U - u

ulta   n. side, flank of body. Relha arrpunhala erinha tukalanga, relha nyinta mpangkama, "Ulta ilkaartanga!" Someone else having hit him, the person groans, "My side aches!" Kngarripata nhanha ulta rruthalhamala, intama. This old person is lying down on his side.

Umpaarrtja   n. Place name, Tyler's Pass.

ungkwaltja   See main entry: ngkwaltja.

ungkwanga   pron. 1 • Your, for you, to you, from you. Katjia kurrka ungkwanga irtnima ngaiyalanga. Your baby is crying because it is hungry. Katjia kurrka ungkwanganhala kngarra ntjukalanga, era arrkana marra wulhama. Your baby, having drunk a lot, feels happy and good.

2 • A number of suffixes of location, direction and causation follow this form of 'you'. Era ungkwanga kangkama. She loves you. Kwaarra nyintala mia ekura rruntjaka. Nhanha aramala, kaartala ilaka, "Awa, era ungkwanga kangkama." A girl kissed her mum. Seeing this, dad said, "Yep, she loves you."

2 • Used when you are the cause of something. Ungkwanganga era irtnima. He's crying because of you.

ungkwanga-rinya   your very own. Yultha nhanha ungkwanga-rinya. These things are your very own.

ungkwangiltja   pron. your very own. Nhanha ungkwangiltja. Nhanha ungkwanga inthurra. These are your very own. These are very much yours only. Morph: [ungwanga + suffiltja].

ungkwanganha   pron. your. Kaamurna tjia ekura-urna ngkaka, "Imanka atha kwaarra ungkwanganha araka. Lyaarta atha arama era kala tjinya-erraka." Mother's brother said to his younger sister, "It was a long time back that I saw your daughter. Now I see she is indeed tall." Katjia ungkwanganhala nganha arrkarnama, unta ngkatja tharra ngkamanga? "Kaartala ilkuma." "Mpa, pmara-urna!" "Nhanha iwunha?" Does your child copy two words together, after you say them? Words like: "Father's eating". "Let's go home!". "What's this?" Nurna ngkatja ungkwanganha rraatja wuma. We hear correctly what you stated. Urrpia relha nhanha etnaka-urna yairnai, ngkatja ungkwanganha-karta. Send a messenger to these people, with your message. Ingkaartala etnanha ilaka, "Altjirra Kaartala kurna ungkwanganha iwuma." The pastor told them, "God the Father forgives your sins."

unpaarta   n. sulky, resentful. Kwaarra nhanhala iwunhangala yinganha unpaartala arama? Why is this girl looking at me in such a sulky way? Relhala pmaraka irrpukala, kurunga yultha kngarra nyilkngala inakala, pmarakurtwia pitjalpumala, pmara ekuranha arama-ntama. "Yakai, yultha nuka kngarra inaka!" Relha arrpunhala erinha arama unpaarta namanga. When someone has gone into a house, then stolen lots of things, when the owner comes back he then looks around in the house. "Oh-oh, lots of my things have been taken!" That's when other people see him looking sulky.

unpaarta-errama   vi. become resentful, scowl. Iwunhangala relha nhanha unpaarta-errama? Era ngkwaltja kngarra inaka. Era arrkana paka wulheikanha. Why is this person becoming sulky? He got a lot of money. He should probably be feeling happy. Morph: [unpaarta+ suff. –erra. –ma].

unpuma   vt. tell to go away, expel. Katjia nyinta pmaraka irrpuka, pmara-ntama urlpurta-ilamala, relha kngarritjala erinha unpuma. A child went into the house. Then, making the house dirty, adults will send the child away. Katjia kurna urrputjala yultha nyilkngala inamanga, shop-akurtwia etnanha unpuma, "Rraatai, pmara-urna alpai!" When a few naughty children steal some things, the shopkeeper sends them away, "Go out, go back home! Katjia nyinta itja kangkwerramanga, School Principal-ala erinha unpuma, anma paka school-urna pitjalputjika. When a child does not obey, the School Principal sends the child away, to later on come back to school.

unpulhama   vi. disassociate oneself from. "Kala lhai! Yinga itja tjina ungkwanga nama!" Laakinha unpulhama. "You just go! I'm not your friend!" A person dissociates himself from another in this way. Morph: [unpuma + suff.lha,ma].

unpurlinama   vt. expel, banish. Relha arrpunhala unpurlinama, "Kala, mia ungkwanga-urna alpai. Mpaarla kutatha turrumanga." Someone else tells others to go away, "That's it, go back to your mother. The two of you are always fighting." Morph: [unpuma + suff. –rlina, ma].

unpurlenama    See: unpuma; unpurlinama.

