampinya   n. southern part or region. Morph: [ntakarra + suff–mpinya].

-ntama   end. 'then' One event follows another.Temporal marker of successive events. Pupulya kngarritja-erramala, ntjitjaarra-ntama-errama. Tadpoles grow big and then become frogs. Ngkurlpa-karlaka ilpminya lhaangama, ilkuma-ntama. Pituri is then mixed with ashes, then chewed. Wurra kuka era mangkamala ilpmarrka-ntama nitjina. A boy will grow up and become a teenager. Mia kaarta nukanhala-ntama araka lhunga arrpunha-ntama, lhunga kurrka marra inthurra. My mother and father then noticed another burrow, quite a good one. Kurunga nurna lhaka kara-ntama tnyaatjika. Then we went to dig for rabbits.

ntangkama   vt. call, beckon.

ntangkalhama   vt. summon, call to oneself. Morph: [ntangkama. + suff.lha.ma].

ntangkarlalhama   vt. call or summon just before leaving,

ntangkintja   n. summons, calling, Morph: [ntangkama + suff.nt ia].

ntaparrperrama   vi. go off the track.

Ntaria   n. A place name for Hermannsburg. Ntaria encompasses a section of the Finke River and also the northern side of its banks where Hermannsburg township today stands. This is the traditional name for this area. The German missionaries who arrived in 1877 called the settlement which they established, 'Hermannsburg' after the town in Germany from which they had come. Pmara Ntaria urlpaiyanga eterala nama. Urlpaiya nhanha era nama Lhara Pinta, urlpaiya kngarritja. Imanka pmara-rinya relha lurinya-lela urrkaapuka, pmara irtitjika: Ingkaartaka, tnairnarintjaka, relha arrpunhaka turta. Lyaarta etna pmara ingkwia nhanha ntjaarranha ilama, 'precinct'. Hermannsburg is on the banks of a river. This is the Finke River, a large river. Long ago local people and white people worked together to build houses: for the pastor, for shepherds and for others. These days they call these buildings 'the precinct'.

ntara   n. fat, butter, margarine, grease, oil.

ntara-ntara   fatty.

ntara-ilama   vt. make to be fatty. Morph: [ntara + suff.ila,ma].

ntarntarama   vt. look after, care for. Atha kngarripata nhanha ntarntarama, marna pa kwatja nthamala. Era yaarna unthama. I'm looking after this old person, giving her food and water. She can't get around.

ntarntaralhama.   vi. 1ook after self. Yinga nuka-rinya ntarntaralhama. Atha marna rraatja ilkuma. I care for myself. I eat well. Morph: [ntarntarama + suff. –lha ,ma].

ntarntaraparama   vt. look after constantly. Old language. See: ntarntararlaanama. Morph: [ntarntarama, reduplic].

ntarntararlaanama   vt. Look after constantly, care for constantly. Artwa ntjaarrala arltala pa ingula tnuntha etnanha ntarntararlaanama. The men are, in the day and the night, constantly looking after the animals.

ntarntaranha   n. a guardian, a person who looks after someone else. See: ntarntarintja. "Unta katjia nhanha ntarntaranha. Unta erinha rraatja tnyinai!" "You are the carer for this child. Look after him well!" Morph: [ntarntarama + suff.nha].

ntarntarintja   n. guardian, carer, godparent. See: ntarntaranha. Ngunha paka katjia nhanhaka ntarntarintja?' Who might be this child's guardian?

ntarringama   vt. pursue, hunt, chase. Old word. Arrkutja nhanhala yinganha kutatha ntarringama, nuka-lela pmara-iperra ngkarritjika. This woman is chasing me all the time, to talk with me about country.

ntatha   n. Variant: antatha. flower, blossom.

ntelama   vt. show, exhibit, display something. Relha kngarritjala katjia erinha pmarrama, "Unta nuka ntelama, maama nthanha?" The adult asks the child, "Show me where the sore is." Nyingkala kwatja ntelama. Zebra finches show where water is. Era ramia tukala errilknga ntelama. She shows the goanna that she killed.

ntelalhama   vi. show oneself (to be).

kangkintja ntelalhama   show kindness, love. Morph: [ntelamasufflha,intja.]

