I - i

-ia, -iai   v.end. let me, may I. A polite way of asking another person to do something. Yingarrka ngkia. Let me speak first. Yingatitja lhia. Let me go, Perhaps I had better go. Nurna lhia! Let's go!

ilaaka   kt. pron. we two - father and son.

ilaanama   vt. hit. See: tuma.

ilaantha   k.t. We two.

ilaarnama   vt. shake out (e,g, blanket).

ilama   vt. 1 • tell, say, relate, narrate. Era ilaka era kwatja thangkutjika lhitjika He said she should go and scoop out some water. See: angkama.

2 • call something or someone. Artwa nuaka kwaiya, tjia paka, irntanga ilama. A man's wife's older sister, or younger sister, is called irntanga.

ilalhama   vt. tell about self, confess, own up to, announce. Morph: [ilama+ suff.lha,ma].

ilarrama   vt. tell each other.

ilarlalhama   vt. tell just before leaving. Era ilarlalhama, "Lhamala". He says upon leaving, "I'm going." Morph: [ilama + suff.rlalha,ma].

ilarlaanama   vt. continue to tell. Morph: [ilama + suff.rlaana,ma].

ilintjima   vt. talk while coming towards a person. Morph: [llama+ suff.intji,ma].

iletnama   vt. talk while going along. Anpara lhamala, era iletnama. As he goes past, he speaks.

-ilama   end. make to be, forms transitive verbs from nominal bases. Miala katjia kuka ankwa-ilama. Mother is putting her baby to sleep. Artwala irna ingkurta-ingkurta rraatja-ilama. The man is straightening the crooked stick. lwupa antjua ingkwiala maama marra-ilama. An old itchy grub bag is a good bandage for large sores.

ilanga   n. distant, far off. Pmaranga, parta ilanga arama. From home, one sees the ranges. Marna lyilyaaka urnma unta ilanganga ntjaanama. You can smell the ripe banana­ flavoured bush tomatoes from a long way off.

ilangara   adv. When? What time of day? Ilangara unta lhama? When are you going?

ilapa   n. axe. Era ilapala irna tumala mpaarama. She uses the axe to shape the timber.

ilarltharra   n. princess parrot. Polytelis alexandrae.

ilarrtja   n. creek, gully, groove.

ilia   n. emu. Dromaius novae-hollandiae. Ilia itja alkiraka-errama. The emu does not fly.

ilinpinya   n. leader of warriors, hero, great person. era kurrka ilinpinyalkura naka kalya ikuranhangatjina. He was a bit more of a warrior than his brother.

ilinyatuma   vt. roll up, wrap up.

ilinyiwuma   vt. wrap around, envelop. Kurunga etna ntulya ekuranha ilinyiwuka, city-urna yairnaka-ntama. Then his paintings were neatly rolled up, and sent away to the cities.

ilirna   pron. We two,

ilirnaka   pron. Our (two).

ilirnanha   pron. Us two.

ilirnpa   n. skewer (for kangaroo).

iliuwa   adv. downstream of a river or a creek.

ilka   n. hibernating. era ilka intama It is hibernating.

ilkaanama   vt. 1 • winnow seeds (upwards movement). Eratharra wurinyala ilkaanama. They winnow the seeds when it is windy.

1 • yandy seeds (sideways movement). Taarnala ilkaanama, urlpurta iwutjika. Coolamons are used to yandy seeds to take out the chaff.

ilkaarrtja   n. guilty, at fault. Etna relha ilkaarrtja erinha court-urna kngama. They are taking the guilty person to court.

ilkaarrtja-errama   vi. become guilty. Morph: [ilkaarrtja +suff.erra,ma].

ilkaarrtja-ilama   vt. guilty, make or declare.

ilkaarta   n. pain. Katjia nhanha ilkaarta irtnima. Because of the pain, the child is crying. Etapa ilkaartanga, era urlpurra-intama. She is lying on her stomach because her back is aching.

ilkaiya   n. cheek. Katjia kurrka ilkaiya kngarritja. Baby has big cheeks.

ilkala   n. Roly-poly, Buckbush. Salsola kali. Kurrka waara kwatja nhakalanga, eturnaka antala, ilkala marra mangkama. After just a little bit of rain in the hot season, roly poly bushes grow well.