unta   pron. You. Unta-lua? How about you? Unta ngkai! you say it. Unta kala kaltja nthau-urna lhitjika. Yinga tjaiyaka kutna. You do know where to go. I don't know the route. Unta katjia ungkwanganha pmarrama, "Unta ngaiyala namanga, nthaakinha unta mpaarama?" Nthaakinha era ilama? Thunga paka era ngkama, "Atha marna inama." "Atha ilkuma." "Marna nthai!" You say to your child, "What do you do when you are hungry?" How does your child reply? Maybe he says, "I'll get some food." "I'll eat." "Give me some food!" Unta wutha pmarrama, "Unta paka purrka wulhamanga, nthaakinha unta mpaarama?" Nthaakinha era ilama? Thunga paka era ngkama, "Yinga intama." "Yinga iltjerrama." "Yinga ankwa-errama." You ask again, "If you are tired, what do you do?" How does she answer? Maybe she says, "I'll lie down." "I'll rest." "I'll go to sleep."

unta ilirna   You and I. Nthaakinha, ngaiyala wulhama? Unta ilirna shop-urna lhama, marna initjika? What happens when feeling hungry? Do you and I go to the shop, to get some food? Morph: pssubj.

unthama   vi. roam about, roam around, get around, walk, move, Arrkutja rirrkala unthama, marna katjirraka, ramiaka turta. The women walk around the sandhills, for native sultanas, and for goanna as well. Yinga minta-errakalanga, unthintja itja wutha nama. Yinga yaarna unthama. As I became sick, I can't walk around anymore. I'm not able to walk around. Atuka rirrka-rinya nama. Etna kakara inthurra unthama. Button quail live in sandhill habitats. They run around swiftly.

untharlaapuma   vi. walk around, hunting, go around, roam around, travel around. Era untharlaapuka kngarripata ntjaarra-lela. He went around with the old people. Elintja wurlerrama, tningka etna untharlaapuma. Galahs go around in big flocks. Morph: [unthama + suff.laapu,ma].

untja    See: urntja.

untjwaara   n. white-necked (Pacific) heron. Ardea pacifica. Untjwaara kwatja eterala errarta itnaama. White-necked herons stand motionless by the water's edge.

Untwaantita   n. place close to and west of Gosses Bluff (Tnurrula). 1964-ala, Manasse-la artwa urrputjanha kngaka Untwaantita-urna. Pmara nhanhala etna urrknga kutjika. Ntaria-urna alpukala, Ungwanaka Rontji tharrala pottery mpaaraka. In 1964, Manasse took a few men out to Untwaantita. At this place they collected some clay. Having returned to Hermannsburg, Mr Ungkwanaka and Mr Rontji made pottery.

ura   n. 1 • fire. Relhala ura itjanga, maarnpa waama. When people have no fire, they make one with a firesaw. Karntanga, nurna ura etama, wumpia marra nitjika. When it's cold, we make a fire to keep nice and warm. Wurinya karnta waarnamanga, relha ntjaarrala kwintja mpaarama, kurunga ura etama. When a cool wind blows, people make a windbreak, and then light a fire. Artwa nyintala iparta-ilakala, ura ngkwaltja kngarra arrarnama. Kurunga era ura etama, kara-arra etitjika. One man dug a hole, and put lots of firewood in it. Then he lights a fire, to cook a kangaroo.

2 • firewood. Imanka, relhala ura para ntjirrka etitjaarta. Irna tnaartangala etitjaarta, kurunga irna mpukala tnyimanga kutjitjaarta. Long ago, people used to burn dry river red gum timber. They used to burn the side of the tree, then collected the wood once the tree had burnt and fallen.

ura alkngantha   flame. Ura alkngantha erinha ingula arama, nurna kaltja nama relha pmarala narlaanamanga. When we see a fire burning in the night, we know that people are there at home. Tjaiyanga nurna ura alkngantha mpumanga arama, relha narlaanamanga, tjina arrpunhaka kaaralhama. From the road, we see a fire burning, and people sitting there, waiting for their family to come.

ura ilpaarta   log, firewood. Pmara nhanha ngurraka waara mpukala. Ura ilpaarta arnala intamanga, etna mpurlaanama kuta. Ura kwaarta rraatama. This area was burnt just yesterday. The logs lying on the ground continue to burn. Smoke is rising from them. Relhala irna tjuarnpa etama, kuta mpitjinanga. Relhala irna ititja etama, ura alkngantha mpitjinanga. Nhanha tharra ura irlpaarta marra, ingula mpitjika. People burn ironwood timber, as it burns for a long time. People burn mulga wood, to provide light. These two kinds of firewood are good to burn at night.

ura irrultja   kindling wood. Ura irrultja kutjai! Anma paka, ngkwaltja kngarritjalkura arrarnitjina. Nurna marna lyaarta etamala, ilkutjinanga. Collect kindling wood! A bit later on, we can put on some bigger pieces of wood. We'll cook some tucker today, ready to eat later.

ura kapa   n. ember, burning coal. Aiyua nyintala ilaka, imanka era urlpaiyanga tjaarnanhaka, ura kapa-karta. Arlta nhanhala era wurra kngarritja naka. One old man said that long ago he crossed the river, carrying embers. At this time he was a big boy. Ura kapala tjarlangka ekalha mpaarama, pulya-erritjika. The spinifex resin is heated over the coals and softened and made into a lump. Relha imankinya ntjaarrala unthaka ura kapa-karta. Pmara iltaarakala, intitjika, etna ura kapa arrarnaka, kurunga ura etaka. The ancestors walked the country, carrying embers. Having found a camping place to sleep, they put the embers in place and then lit a fire. Relhala tjuarnpa errkngalha inamala, ura kapa kngitjaarta, pmara arrpunha-urna. Getting ironwood bark, people used to take embers to the next camping place.