-ntema   end. also, too, as well. Era-ntema nurnaka-lela pitjima He's coming with us too. Yinga marra-ntema I'm well too. Irrpaanga turta-ntema etna errkukala nurna ilkuka. We also had some fish that they'd caught.

ntemarrka nama   vi. sit cross-legged. Wurra nhanha ntemarrka nama. This boy is sitting cross-legged.

nthaakinha   adv. how? Nthaakinha paka atha ungkwanga-kwia mpaarama? How can I do this for you? Unta kaltja nama nthaakinha kara-arra etitijika? Do you know how to cook a kangaroo? Era minta naka. Nthaakinha era lyaarta nama? Era marra-erraka? He was sick. How is he today? Has he got better?

nthaakinha-errama?   What's happening? Nthaakinha-errama? Relha ntjaarra tera arrtjanama! What's happening? Everyone is frightened and running away! Morph: [nthaakinha + suff.erra,ma].

nthaakintja   n. How many? Nthaakintja relha urlpaiya-urna lhama? How many people are going to the river? Nthaakintja ngkwaltja ungkwanga intama, marna initjika? How much money do you have, so as to get food?

nthaakintja-raanga?   How many times?

nthaala   adv. where at (contraction of nthanhala). Nthaala unta nama? Where are you?

nthakinha   See main entry: nthaakinha.

nthakintja   See main entry: nthaakintja.

nthalhama   vi. give up, cede. Unta nthalhama ekura, nganha kapanha tutjika? Do you give up to him, so that he can hit you? Morph: [nthama + .suff.lha,ma ].

nthalka   n. rubbish left by a flood, debris. Urlpaiya era rua lhaka. Eterala, nthalka intama: irnaka ipalha pa etintja. The river was in flood. Rubbish lies at the edges: leaves from the tree and branches.

nthama   vt. give. Era katjianha marna nthama. She is giving the child some food.

nthetnama   vt. give back. Morph: [nthama + suff.etnama].

nthitjalpuma   vt. give back, restore. Morph: [nthama + suff.tjalpu,ma].

nthalalhama   vt. give before leaving, Morph: [nthama + suff.lana.,ma].

nthalinama   vt. sending something with a person who is going to the place where you want to send something. Unta yultha ungkwanga ekura-lela nthalinama You can send your things with him. Morph: [nthamasuff.lena –ma].

nthalanama   vt. keep on giving, Morph: [nthama suff.lana,ma].

nthanha-nthanha   n. giver, donor. Morph: [nthama + suff.nha, reduplic.]

nthanha   adv. Where?

nthanhala   adv. where at. Nthanhala pmara ungkwanga? Where do you live?

nthanhanga   adv. where from?

nthanha-rinya   n. belonging to where? (referring to a person’s home).

nthapa-errama   vi. dance. Variant: nthaperrama. Arrkutja tjirlaarra ekarralhama, nthapa-erritjika. Arrkutja nthapa-errama. Women put on headbands so that they can dance. The women are dancing.

ntharrarta   n. blue-tongued lizard. Tiliqua sp.. Ntharrarta kara relha imangkinyala ilkutjaarta. Long ago people used to eat blue-tongue lizards.

nthau-urna   adv. where to?

ntheilpara   n. star.

nthelama   vt. kindle a fire (with ura). Old language.

nthitja   n. young man.

nthulapuma    See: unthama.

nthuma   See main entry: unthama.

nthurrknga-errama   vi. become, sad, sorrowful. Tjina kngarra nuka nama. Nurna nthurrknga-erramanga, era nurnanha alkngurlknga-ilama. I have a great friend. When we become sad, he comforts us. Morph: [nthurrknga –suff. –errama].

nthurrkngerrintja   n. wailing, sorrowing. Nthurrkngerrintja etnakanha itja yarrama. Etna ltaarrpa kngarra kuta irtnima. Their wailing does not stop. They cry on and on as they are very sad. Morph: [nthurrkngerrama. + suff.ntja].

nthurrpa   n. true, correct, right.

nthurrpa-errama   vi. come true. Morph: [nthurrpa + suff. –errama].

nthurrpa-ilama   vt. make it come true. Morph: [nthurrpa + suff.ila,ma].