ilkama   vi. shout, call out. Relha ilkama, "Apma, pulai!" People are calling out, "Look out for the snake!"

ilkauwulhama   vt. vomit up, vomit out.

ilkitjaarra   n. Dead finish bush or small tree. Acacia tetragonophylla. llkitjaarra anga kuka thamala, ilkuma. Small seeds from the dead finish bush are ground up and eaten.

ilkngaakama   vt. to sort out, divide.

ilkngaara   n. people who are short of basic needs.

ilkngaara-ilama   vt. Take something away from someone. Morph: [ilkngara + suff.ila,ma].

ilkngaaralhama   vi. look back. Katjia lyaartinya kngarripata ilkngaaralhama. Today's generation looks back to their forefathers. Morph: [ilkngara + suff.lha.ma].

ilkngima   vt. wash, clean up. Era pmara katha ilkngima. She is cleaning up outside the house.

ilkngilhama   v.i. wash self, to shower. Yinga iltja kwatjala ilkngilhama. I am washing my hands with water. Morph: [ilkngima + suff lha,ma].

ilkngilhintja   n. washing (used for: purification). Morph: [ilkngilhama + suff–ntja].

ilkuma   vt. eat, consume. Ramia kara marra, relhala ilkuma. Goanna meat is good, and people eat it. Intaltjala tharrka ilpalha ilkuma. Grasshoppers eat blades of grass.

ilkwetnama.   vt. eat while going along. Morph: [ilkuma + suff.etna,ma].

ilkunha   n. eater (short form). Kngarra ilkunha. A big eater. Thepa kara ilkunha ntjaarra birds of prey. Morph: [ilkuma +suff. –nha].

ilkunha-ilkunha   n. eater (long form). Morph: [ilkuma + suff.nha, reduplic.] Erritjala kara ilkunh-ilkunha. Wedge-tailed eagles are meat eaters.

ilkuntjamia   n. meal, eating. Unta ilkuntjamia paka inaka? Did you perhaps get something to eat? Morph: [ilkuma + suff.ntjamia].

ilkurlaanama   vt. keep on eating. Erraarntala lyaaka kngarra ilkurlaanama. Red tailed black cockatoos eat lots of prickles. Morph: [ilkuma + suff.rlaana,ma].

ilkurlpa-ilkuma   vt. eat constantly. Ilkurlpa-ilkuma lhitjinala. Eats and eats, before going on a trip. Morph: [ilkuma, reduplic].

ilkurta   n. native melon. Cucumis melo. llkurta urlpaiyala mangkama: marna anga purta kuka. Native melons grow in creekbeds: the fruits are small and round.

ilkwaatharra   n. companion, mate. Nua nuka ilkwaatharra nuka nama. My spouse is my companion.

ilpa   n. ear. Ilpala wurlathanai! Hey, use your ears and listen!

ilpa-kunya   disrespectful, heedless, not listening properly. Syn: maarntilparla.

ilpaara   n. Rattlepod Grevillea, Sandhill grevillea. Grevillea Stenobotrya. Relhala ilpaara ilpalha initjaarta, ilpminyaka. People used to get the leaves from this grevillea to make ashes.

ilpaarra   n. smooth (with mantarra) - uncut cloth.

ilpaatuma   vt. to smash utterly.

ilpakanha   n. Something associated with the ear, such as an earring or a hearing aid. See: -kanha; associated with..

ilpalha   n. 1 • leaf. Paraltja para ilpalhala mangkama, eturnaka antala tjuntamanga. Lerps grow on the river red gum leaves, at the start of the hot season.

2 • blade of grass. lntaltjala tharrka ilpalha ilkuma. Grasshoppers eat blades of grass.

3 • feather.