ura kwaarta   1 • smoke. Artwa nyintala ura ngkwaltja kutjika, kurunga etaka. Ngkwaltja para-ipenha kutjikalanga, ura kwaarta kngarra-kngarra uranga rraataka. A man collected firewood, then lit it. As he had collected river red gum wood, quite a lot of smoke came from the firewood. Arlta nyintala kaarta nuka irnaka ntjikalanga, ura kwaarta ntakaarra araka. Era irtnika, tjina nurnakanha ntjaarranha leltjala tukalanga. One day my father, having climbed a tree, saw smoke to the south. He wept, as our relatives had been killed by enemies.

2 • cigarette. Unta ura kwaarta ntjumanga, katjiala ntjuma-ntema. When you have a cigarette, your child also breathes in the smoke.

ura ngkwaltja   firewood. Artwala ura ngkwaltja kutjima. The man is collecting firewood. Artwa nyintala pa nua ekuranhala ura ngkwaltja kutjima, irna ititjanga. A man and his wife collect firewood, from the mulga wood tree.

ura twaapala   coals, ashes. Marna lupa marra mangkakala, relha ntjaarrala etnanha kutjima, kurunga ura twaapala etama. Acacia bush seed pods having grown well, people collect them and then cook them in the hot ashes of the fire. Tjaapa tnyamaatja ngaaturanga urlpuntjikala, arrkutja nyintala punta ntjirrka inama, kurunga etama. Arrkutja era-ntama tjaapa ura twaapala etama, ilkutjinala. Having taken the witchetty grub out of the root, the woman collects some dry cassia bush branches and burns them. Then the woman cooks the grubs in the hot ashes of the fire, soon to be eaten. Relha ntjaarra ramiaka lhaka, kurunga etna ramia urrputja tuka. Ura etamala, etna twaapala etamala, kara ilkuka. Kurunga pmara-urna pitjalpuka. A number of people went out for goanna, and killed several goanna. Lighting a fire, and cooking them in the hot ashes of the fire, they are then eaten. That done, they returned home.

uraalhama   vi. sink down (into something like mud).

uraalhitjika-errama   vi. be about to sink down. Nurna urlpaiya-urna lhaka, nitjika. Kurunga kwatja eterala untharlaapuka. Kwatja-iperra arna pulya naka. Kurunga relha nyinta uraalhitjika-erraka. We went to the creek, to sit there for a time. Then we roamed along the edge of the water. The soft sand was saturated with water. So one person was sinking into the ground.

urla   n. 1 • forehead. Kapurta kurla tjinyanga, kapurta pungala urla kurltama. Yaarna urla arama. When someone has long hair, their hair covers their forehead. A person can't see their forehead.

2 • front, start of a season.

urlaakuma   vt. disjoint animal before cooking. Era kara-arra lyapara urlaakuma, urala etitjinala. He breaks the joints of the leg of the kangaroo, preparing it for cooking in the fire.

urlaarra   adv. in front of, before, towards. Kwaarra nyinta mia ekuranga urlaarra itnaaka, kurunga nurta ekuranhaka arrarnalhaka. Era ilkaarta wulhaka. A girl stood in front of her mother, then sat on her lap. She was feeling some pain. "Kwaarrai, nuka-urna urlaarra pitjai!" "My girl, come here in front of me!" Katjia era kwatjanga trerramanga, unta ilama, "Nuka-urna urlaarra pitjai!" When a child is afraid of the water, you tell her, "Come and stand in front of me!"

urlaarra pitjima    Arrkutja nhanha urlaarra pitjima nuka-urna. This woman is coming towards me.

urlaarraka-urlaarra   adv. face to face, towards each other, facing each other. Arrkutja tharrama urlaarraka-urlaarra arnala arrarnalhaka, yia ngarritjika. Two women sat on the ground, facing each other, to swap stories. Arrkutja tharrama urlaarraka-urlaarra itnaaka, ilkamanga, turramanga. Two women stood face to face, shouting and fighting. Relhala ilama, "Katjia nhanha tharra parrai, eratharra urlaarraka-urlaarra turramanga. People say, "Stop these two kids, they are facing each other and fighting ." Morph: [urlaarra +ka, reduplic.]

urlaarra-errama   vi. come towards or closer. Morph: [urlaarra +suff.erra,ma].

urlkunta   n. zig zag lightning, forked lightning. Kwatja urlkunta tnyika. Kngarripata nyinta kathala namanga, era-ntama tnyilalhaka, etintja ekuranhala aangerra kurltalhamanga. Urlkuntala ingkwa inthurra erinha tuka. Zig zag lightning struck. One elder was outside, and he then fell to the ground, covering his face with his arm. The zig zag lightning almost hit him.

urlpaatja   n. Ring-necked parrot, Port Lincoln parrot. Urlpaatjala rraatninga anga ilkuma Ring-necked parrots eat wild passionfruit seeds.

urlpa-ilama   vt. grind, crush, grind to powder. Kngarripata nhanhala marna intanga urlpa-ilama. This old woman is grinding seeds. Arrkutja tharrala ngkurlpa ngkwaarna partala tumala, urlpa-ilama. The two women pound the wild tobacco stems with a stone, grinding them into powder.

urlpilanha   n. grinder. Kngarripata nhanha marna intanga urlpilanha. This old person is a grinder of seeds. Morph: [urlpilama + suff.nha].