-ntja   v.end. Forms nominals from verbs. Nominaliser. Mangala alknga nuka kaakumanga wangkintja kngarritja mpaarama. When flies bite my eyes, my eyes swell right up (Literally: make a swelling).

ntjaakarrilama   vt. load or hoist on shoulders.

ntjaama   n. bed, mattress, blanket. Kngulya ntjaama kartninyala intama. The dog is lying on top of the blanket.

ntjaama   vi. excude a smell, reek.

ntjaamiwuma   vt. put down on bed.

ntjaanama   vt. smell, sniff, inhale. Marna lyilyaaka urnma unta ilanganga ntjaanama. You can smell the ripe banana­ flavoured bush tomatoes from a long way off. Alkngaarta minta ngkwarlknga-kartala ura etitjika, urnpa ntjaanitjika. People with colds burn the native pine leaves and inhale the smoke.

ntjaanga   n. waterhole.

Ntjaanga   n. Name used for Glen Helen and the waterhole there. Nurna Ntarianga yirrara lhamanga, nurna Pmara Aarra-Aarra-urna lhama. Urntwaarra Ntjaanga kala intama: kwatja iparta kngarritja, kutatha kwatja-karta. When we go north of Hermannsburg, we go to the place called Aarra-Aarra. Going on further, 'Ntjaanga' ('Glen Helen waterhole') is there: a large waterhole, where water is always to be found.

ntjaapara   n. entire, whole. Kwatja marra inthurrala nhakalanga, pmara ntjaapara tharrka kngarra inthurra mangkama. Because there's been beautiful rain, all across the country there is lots of grass growing. Mpurrka ntjaapara ilkaarta wulhama. My whole body is aching. Yinga ilkaarta wulhaka, kurunga relha nyinta arrpunhala mpurrka ntjaapara yinganha parnaka. I felt this pain, so one other person massaged my whole body.

ntjaarra   n. three or more, Plural Marker. Arrkutja ntjaarra lyilhama Women are singing. See: mapa.

ntjaarra-raanga   many times. Artwa era imanka minta-errakalanga, lyaartalpula minta kuta namanga, ntjaarra-raanga era ngangkara-urna lhakala. As the man got sick a long time ago, and right up to today is still unwell, he has gone many times to the doctor.

ntjaarra-ilama   vt. make to be many, increase. Morph: [ntjaarra + suff.ila,ma].

ntjaarrknga   n. fairy martin. Cecropis ariel.

ntjaarrknga tuma   vi. sneeze (with tuma).

ntjaatjintja   n. flash, gorgeous.

ntjia   n. sweat, perspiration.

ntjilpartilama   vt. damage, hit by accident.

ntjima   vi. climb, go up, ascend. Wurra nyinta irnaka ntjima. one boy is climbing the tree.

ntjilhelama   vi. cause to come up, climb, ascend. Morph: [ntjima +suff.lhela,ma].

ntjinhama   vi. climb while going away from. Morph: [ntjima + suff.nha,ma].

ntjintjima   come up towards speaker. Morph: [ntjima. suff.intji,ma].

ntjira   n. woollybutt grass. Eragrostis eriopoda. Relha ngkwarlknga-kartala ntjira etamala ntjuma. People with a cold boil woollybutt grass and drink it.

ntjirrka   n. dry, dried out, dead. Used of plants and grass. Rirrtja is used of other dried-out objects. tharrka ntjirrka, irnaama ntjirrka. dry grass.