4 • wing. Nhanha thepa ituaka ilpalha. This is a bush turkey's wing.

ingka ilpalha   small toes.

alknga ilpalha   eyelashes.

ilpalhama   vi. shield self from something, protect self. Era alkurtala turrintjanga ilpalhama. He protects himself from the fight with the shield.

ilpangkama   vt. remember, not forgetting. Yia imankinyaka ilpangkama. The old story is being remembered.

ilpangkalhelama   vt. remind, cause to remember. Kala-marra unta yinganha ilpangkalhelama, yinga kngwerrakala. That's good that you remind me, as I had forgotten. Morph: [ilpangkalhelama + suff.lhela,ma].

ilpangkintja   n. reminder, memory, memorial. Morph: [ilpangkama + suff–ntja].

ilparaanama   vi. hang down, hang from, dangle, clothes hanging up. Maarntarra ilkngakala ilparaanama. The clean clothes are hanging up.

ilpararrarnama   vt. hang up.

ilparnama   vt. accuse. Era relha arrpunha ilparnama, "Unta nhanha, maarntarra nukanha inaka!" He accuses the other person, "You took these, my clothes!"

ilparnerrama   vi. accuse each other. Katjia tharra ilparnerrama. The two children accuse each other.

ilparnintja   n. accusation, complaint. Morph: [ilparnama + suff.ntja].

ilparralhia   n. king brown snake. Pseudechis australis. llparralhiala kaakumanga, relha yaarna etatha nama. If a king brown snake bites a person, they won't live.

ilpa-tanya   n. rabbit.

ilpa-tjinya   n. donkey.

ilpilperriwuma   vt. fling, sling.

ilpirrpaiya   n. black-faced wood-swallow. Artamus cinereus.

ilpmaarra   n. dew. Ingula karnta-erramanga, ilpmaarra thaalalhama. It cools off at night, and dew falls.

ilpmarrka   n. teenage boy. Wurra kuka era mangkamala ilpmarrka-ntama nitjina. A boy will grow up and become a teenager.

ilpminya   n. ashes used for chewing with tobacco. Wurinyala errkngalha etama, relhala ilpminya mpaaritjika. When the wind is blowing, people burn bark to make ashes.

ilpuiwuma   vt. doubt, disbelieve. Yia wumala, relha arrpunhala ilpuiwuma: "Itja laakinha arrkurla wuka". Upon hearing the story, one other person doubts it: "Had not hear anything like that before".

ilpulha   n. Tea-tree. Melaleuca glomerata.

ilpulha watintja   n. Tea-tree, paperbark. Melaleuca glomerata..

ilpuratha   n. obedient. Katjia ilpuratha era paarrpa kangkwerrama. An obedient child is quick to do what its told.

ilpurta-ilpurta   n. Turpentine bush, Kerosene bush. Eremophila sturtii.

iltaarama   vt. find. Era wurra erinha iltaaraka. He found the boy. Ngkwaltja nukanha nhangkanhaka pairlpa-errakala, nhanha iltaaraka. This money that had been lost in this area, has been found. Lauwulhai, era nganha iltaaramitjanga. Hide, or he might find you! Variant: arltarama.

iltaaratuma   vt. knock, rap, tap. Irrkarlaantja etinya ngkamanga, arrkutja iltaaratuma. When brown falcons are close, women frighten them away by banging things.

iltaarrkintja   n. rattling noise, knocking.

iltama   vt. tell someone off, abuse, swear at, scold. Relha arrpunhala paarla mpaarakanga, relhala erinha iltama. When someone is doing something the wrong way, people tell that person off.

iltarrama   argue, abuse each other, swear at each other, scold each other.

iltha   n. shelter, house, humpy, dwelling. lmanka etna yurtanga iltha mpaaritjaarta. A long time ago they used to build humpies from spinifex.

ilthaka-errama   vi. arrive at a house.

iltja   n. hand.

iltja kantja   fingers.

iltja tapa   back of hand.

iltja tnarta   palm of hand.

iltja tnyikwa-tnyikwa   thumb. Iltja tnyikwa- tnyikwa kngarritja tharra. Nhanha tjipaarra, nurna irna paka irrkumanga, nurna paka urrkaapumanga. There are two big thumbs on a person's hand. These are important, to hold onto things, and when working.

iltja-iltja   n. praying mantis, stick insect.

iltjakanha   n. bracelet. Arrkapa ilpalhanga ring mpaarama: lltjakanha, antjakanha, ilpakanha. We make rings from the Desert Oak leaves, for bracelets, necklaces and earrings. See: etintjakanha.

iltjalaiya   n. with errama = beyond hope, not knowing what to do.

iltjerrama   vi. rest, relax. Iltjerramala, era lywatj-itnaama. Resting, she is lying down with her knees up. Ilanga lhamala, relha kurrka waara iltjerrama. People have a bit of a rest when walking a long way.

iltjinpuma   vt. decide by chance, draw lots.

iluma   vi. 1 • die. Wurritja kngarra namanga, tnuntha ingkarraka iluma. Because of a severe drought, all the animals die.