Urlpaiya   n. Milky Way. Ingula, taiya itjanga, nurna Urlpaiya marra arama, alkirala. Nurna ntheilpara tningka arama. At night when there is no moon, we can see the Milky Way clearly, up in the sky. We see many, many stars.

urlpaiya   n. creek, river, creek-bed, creek sand. Pmara nurnakanha era nama wurritja. Urlpaiya nurnaka era nama arna kngarra. Kwatja kngarrala nhamanga, urlpaiya nurnaka kwatja kngarra-karta nama. Itjanga, relha kwatja iparta-urna lhama, kwatja kngarra iltaaritjika. Our country is desert. Our river is a big tract of sand. When it rains a lot, our river has lots of water. If not, people go to the waterhole, to find a big pool of water. Ngkeiparra urlpaiyala pa kwatja eterala untharlaapuma. Darters live in the river or by the edge of the water.

urlpara    See: para urlpara.

n. hollow log or tree. Imurra irna urlpara kwaarnala nama. Thepa ntjaarra irna urlparala nama-ntema. Etna kwaarta arrarnama. Possums live in tree hollows. Many birds inhabit tree hollows as well. They lay their eggs there. Nturrkanha irnaka ntjima, urlpara kwaarnala intitjika. Carpet snakes climb up trees so that they can sleep in hollows.

urlpma   n. narrow. Unta nama relha kngarritja. Rriwa nhanha urlpma. Thunga paka unta marra irrpuma. You are a big person. This doorway is narrow. Maybe you will be able to go in.

urlpmantha   n. flour. Tjampatala marna urlpmantha intama. There is flour inside the tin. Tjampata kukala ngkurlpa urlpmantha intama. There is some ground up tobacco in the small tin.

urlpmurra   n. dust. Wurinya ekarltala waarnakala, alturlanga, urlpmurra kngarra pmaraka irrpuka. The wind blew strongly from the west. Lots of dust came into the house.

urlpmurra-­urlpmurra   brown colour. Apma aathanha urlpmurra-­urlpmurra, arna ngerra. Death adders are a brown colour, like the colour of sand.

Urlpmurra   n. Name of area and creek west of Iparlura. Iparluranga alturla, pmara nhanha nama: Urlpmurra. Urlpaiya kurrka yirrara-thapa intama. West of Iparlura, there is this area: 'Urlpmurra'. A small creek is there, running to the north.

urlpula-tuma   vt. put an end to, finish off (An old word). Unta itja relhaka kangkwerrama. Laakinhanga unta tjina ungkwanga urlpula-tuma. Relha arrpunhala erinha arama, arrtharta. You don't listen to other people. So you dissociate yourself from your family. Other people see you as being stubborn.

urlpunta   n. emu bush. Eremophila longifolia. Urlpunta era nama irna kngarritja-kngarritja. Ntatha ekura thathaka ngerra. Emu bush is a medium sized bush. Its flowers are a reddish colour. Relhala urlpunta ura kwaartaka kurnamala, katjia ltarrknga mangkitjika. Katjiaka mia, relha minta turta paka, urlpuntaka kurnama, etna ltarrknga-ilitjika, ekarlta-ilitjika. People put children in smoke from emu bush leaves, to make them grow up healthy. The child's mother and other sick people too can go in the emu bush smoke, for them to be healthy and strong.

Urlpunta   n. name of outstation close to and south of Ntaria.

umpa   n. urine.

umpa   n. urine.

urlpuntjima   vt. pull out, get something out. Arrkutjala rabbit urlpuntjika. A woman pulled out a rabbit. Relhala ngaatura urltaakama, kurunga tjaapa tnyamaatja erinha urlpuntjima. People break the root, and then get the witchetty grub out. Lyaaka ingka thanthakala, relhala erinha urlpuntjima. When a person has a prickle in their foot, they pull it out.

urlpuntjimara   should pull out, will be able to pull out, will be able to get out. Arrkutja nyintala yinganha ilitjaarta, “Kwaarrai, kwatja kuka nuka initjika lharlathanai!”Atha-ntama windlass lanha kwaarninya mpaaritjaarta, kwatja initjaarta. "Arai! Atha nganha yaarna inthurra well lanhanga urlpuntjimara. Unta muntja waara, rraatja waara mpaarai!" One lady used to tell me, "My girl, go and get me a little bit of water!"So I went and used to lower the windlass, and used to get some water. "Look here! I won't at all be able to get you out of that well. You just do it slowly, just do it the right way!"