ntjirrka-errama   vi. become dry. Yalka tharrka ntjirrka-errama The yalka plant becomes dry. Morph: [ntjirrkaerrama].

ntjirrka-ilama   vt. make dry. Morph: [ntjirrkailama].

ntjitjaarra   n. frog. Ntjitjaarra ngkama, kwatja kngarranga. Frogs croak when there's lots of rain.

ntjuma   adv. away from.

ntjuma-errama   vi. turn away, turn back on.

ntjuma lhama    ltja nuka-urna pitjima, era ntjuma lhama. This woman isn't coming towards me, she is going away from me.

ntjuma   vt. drink, imbibe. Relha ngkwarlknga-kartala errpmangk-errpmangk ntjuma. People with colds and flu drink this native fuchsia mixture.

ntjurlaanama   vt. continue to drink. Morph: [ntjuma + suff.rlaana,ma].

ntjunha-ntjunha   n. drinker. Morph: [ntjuma. + suff.nha, reduplic.]

ntjuntjamia   n. drink, beverage. Atha arltama-arlta ntjuntjamia nhanha ntjuma, errua lumara-kunya. I have this drink every day: tea with no sugar. Morph: [ntjuma + suff.ntja].

ntjurta   n. pelvis.

ntjwia   n. corkwoods, Genus hakea. Fork-leafed, Long-leafed. Hakea divaricata, Hakea suberea.

ntjwia errkngalha   n. corkwood bark (bark from Hakea trees). Ntjwia errkngalhala katjia ekarra-karta parnama Children with itchy sores have corkwood bark rubbed on them.

ntjwi-ampa   n. flower of corkwood tree. Hakea chordophylla. Ngkwaarla ntjwi-ampa etna kwatjaka arrarnitjaarta. They used to soak corkwood flowers in water.

ntuiya   kt. wife's father, father in-law.

ntulka   n. cross.

ntulkaka-ilama   vt. crucify. Morph: [ntulka+suff–ka –ila –ma].

ntulkaka-ilintja   n. crucifixion. Morph: [ntulkakilama. +suff.ntja].

ntulya   n. 1 • shade, shadow. Artwa nhanhala mukaarta ntulya tnyinama. This man wears a hat for shade.

2 • picture, photo, image, painting. Era ntulya parnama. She paints the canvas. Lintara ntjaarra wurla-erraka, ntulya ekuranha aritjika. The white people gathered to see his paintings.

nturlpa   n. hip, hipbone. Nturlpa kurna-erramanga, relha inurra ngerra lhapalhama, itja wutha rraatja. The hipbone deteriating in condition, a person limps around to some extent, and does not walk well any more.

nturlpa-errama   vi. itchy, become itchy. Atha iwupa mpaaramanga, mpurrka errkumala, nturlp-errama. If I touch an itchy grub, my skin becomes itchy.

nturrknga   n. brain. Relhala etlarama. Relha ilpangkama nthaakinha-errakala. Relha kaltjerrama iltjala mpaaritjika, ingka unthitjika, aritjika, wutjika, ngkitjika. Laakinhanga nturrknga era nama tjipaarra. People think. People remember what's happened. People learn to do things with their hands, to walk, to see, to hear, to speak. That is why the brain is important.

nturrurta   n. spinifex pigeon. Geophaps plumifera. Thepa nturrurta kakara untharlaapuma, arnala. Spinifex pigeons run around busily on the ground.

ntuthilama   vt. feed. Ngurrala artwa nhanhala kngulya ekuranha ntuthilama, kara nthamala. In the evening this man feeds his dog, giving it meat.

ntwaarra    See: urntwaarra.

nua    See: mit.

n. spouse, partner, wife, husband. Nua nukanhaka kalya era mpaarna nuka. My wife's older brother is my mpaarna. Mia kaarta kwaarra nyinta-karta naka. Kngarritja-errakala, era artwa inama, nua ekuranha nitjika. A mother and father had one daughter. When she became an adult, she takes a man to be her husband. Artwa nyintala arrkutja nyinta iltaarama, nua ekura nitjika. A man finds a woman to be his spouse.