2 • fire go out.

iluma   vi. untie by oneself, loosen, take off. Katjia kuka maarntarra paarla ekarralhakala, relha arrpunhala iluma. Because the little child had incorrectly put on its clothes, the other person took them off.

ilulhama   vi. lower oneself, fall off, become loose. Purta era ilulhama. He (or she) takes off his shoes. Morph: [iluma (2 + suff.lha,ma].

ilulhelama   vt. lower, let down. Katjia kuka irnaka ntjikalanga, relha kngarritja erinha ilulhelama. As the little child had climbed up into the tree, the adult got him down. Morph: [iluma (2 + suff.lhela,ma].

ilumpa   n. ghost gum tree. Corymbia aparrerinja. Ilumpa parta kartninyala itnaama. Ghost gums grow on the hills sides and ranges.

ilumpa-ilumpa   n. goathead burr. Sclerolaena bicornis.

ilura   n. gecko. llura ingula untharlaapuma, intarra ngkama. Geckoes come out at night and make a loud noise.

ilurnama   vi. put out fire, extinguish a fire. Kwatjala ura ilurnama. People put out a fire with water. Morph: [ilurnama + suff.lha,ma].

ilurnalhama   vi. extinguish itself. Urlpaarta yarrama, ura ilurnalhama. When the log finishes, the fire goes out. Morph: [ilurnama + suff.lha,ma].

ilurnalhelama   vi. put out a fire, extinguish a fire. Ura kngarritja ilurnalhelama People put out a big fire. Morph: [ilurnama + suff.lhela,ma].

ima   n. condemned to die.

imampurla   n. upset, troubled. A feeling: Imampurla wulhama. Feeling miserable. Ingkarraka imampurla inthurra wulhaka. Everybody lived in troubled times. Ingkaartanha kaarra kuta naka, urrkaapumanga. Era imampurla wulhaka. Pastor stayed awake, working. He was upset.

imanka   adv. long ago. Imanka etna yurtanga iltha mpaaritjaarta. Long ago they used to make shelters from spinifex. Relha imankinya ntjaarrala intanga thakitjaarta. Our ancestors used to make flour from seeds.

imankinya   n. old, ancient.

imarnama    See: ntelama.

vt. show, demonstrate. Arrkutjala imarnama nthaakinha tjaapa tnyamaatja tnyaatjika. The women showed how to dig for witchetty grubs.

imparra   n. mark, design, stripe. Apma imparra-karta. The snake is stripy.

impatja   n. track, footprint. Relhaka ingka impatja, tjaiyala lhakala. There is a footprint on the path where someone went along.

impatja lurnama   follow a track. Arrkutja nhanha ramia impatja lurnama. This woman is following the goanna track.

impurtna   n. hail. Kwatja kngarra impurtna-karta. Heavy rain comes with hail.

Impurtna-kanha   n. Name of place where Namatjira's House is.

imulya-errama   vi. wither. Karntanga tharrka imulya-errama. The grass withers because of the cold weather.

imurra   n. possum. Trichosurus vulpecula. Imurra irna urlpara kwaarnala nama. Possums live in hollow trees.

inaarnka   n. 1 • chest, breast,

2 • chestbone, breastbrone.

inaatama   vt. deny.

inama   vt. get. Relhala para ntjirrkanga errkngalha inama. People gather dry bark from the river red gum. Yinga marna initjika lhama I'm going in order to get food. Atha marna inama, kurunga relha ngaiyala erinha nthama. I'll get some food and then give it to that hungry person.

inanha   n. taker, person who picks up something.

inanhama   vt. get while going along, take along, Inanhai, marna nhanha. Take this, this food! Morph: [inama + suff.nha,ma].