urlpurra-intama   vi. lie on stomach. Etapa ilkaartanga, era urlpurra-intama. She is lying on her stomach because her back is aching.

urlpurrinya   n. boomerang. Era urlpurrinyala waama He throws the boomerang.

urlpurrinya ilpakarta   n. hook boomerang. Turrintjakanha urlpurrinya ilpakarta. The hook boomerang is used for fighting.

urlpurta   n. unclean, dirty. Arrkutja nhanhala maarntarra urlpurta ingkarraka kutjika, etnanha ilkngitjinala. This woman gathered all the dirty clothes, ready to wash them.

urlpurta-errama   vi. dirty, becoming. Miala wurra ekuranha ilaka, "Unta katha-urna lhaka. Maarntarra ungkwanga urlpurta-erraka!" Mum told her son, "You went outside. Your clothes got dirty!"

urlpurta-ilama   vt. make dirty, soil, stain. Katjia kurrka ntjaarrala tjampata urrputja inamala, kathala arrkanerrama. Kurunga yultha nhanha urlpurta-ilama. Lyurrala etnanha kutjima, kurunga ilkngima. The little kids, collecting a few containers, play outside. Then these things get dirty. Grandma collects them and cleans them. Morph: [urlpurta + suff.ila,ma].

urlpurta-ilaka   made dirty. Imanka, kwatja Kuprilya-nga Ntaria-urna pitjikala. Katjia ingkarraka-ntama kwatjala arrkanerraka. Etna urlpurta-inthurra-ilaka. Long ago water had come from Kuprilya to Hermannsburg. Then all the children played in the water. They got really dirty.

urlpurta-ilai!   make it dirty! (Command). Aiyua nyintala kwatja eterala etnanha ilaka, "Katjiai, kwatja urlpurta-ilai! Irrpaanga etna lyaarta kapurta kartna-erritjina-ntama! Etna kartninya-thapa rrarlkitjina. Katha-ntama aritjina!" Nurna kwatja urlpurta-ilaka. Kurunga irrpaanga kwatja kartnyinala namanga, nurna iltjala waara etnanha irrkumala arna-urna iwuka. Kwatjanga rraatakala, nurna etnanha etaka, ilkuka-ntama. One man at the edge of the water said, "Kids, make the water dirty! Then the fish will put their heads out of the water! They'll gasp for breath on the surface. You will see them plainly!" We made the water dirty. Then, with the fish being on the surface of the water, we grabbed them with our hands and threw them out onto the ground. Having got out of the water, we cooked them and then ate.

urlta   n. empty, hollow. See: para urlta. Relhala ngaatura urltaakamala, arama ngaatura era urlta. Tjaapa itja intama. Breaking the root, people see that it is empty. There is no grub in it. Arrkutja nyintala ilaka, "Yakai, shop era urlta! Relha arrpunhala marna kngarra kala inakala!" One woman said, "Oh-oh, the shop is empty! Other people have already got lots of food!" Thepaka antjua aramala, wurra nyinta irnaka ntjika. Kanha antjua era urlta naka. Kwaarta itja intaka. Seeing a bird's nest, a boy climbed the tree. But the nest was empty. There were no eggs in it.

urlta-ilama   vt. empty something. Nyilkngaampa ntjaarrala pmara nhanhaka irrpuka, kurunga urlta-ilamala lhaka. Etna yultha kngarra inaka. The thieves went into this house. Then, having emptied it out, they went. They took lots of things.

urltaakama   vt. cut, break something, smash something. Era ingka, kantja turta, urltaakama. He is cutting off the legs, and also the tail.

urltaakalhama   vi. break, break up. Wurinya ekarltala waarnamanga, irna urltaakalhama. Because of the wind blowing strongly, the tree breaks. Morph: [ultakama + suff.lha,ma].

urltampa   n. See: urltwaampa.

urltunta   n. limestone. Marna arlparrantji urltuntala mangkama. Bush tomatoes grow in limestone habitats. Arratha urltuntala mangkama. Hill fuchsia grow in limestone areas.

urltwaampa   n. honey, bush honey, native honey, sugarbag. Urltwaampa manga kukala irna urlpara kwaarnaka mpaarama. Small bush bees make native honey in tree hollows. Ngkwaarla urltwaampa kumia inthurra. Relha antja inthurra ilkutjika. This bush sweet, bush honey, is very sweet. People really want to eat it.

urlwa-errama   vi. escape. Artwa nhanha urlwa-erramala lhaka, pmara arrpunha-urna. Era tjina ekuranga lyauwulhamala lhaka. Escaping, this man went to a different community. He went and hid from his family and friends.

-urna   n.end. to, towards. Occurs with nuka, ungkwanga, ekura and other dative pronouns. Nthau-urna unta lhama? Where are you going? Awa, era lhama pmara-urna She's going home. Artwa nhanha Rirrka Thathaka-urna lhama. This man is going to Red Sand Hill. Arrkutja nhanha Utju-urna lhama. This woman is going to Areyonga.

urnma   n. 1 • cooked. Marna urnma urltaakama, ilkuma. The cooked damper is divided up and eaten. Kara ramia kala urnma, relhala ilkuma. The goanna meat having been cooked, the people eat it. Lupa intanga kutjikala, kurrka waara twaapala etama. Urnma, relhala ilkuma. The seeds of the acacia bush having been collected, they are cooked for a short time in the warm ashes of the fire. Once cooked, people eat them.