nua-kunya   n. without spouse or partner, single. Artwa nhanha era inkintja-rinya. Era nua-kunya kngarripata-errakala. This man is from the single men's camp. He grew old without marrying. Syn: nua raapa. Morph: [nua + suff–kunya].

nuangkama   vi. sounding hollow. Era arna taakama, nuangkamanga wutjika. She is tapping the ground to listen for a hollow sound.

nuarta   n. married couple. Often followed by tharra. Nuarta tharrala katjia urrputja kwatja-urna kngaka, walhitjika. The married couple took a few children to the water, to swim. Thepa parlkara nuarta waara kutatha untharlaapuma. Crested pigeons always go around together: husband and wife.

nuka   pron. my. For me, to me. A number of suffixes of location, direction and causation follow this form of 'you'. Atha ngkwaltja nuka iltjala tnyinama. I am holding my coins in my hands. Mia nuka nthurrpa nuka kangkama. Era kutatha yinganha marra inthurra ntarntarama. My mother truly loves me. She always looks after me so very well. Mangala kaakukala, alknga nuka wangkama. Bush flies having bitten my eyes, they swelled up. Nuka yia ilai. Nthaakinha ngerra paka unta pmara arrpunhala naka! Tell me what happened! How did things go with you, when you stayed at that other place?

nuka-rinya   pron. my very own. Pertaining to me only. "Yinga yaarna nuka-rinya ilalhama. Atha itja ngkwaltja ungkwanganha inaka. Unta nyinta-raanga paka wuma?" "I cannot say it was me. I did not take your money. Can't you understand this straight away?" Morph: [nuka + suff.rinya].

nurna   pron. we (three or more people). Nurna iltha mpaaraka We made a shelter.

nurna ingkarraka    Nurna ingkarraka lhama, katjia nuka initjika, era lyaarta pitjalpumanga. We all go to fetch my child, as she is coming back home today. Nurna ingkarrakala iltha mpaaraka, kwatjanga. We all worked to make a shelter, when it was raining.

nurnaka   pron. our Belonging to a group of people, three or more. Nurna kaarta pa mia namala, nurna katjia nurnaka rraatja ntarntaritjika. Being a mother and father, we are to look after our children well.

nurnaka-rinya   pron. our very own, belonging only to us. Yultha nhanha ntjaarra nurnaka-rinya, atha tnyinama. These things, that I am looking after, belong to us. Morph: [nurnakasuff. –rinya].

nurnanha   pron. us (Three or more people). Aiyua nyintala nurnanha kaltjinthama, nthaakinha irna ingkurta erinha tarnamala rraatja-ilitjika. One older man is teaching us how to straighten out a crooked piece of wood.

nurta   n. lap. Miala katjia kurrka ekuranha nurtala tnyinama. Mum holds her little baby on her lap. Katjia itja marna ilkumanga, erinha nurtaka arrarnamala, erinha ilkutjika nthama. When a child is not eating food properly, people put him on their lap and give him food to eat.

nururrka   n. heel. Nururrka era nama ingka ingkarna-mpinya. The heel is the back part of the foot.

nwarrintjaama   vi. stinking, smells. Marna arlparrantji urnma nwarrintjaama. The ripe bush tomato has a smell. Pmaranga etinya, tnuntha nyinta ilukala nwarrintjaama. One animal died near the house and it stinks.

nyilknga-nyilknga   n. secretly, stealthily. Nyilknga-nyilknga unta relha arrpunha-lela ngkarrama, tjina ungkwanganhaka era minta arrpunha-kartanga. You talk with other people secretly, when your family member is sick with a chronic disease.