inarlalhama   vt. pick up, fetch. Katjia ntjaarra nhaakwa nama. Unta etnanha inarlalhama. Those children are over there. You go and pick them up to bring them here. Morph: [inama + suff.rlalha,ma].

inarlalpuma   vt. pick up while walking about. Morph: [inama + suff. ·rlalpu,ma].

inetnama   vt. take back something which had been taken from you. Unta maarntarra nuka inaka, atha inetnama. You took my clothes and I'm taking them back. Morph: [inama + suff.etna,ma].

inangkarla   n. wise, knowing. Relha imankinya inangkarla naka, kwatja, marna kara iltaaritjika. Our ancestors were very knowledgeable, about how to find water and food, and how to hunt.

inarnta   n. bean-tree seeds. Erythrina vespertilio. lnarnta anga etna thathaka-erramala, arna-urna tnyima. Bean tree seeds turn red and then fall to the ground.

inginya   n. beard, whiskers, moustache, first growth of beard.

ingka   n. 1 • foot.

2 • claw of a bird.

ingka ilpalha   small toes.

ingka tapa   top of the foot.

ingka tnarta   bottom of the foot, sole of foot.

ingka-mpinyala   n. at the feet of. Morph: [ingka + suff.mpinya,la].

ingkala rruthama   vt. husk seeds with feet. lngkala rruthama, marna tnyilhilama. She tramps on the seeds to remove the husks.

ingkala tuma   vt. kick. Era tjap-tjap ingkala tuma. He is kicking the football.

ingkapala   n. with lhama, following in the footsteps of another. Impatja arrpunhaka ingkapala lhama. They follow in other people's footsteps.

ingkaarta   n. leader, pastor, boss. lngkaartala wurlamparinyanha kaltjinthama. The pastor is teaching the congregation.

Ingkaarta   n. Lord.

ingkairnama   vt. 1 • stand up, set up, erect, establish, appoint. Lyuntja mpaaramala, etna irna intaarlkwa-karta ingkairnama. When building a shelter, they erect forked pieces of timber. Etna relha ingkairnama, Ingkaarta nitjika. They appoint a person to be Pastor.

2 • plant something. Kurunga etna irna marna-karta pa marna tharrka kngarra inthurra ingkairnaka, pmaranga kurrka waara yirrara. Then they planted an extensive garden with fruit trees and lots of vegetables, slightly to the north of the compound.

ingkairnalhama   vi. stop moving, stop somewhere, park a vehicle. Morph: [ingkairnama. + suff.lha.ma].

ingkairnintja   n. setting up, establishment, appointment. Etna ingkairnintjaka arlta ekura urraaraka. They chose a day for him to be appointed to the position. Morph: [ingkairnama + suff.ntja].

ingkala tuma    See: ingka.

ingkama   vt. pray for. Era Altjirra-urna ingkama, imampurla namanga. He prays to God because he is troubled.

ingkarlaanama   vt. be praying, Morph: [ingkama + suff.rlanama].

ingkapala    See: ingka.

ingkarna   n. 1 • behind. Arrkutja nhanha irnanga ingkarna itnaama. This woman is standing behind the tree. Ekuranga ingkarna nama. behind him.

2 • later. Ingkarna-ntama artwa ntjaarrala kwatja errkunha kngarritja mpaaraka, Ntariaka. After that the men constructed a large water tank in Hermannsburg.

3 • after, occurs with -nga5. lrnparrka arna kwaarnala nama. Kwatjala nhamalanga etna ingkarna rraatama. Centipedes live underground. They come out after rain.

ingkarnaka   The back of something such as a ute. Kaartala kara arra erinha inamala mutikaya ingkarnaka tjurnaka. The father came, picked it up and threw it on to the back of the ute.

ingkarna-mpinya   n. the back, the rear part. Nukanga ingkarna-mpinyala itnaai! Stand at my back! Morph: [lngkarna + suff.mpinya].

ingkarna-errama   v.i. go backwards, reverse, back off, become last, Wurrala apma aramala, era ingkarna-errama. Seeing the snake, the boy backs off. Morph: [ingkarna + suff.erra,ma].

ingkarninya   n. last. Tjia nuka nukanga ingkarninya. My little brothers and sisters are the last ones in the family.