2 • ripe. Marna pmurlpa thathaka-errakala, urnma ilkuma. The quandong fruits which have turned red are ripe and are eaten. Ant: arnka. Marna katjirra urnma namanga, pulya, relhala inamala ilkuma. When bush sultanas are ripe and soft, people get them and eat them.

urnma-errama   v.t. ripe, becoming. Relhala marna damper ntjaarnama, marna nhanha kala urnma-erramanga. People can smell damper, when it is close to being cooked.

urnpa   n. smell. Alkngaarta minta ngkwarlknga-kartala ura etitjika, urnpa ntjaarnitjika. People with colds burn the native pine leaves and inhale the smoke. Relhala marna lyilyaaka ntjaarnama, marna nhanha urnma-erraka. People can smell the 'lyilyaaka' bush tomato, when the fruit is ripe.

urntja   n. rear of the neck, rear of the throat. See: antja. Relha urlaarra-thapa itnaamanga, nurna antja ekuranha arama. Relha nhanha ntjuma namanga, nurna urntja ekuranha arama. When a person stands facing others, they see her neck. This person standing facing away, we see the back of her neck.

urntjala kngama   vt. carry on shoulder. Miala katjia urntjala kngama. Mother carries her child on her shoulder. Tjimiala katjia urntjala kngitjalpuma, urlpaiyanga, katjia nhanha purrka inthurra-errakanga. Grandpa brings the child back from the river on his shoulders, as this child became very tired.

urntwaarra   n. further, beyond, on the other side of a feature. Kara-arra nhaakwa nama, parta nyintanga urntwaarra. The kangaroo is over there, on the other side of a hill. Parta nhaakwa urlpaiyanga urntwaarra intanhama. The hills are over there on the other side of the river.

urntwaarra-mpinya   n. further on. Urlpaiyanga urntwaarra-mpinyala, nantha urrputja itnaama. There are a few horses standing there, on that area over there on the other side of the river. Morph: [urntwaarra + suff,mpinya].

urraarama   vt. pick out, choose. Mia katjia nyinta-karta shop-urna lhama. Katjia ekuranhala-ntama marna pa ntjuntjamia ekuranha urraarama. Mother goes to the shop with one of her children. The child then chooses some food and a drink for herself. Unta maarntarra ungkwanganha arama. Miala pmarrama, "Unta maarntarra ungkwanganha urraarama, lyaarta irrputjika." You look at your clothes. Mum asks, "You choose your clothes, that you'll put on today."

urraarintja   n. choice, selection. Lyilhintja unta kangkamanga, nhanha urraarintja ungkwanga. The songs that you love, these are your selection. Morph: [urraarama + suff.intja].

urraarna   n. murderer. Urraarna era relha tunha-tunha. Era relha arrpunha errilknga tuma. A murderer is someone who hits and hurts others. He kills other people.

urrarlpa   n. bush tomato. Solanum aff. ellipticum. Marna urrarlpa partala mangkama. Urrarlpa are found in hilly, rocky habitats.

urria   n. male. Yinga antja nama, kngulya urria kurrka unta yinganha nthitjika! I want you to give me a small, male puppy dog!

urriarra   n. windbreak. See: kwintja. Etna urriarra mpaaraka, lhurrpaka urala intitjika. They made a windbreak, to sleep there by the fire in the cold season.

urrkaapuma   vi. work, serve. Yinga lyaarta urrkaapuma, pmara ilkngitjika. I'm working now, to clean the house. Artwa nyinta urrkaapuma, money mpaaritjika. One man is working to make some money. Artwa ntjaarra urrkaapuma iparta tjinya mpaaritjika. Kurunga etna pipe ipartaka arrarnamala, kurltama. The men are working to make a long trench. Then, putting the pipe into the trench, they cover it over. Katjia etna urrkaapuma-ntema, miaka tangitjala namanga. Etna ingkarrakala tharrka kurna urltaakama. The children are working also, helping mum. They are all cutting down the rubbish grass.

urrkaapunhapunha   n. worker, servant, slave. Artwa nyintala relha etnanha ntangkama, ekurakwia urrkaaputjika. Kurunga pmara ekuranhala urrkaapunhapunha nhanha ntjaarra urrkaapuma, pmara ilkngitjika, marna mpaaritjika, tnukurlpa ekuranha ntarntaritjika turta. A man asks the people to work for him. So these workers work at his home, to clean the house, to prepare the food, and also to look after his garden. Morph: [urrkaapuma +nha reduplic.] (long form).

urrkaapuntja   n. work, job, occupation. Artwa nhanha ngkaka, "Urrkaapuntja nuka inpura kunha. Atha yaarna nyinta-rinya paarrpa rraatja ingkarraka mpaaritjina. Urrkaapuntja kngarra kuta kala nama." This man said, "This job is indeed difficult. I can't all by myself quickly do everything. There is lots more work still to be done." Morph: [urrkaapuma. + suff.ntja].