nyilkngaka-errama   v.i. thief, become a. Katjia ntjaarra nyilkngaka-errama, etna rrangkia marna-karta aramala. Etna irrpumala, inama-ntama. Children become thieves when they see the palm trees with dates. They enter the grounds and then get them.

nyilkngala inama   v.t. steals, robs. Relha nyintala motorcar nukanha nyilkngala inamala, ilanga lhaka, pmara arrpunha-urna. One person, stealing my motorcar, drove a long way to a different community.

nyilkngaampa   n. thief, robber. Relha nhanha era nama nyilkngaampa. Shop-aka irrpumanga, era kutatha yultha inama, maarntarrala kurltamala kngama. This person is a thief. Entering shops, he continues to take things, covering them under his clothes, and carrying them away.

nyingalauwuma   vi. suffers, suffer pain.

nyingalauwuntja   n. suffering. Morph: [nyingalauwuma + suff.ntja].

nyingka   n. zebra finch. Taeniopygia guttata. Nyingkala kwatja ntelama. Zebra finches show where water is.

nyinhanga   kt. Pair, father and son.

nyinhanganhanga   kt. a father and sons, as in a family land holding group.

nyinta   num. one, a, an. Artwa nyinta itnaama tjaarta-karta. One man is standing, with his spears.

nyinta-errama   vi. become one, become united, join together. Katjia ntjaarra arrkana etnakanhaka, pmara arrpunha-rinya turta, nyinta-errama, arrkanerritjika. Children joined together with those from other communities to enjoy their sports activities. Relha pmara-rinya ntjaarra ngkarritjika nyinta-errama, nthaakinha katjia ntjaarra school-aka rraatja irrputjika. The people from the community come together, to discuss how to support the children achieve high school attendance. Morph: [nyinta +erra,ma].

nyinta-lhelama   vt. 1 • mix together. Marna urlpmanthaka kwatja thaalama, tharra nyinta-lhelama. Pour the water into the flour, then mix the two together.

2 • unite, bond, join together, cause to be one. Etakala tjarlangkala errkuma, era irna tharranha nyinta-lhelitjika. After the spinifex tar has been heated, he uses it to join the two parts together.

nyinta-raanga   adv. once, one time. Tjaartala thanthakala, pangkalangka kngarritja inthurra era nyinta-raanga wutha aiyangkaka, kurunga iluka. Having been speared, the giant boogie man breathed once more, then died. Shop era pmaranga ilanganga, arrkutja nyintala etlaraka nyinta-raanga marna kara kngarra kutanta initjika. The shop being a distance from home, one woman decided to get a good supply of food and meat in one trip. Morph: [nyinta + suff.raanga].

nyintama-nyinta   adv. one by one. Era ngkatja nyintama-nyinta intalhelaka. He wrote down the words, one by one. Relha ntjaarra nyintama-nyinta pmaraka rriwa urlpmaka irrpuka. The people entered the narrow door of the house one by one. Thepa wangkara kuka urrputja nyintama-nyinta mianga tnaartangala lhama, kwatjaka irrputjika. A few little ducks go one by one with their mother, to go into the water. Morph: [nyinta + suff.ama, reduplic.]

nyinta-rinya   n. alone, solitary. Morph: [nyinta + suff.rinya]. Thepa lhumpa-lhumpa nyinta-rinya untharlaapuma. The black-faced woodswallow roams around on its own. Urlpaiyala rua lhamanga, relha ntjaarra lhaka, aritjika. Kngarripata nyinta-rinya pmarala narlaanaka. As the river was in flood, lots of people went to look. One old person stayed home by himself.

nyurrpa   n. adjacent generations, father's or son's generation. Imanka relha ntjaarra arnparnintja-karta naka. Etna rraatja anparnitjaarta. Laakinhanga, artwa nyurrpa ntjaarrala kwaiyaka katjia etnanha arrkana waara ilitjaarta. Long ago people lived knowing their relationship to others. They used to address each other correctly. So a man of a higher generation used to jokingly talk to the children of his older sister: they were 'nyurrpa'.