ingkarraka   n. all, every, everyone. Ingkurlkngala kara ingkarraka ilkuma: kapalya, ramia, apma­alka. Black kites eat all kinds of meat: lizards, goannas and snakes.

ingkintja   n. prayer, request. Ingkintja Ingkaartala tnyinama, relha mintaka Our Pastor offers prayers for the sick. Morph: [ingkama + suff.ntja] .

ingkinya   n. noon, midday, middle of the day.

ingkinyala   At midday. lngkinyala langa mpupala itnaama. At midday the sun is high up above. Atha itja marna ilkuka, ingkinyala. I did not eat anything in the middle of the day.

ingkurlknga   n. black kite. Milvus migrans. lngkurlkngala kara ingkarraka ilkuma: kapalya, ramia, apma­ alka. Black kites eat all kinds of meat: lizards, goannas and snakes.

ingkurta   n. winding, bent, crooked. Artwa nyintala yinpara ingkurta inamala, ura twaapaka arrarnama, rraatja-ilitjika. The man takes the crooked piece of spearwood, and puts it over the coals of the fire to straighten it.

ingkurta-ingkurta   winding. Tjaiya nhanha ingkurta-ingkurta intanhama. This road is winding.

ingkwa   adv. almost. Katjia ingkwa tnyika, irna kartninyanga. The child almost fell from high up in the tree.

ingkwa   n. Bullrush, Cat-tail. Typha domingensis.

ingkwia   n. old, aged. Relha ingkwia era nama kngarripata. An old person is called 'kngarripata'.

ingkwia-errama   vi. to age, become old. Relha ntjaarra ingkwia-erramala, etna itja wutha ltarrknga marra nama. People growing older are no longer strong and healthy. Morph: [ingkwia + suff.erra,ma].

ingunhanga   n. grub from branch of red river gum trees. Para kartninyala tjaapa ingunhanga nama. Grubs live in the branches of river red gums.

inguntha   adv. tomorrow, in the future. Yinga itja lyaarta lhama. Yinga inguntha lhama. I will not go today. I will go tomorrow.

ingutnha   n. morning, daybreak.

ingutnhala   in the morning, at daybreak. lngutnhala langa rraatintjalhama. Early in the morning the sun rises.

ingwa   n. night. ingwa-rinya ntjaarra night creatures.

ingula   n. at night.

ingwa mpupala   midnight, middle of the night. Ingwa mpupala, Ingkaartala katjia ekuranha ilaka, etna ankwa-intitjika. In the middle of the night the pastor told his children to go to bed.

ingwa ntjaaparala   all night. Arna pulya kngarra inthurranga, artwa ntjaarrala ingwa ntjaaparala urrkaapuka. As the sand was very soft, the men worked through the night.

ingwa-errama   vi. become night. Langa irrpumala, kala ingwa-errama. The sun goes down, so it becomes night. Morph: [ingwa + suff.erra,ma].

ingwa-rinya   moves around at night, nocturnal.

inkintja   n. single men's camp. lnkintja nama pmara artwa nua raapaka. The inkintja is a place for single men.

inmaarra   n. wave, ripple. Kwatja kwaarnala unthamala, irrpaangala irnmaarra mpaarama. Roaming around under the water, fish make ripples.

inmurta   n. mustard grass. Lepidium spp.. lnmurta relhala ura twaapala etamala, ilkuma. People cook mustard grass in the warm ashes, then eat it.

inpura   n. 1 • heavy. Relha ilkaarta-karta, inpura wulhama. A person in pain feels heavy. Irna inpura namanga, relhala yaarna tjurnama. When a piece of timber is heavy, people are unable to carry it. Katjia nhanha alha ngkwarlknga inpura-karta. This child has a blocked nose because of a cold.

2 • difficult, hard to use. Kanha intalhelintja ekuranha inpura naka. But his way of writing was difficult to use.