urrkaapurlaanama   vt. keep on working. Arrkutja nyintala urrkaapurlaanama kuta, artala pa ingula. Katjia ekuranha ntjaarra namanga, era kutatha urrkaapuma, etnanha ntuthilitjika. One woman keeps on working, on and on, day and night. As she has lots of children, she's always working, to satisfy their needs. Morph: [urrkaapuma + suff.rlaana, ma].

urrkakurnintja   n. large intestine. Ilkukala, marna iturntaka irrpuma. Iturntanga rraatama, nhanha ltjaarrknga ekura irrpuma, kurunga urrkakurnintja rraatama. Having eaten, food enters the stomach. It comes out from the stomach, and it enters the small intestine, and from there leaves the large intestine.

urrknga, arna urrknga   n. 1 • mud, clay, swampy ground. Partinturlala arna urrknganga antjua mpaarama. The magpie-lark uses mud to build a nest. Ntariala, arrkutja ntjaarrala pa artwa urrputjala pottery mpaarama, urrknganga. At Hermannsburg, a number of women and a few men make pottery, from clay.

2 • a quickly made snack of flour and water. Marna flour kwatja-lela nyinta-errakala, relhala urrknga nhanhanha ilkuma. Once flour has been mixed with water, people eat this snack.

urrknga-errama   vi. turn to mud or clay. Unta arna karra-urna lhamanga, kwatja eterala, arna nhanha urrknga-errama. Unta paka tnyitjina. When you go to the flat area of land, at the edge of the water, the soil turns to mud. You might fall then. Morph: [urrknga + suff.la,·erra,ma].

urrkurrkintja   n. worship. Nthanhala rrangkarra wurlerrama, urrkurrkintja nitjika? Where will you all gather, to worship?

urrpaarama   vt. rub out, wipe out. Iwunha paka atha intalhelaka, atha urrpaarama. Relhala itja wutha intalhelintja nukanha aritjina. Whatever I've written, I will now rub out. People won't see any more what I've written.

urrpara   n. magpie. Gymnorhina tibicen. Thepa urrpara ingutnhala inthurra lyilhama. Magpies start to sing very early in the morning.

urrpara kuka   n. pied butcherbird. Cracticus nigrogularis. Urrpara kukala kapalya ilkuma. The pied butcherbird eats small lizards.

urrpia   n. messenger. Relha nyintala relha arrpunha yairnama ngkatja-karta. Era nama urrpia. One person, who sends another person with a message, is a messenger. Urrpia nyinta pmara arrpunhanga pitjika. Era ngkaka, "Arai, nhaaka namanga, tjina ungkwanga minta-erraka. Laakinhanga yinga pitjika nganha ilitjika." A messenger came from a different community. He said, "Look, while over there, your friend became sick. That's why I came, to tell you."

urrpmaltjama   vt. to squash. Marna katjirra urrpmaltjama, kurunga purta-ilamala, ilkuma. People squash the bush sultanas, making a ball out of them then, eat them.

urrpunama   vt. paint, smear. A Partaama word. Syn: parnama.

urrpurla   n. black, dark in colour. Thepa ngapa etna urrpurla inthurra. Crows are birds that are very dark in colour. Nurna Ntarianga ekngarra naka. Relha arrpunhala pitjimanga ilaka, etna artwa tjurlkara araka. Nurna etlaraka nhanha ntjaarra naka, artwa urrpurla ilukala etna. Etna naka lthaarna pmara etnaka-urna pitjalpukala. Kurunga nurna trelka parta-urna lhaka. We went east of Hermannsburg. Other people came along and told us that they saw white people. We thought that these ones were black people who had died. These were then their ghosts who had come back to their home place. So we went to the hills, afraid.

urrpurla-urrpurla   dark, blackish. Kara parta-rinya, urrpurla-urrpurla. The hill kangaroo is dark in colour.

urrputja   n. few, several, some, usually less than four. Arrkutja nyinta antja namanga kara kngarra ilkutjika, era kara kantja urrputja inaka. Wanting to eat a good amount of meat, one woman got several kangaroo tails. Kaartala katjia ekuranha ntangkaka, pmara-urna alputjika. Etna-ntama relha urrputja pmara-urna alpuka: kalya, kwaiya pa tjia nyinta. Father tells his children to go back home. So, then, several people returned home: big brother, big sister and one younger child. Thepala antjua mpaaraka, kurunga kwaarta urrputja arrarnaka. The birds made a nest, then laid several eggs in it.

urrputjama-urrputja-errama   vi. become fewer and fewer. Marna anga atha nganha ntharlaanama-ntema, urrputjama-urrputja-errama. Etna ingkarraka yarratjina. The seeds that I am also giving you, are becoming fewer and fewer in number. They'll all be finished soon. Morph: [urrputja + suff., ama, reduplicerra,ma].

urrputja-raanga   vt. several times, a few times. Artwa nhanhala urrputja-raanga urlpurrinya mpaaraka. Laakinhanga era kaltjerraka erinha rraatja inthurra mpaaritjika. This man made a boomerang several times. As a result, he learnt really well how to make it.