3 • expecting a child, pregnant. Arrkutja inpura era katjia-karta-erritjina. A pregnant woman will have a child.

inpura-errama   vi. become heavy. Katjia kngarritja-erramanga, inpura-errama. A child becoming bigger becomes heavy. Morph: [inpura + suff.erra,ma].

inpura-ilama   vt. make heavy. Ura ngkwaltja kngarra, inpura-ilama, atha yaarna tjurnama. A lot of firewood makes the load heavy, and I can't carry it. Morph: [inpura + suff.ila,ma].

intaaminta   n. Fish, banded grunter, black-striped grunter. Amniataba percoides.

intaarlpala kngama   vt. carry meat over shoulder. Relha kara ltumpala intaarlpala kngama The hunter is returning with the kill over his shoulder.

intalhelama   vt. write, draw, etch, paint. See: parnama. Era pepaka intalhelama. She is writing on paper. Arrkutja nyintala yia pepaka intalhelama. The woman writes a story down on paper.

intalhelanha   n. writer, scribe. Imanka kaltjerrakala, intalhelanha kuta era nama. Having learnt long ago, he (or she) continues to be a writer. Morph: [intalhelama + suff.nha].

intalhelintja   n. writing, drawing, engraving, way of writing, emblem. Katjiala intalhelintja kutatha aramala, era rukaara kaltjerrama. A child, who sees written texts all the time, finds learning easy. Morph: [intalhelama + suffntja].

intaltja   n. grasshopper, locust. lntaltjala tharrka ilpalha ilkuma. Grasshoppers eat blades of grass.

intalyaapa-lyaapa   n. butterfly, moth. lntalyaapa-lyaapa kwatja eterala untharlaapuma. Butterflies are found at the water's edge.

intama   vi. 1 • lying, be lying. Kngulya ntjaama kartninyala intama. The dog is lying on the top of the bedding. Irna tjaiyala turlka intama. The branch is lying across the track.

2 • sleep. Inturrkanha irnaka ntjimala, urlpara kwaarnala intama. Carpet snakes climb up trees so that they can sleep in hollows.

3 • be, exist, used of objects which are flat or horizontal. Kwaarta antjuala intama. Eggs are in the nest. Ngkwaltja paka ungkwanga intama? Do you have any coins?

4 • water lying in a place. Mpalha kapurta kwatja ipartala kutatha intama. There is always water in a permanent waterhole, even in the middle of summer.

intaka   be born, literally: 'lay down as a baby'.

intanhama   Leads to, goes to. Tjaiya Ntaria-urna intanhama The road leads to Ntaria.

intanga   n. grass seeds, edible seeds. Parta thurnta nhanha marna intanga thanha. This grinding stone is used for grinding seeds.

intapitnya   n. bony bream fish. Nematolosa erebi. lntapitnya ngkwaarna kngarra-karta! The bony bream has many bones!

intarra   adv. greatly, loud, loudly. Intensifies the verb. Ilura ingula untharlaapuma, intarra ngkama. Geckoes come out at night and make a loud noise. Alkngenara para kartninyala nama, intarra ngkama. Cicadas, that live up in the river red gums, make a loud noise.

intarrama-intarra   adv. very greatly, more and more, louder and louder. Intensifies the verb. Miala parramanga, katjia intarrama-intarra irtnima. As mother forbids her child, the child cries louder and louder.

intarrangaltha   n. informed, learned, Pharisee.

intarrka   n. white ant, termite. Intarrka ntjaarrala ngkupia mpaarama. White ants make an ant nest.

inthurra   n. very. Era ngkathala inthurra, kwatja itjanga. He is very thirsty because there is no water. Thepa urrpara ingutnhala inthurra lyilhama. Magpies start to sing very early in the morning.

inthurra-errama   vi. become very (eg, fond of, become very desirous for, used in conjunction with a nominal, e.g. antja inthurra-errama). Yinga marna nhanhaka antja inthurra-errama. My desire for this food is really growing. Morph: [inthurra. + suff.erra,ma].

inthurra-ilama   vt. make very (eg, fond of, make very desirous of, etc, used in conjunction with a nominal, e.g. inpura inthurra-ilama). Katjiala yinganha inpura inthurra-ilama. The child is making me very upset. Morph: [inthurra + suff.ila,ma].

intia   n. cave. Ngkurlpa intiala itnaama. The native tobacco is in the cave.

intia-intia   n. ruby saltbush. Enchylaena tomentosa. Intia-intia anga ekura kapurta parnalhama. They get the ruby saltbush berries and use them to paint their heads.