urrputja-raanga mpaarai   vt. do several times. Katjia ungkwanga maarntarra zip-akarta ntelai. Katjiaka ntelai nthaakinha zip nhanha kartninya-ilitjika, kwaarninya-ilitjika paka. Kurunga zip mpupaka arrarnai. Erinha pmarrai, kwaarninya-ilitjika. Wutha mpupaka arrarnai, erinha pmarramanga zip kartninya-ilitjika. Urrputja-raanga laakinha mpaarai. Era thunga paka marra zip kartninya-ilama, kurunga kwaarninya-ilama? Show your child some clothing with a zip. Show the chld how a zip on a jacket moves “up”, or maybe “down”. Put the zip to the middle. Ask your child to move the zip down. Put the zip to the middle again and ask your child to move the zip up. Do this a few times. Does your child maybe move the zip up, and then down ?

urrtha   n. limestone hill, with parta. Katjia Ntaria-rinya ntjaarra kutatha parta urrtha-urna lhama, arrkana-erritjika. Irnaka ntjimala, etna tnaarnpuma, kurunga wutha partaka ntjimala, wutha tnaarnpuma. Hermannsburg kids often go to the limestone hill, to play. They get on a board, and go down, then they climb up the hill again and go down again. Parta urrtha etna nama pmara parta urltunta-karta. Irna arratha parta nhanhala mangkama. A low, gravelly hill is made up of limestone. Hill fuchsia bushes grown on these hills.

urrtja   n. false, untrue.

urrtjaltha   lying, deceptive, cheating. Relha nhanhala lhelaka era nthitjalpuma. Arrpunha ntjaarra etna nama urrtjaltha, etna itja nthitjalpuma. This person promised that he'd pay it back. But some others are deceptive, they don't give back in return.

urrtja-errama   vi. lie, tell lies. Wumalanga nthaakinha wurra nyinta ngkaka, arrkutja nyintala ilaka, "Yakai, era kngarra inthurra urrtja-errama!" Hearing what one boy said, a woman explained, "Oh, he is telling lots and lots of lies!" Relha nhanha urrtja-errama. Era itja rraatja ilama era yultha nyilkngala inaka. This person is lying. He does not truthfully admit that he stole some things.

urrtjerrintja   n. lie, deception. Relha intarlaanamanga, itja ankwa, urrtjerrintja waara era intarlaanama. When someone is lying down for quite a time, but not asleep, that person is lying there in a gammon way, just faking it. Morph: [urrtjerrama. + suff.intja].

urrtjerranha   n. liar. Kwaarra nhanha urrtjerranha. Era kwaarra arrpunhaka yia ilama, kurunga kwaarra tharra yarrkngerramala, turrama. This girl is a liar. She tells another girl a story, then two girls, getting cross, fight. Morph: [urrtjerrama + suff.nha].

urrtjerranha-urrtjerranha   n. liar. Kwaarra nhanha urrtjerranha-urrtjerranha. Era aala-ka mpaarama. This girl is a liar. She makes people angry and upset. Morph: long form [urrtjerrama. + suff.nha, reduplic.]

urrtjapepa-ilama   vt. cheat. Unta yinganha urrtjapepa-ilama. Laakintja unta yinganha lhelaka, kanha unta itja inthurra kurrka paka yinganha nthaka. You cheat me. You promised me this much, but you didn't even give me a little bit. Morph: [urrtjapepilama + suff.nha].

Urruna Puthara   n. place name, Waterhouse Range. Nurna Ntarianga ekngarra lhaka. Nurna Urruna Putharanga urntwaarra lhaka, karaka yunthitjika. We went east of Hermannsburg. We went the other side from the Waterhouse Range, to go hunting.

Urruna Tjinya   n. place name, James Range. Urruna Tjinya etna nama parta tjinya, Ntarianga ekngarra-thapa itnanhama. The James Range is a long range, running from Hermannsburg out to the east.

urtaapa    See: ura twaapa.

urtnantha    See: tnwaantha.

urtupa   n. valley, gully. Urtupa nhanhanga urntwaarra lhai, karaka yunthitjika. Urtupa nhanhala irna arrkarnka kngarritja itnaama. Arrkarnkanga tnaartangala kwatja intama, ipartala. Go the other side of this gully, and look out for game. In this gully there is a big bloodwood tree standing there. Beside the bloodwood, there's water there, in the depression.

uthelama    See: uthilama.

uthilama   vt. cut up (eg, meat). Kngarripatala nganha ilama, "Kara nhanha uranga urlpintjamala, uthilwai! Nurna ilkutjinanga!" The old person tells you, "Bring this meat out of the fire. Cut it up! We'll eat it!"

utnhuma   vt. bite, attack. Kngulyala relha utnhuma. The dog is biting the person. Apma nhanhala katjia erinha utnhuka. This snake bit the child.

utnhunha-utnhunha   n. biter. Knulya nhanha aala kngarra, utnhunha-utnhunha. This is a cheeky dog. It is a biter. Morph: [utnhuma + suff. ·nha, reduplic.]