-intjalh-   end. while coming towards a place (where the speaker is) but going away from the Subject's base. lngutnhala langa rraatintjalhama. Early in the morning the sun rises. tnaarnpintjalhama. come down towards. Morph: [tnanpuma + suff. –intjima].

-intji-   v.end. while coming towards. Irrpintjai! Come in! twintjima hit while, coming towards.

intuka   n. Green crumbweed, Rat-tailed goosefoot. Dysphania kalpari, Dysphania rhadinostachya.

inturnama   vt. cut off. Artwala apmaka kapurta inturnama. The man cuts off the snake's head.

inturra   n. gun, rifle. See: makita. Era inturrala kara-arra tjirrama. He shoots the kangaroo with a gun.

inturrkanha   n. carpet snake. Morelia bredli. lnturrkanha irnaka ntjima, urlpara kwaarnala intitjika. Carpet snakes climb up trees so that they can sleep in hollows. Relha imankinyala inturrkanha ilkutjaarta. Our ancestors used to eat carpet snakes.

inturta   n. beautiful, handsome. Arrkutja nhanha inturta inthurra. This woman is very beautiful.

inurla   n. spider, barking spider. lnurla kngarritja nhanha ingula irtnirlaanama ngerra. Barking spiders make a crying sound at night.

inurra   n. lame, crippled. Relha inurra yaarna wutha unthama. Crippled people are no longer able to get around.

ipaatja   n. breast, milk.

ipaatja ntjuma   drink from breast. Katjia kukala ipaatja ntjuma. The baby is breast feeding .

ipaatja-ipaatja   n. 1 • Caustic vine. Caustic weed, milk weed, mat spurge. Sarcostemma australe.

2 • ant lion. Tnuntha kuka arna kwaarnaka irrpuma, era nama ipaatja-ipaatja. A small creature is under the ground, which is the ant lion.

Iparlura   n. Place name, originally 'Ipolera'.

ipara   n. Pacific heron. Ardea pacifica.

iparta   n. 1 • deep. "Katjia ntjaarrai, itja irrpwai! Kwatja nhanha iparta inthurra! "Kids, don't go in! This water is very deep!"

2 • hole, depression, waterhole. Kwatja rua yarranhamanga, ipartala kwatja laakinha intama kuta. Once the water subsides, waterholes are left in the river bed.

iparta-ilama   vt. make deeper, hollow out, make a hole. Taarna arrpama, iparta-ilamala. The coolamon is carved to make it hollow. Morph: [ipartailama].

-ipenha   end. 1 • from, source. See: -iperra. Relhala lupa-ipenha thungarlpa thama, purta-ilamala ilkuma. People grind this gum, (form it into a lump = purta-ilama) and then suck it. ltitja-ipenha thungarlpa antala etnakanhala nama. We find mulga tree lerp only now and again.

2 • about, concerning. See: -iperra.

-iperra   end. 1 • After, resulting from. Eturnaka kwatja kngarra nhamala-iperra, langkwa mangkama. Bush bananas grow after good summer rains. See: -ipenha.

2 • About, concerning. Ekura-iperra nurna kngarra inthurra tharraka. We laughed and laughed about him. Atha yia ilpatanya-iperra ilitjinanga. I'm going to tell a story about rabbits. See: -ipenha.

ipmintja   n. worthless. Atha yultha kurna-kurna nukanha ipmintja empuma. I will get rid of these miserable looking things as they're worthless..

ipmintja-errama   vi. become worthless. Morph: [ipmintja + suff.erra,ma].

irla   n. stalk of grass.

irlkaarralhintja   vi. sit with legs straight out. Era ingka irlkaarralhintja nama. She is sitting with her legs straight out.

irlparra   n. whitewood (tree). Atalaya hemiglauca. Irna nhanha Irlparra. This tree is a whitewood.

irltjarla   kt. cousin.

irna   n. 1 • tree, stick, bush. irna pa tharrka trees and grass.

2 • thing (with another word). Errkitja nhanhala irna arrpunhanha nyinta-lhemala yirnama. This hairstring is used to tie things together. Etakala tjarlangkala errkuma, era irna tharranha nyinta-lhelitjika. After the spinifex has been heated, he uses it to join the two parts together.

irna tnwaantha   woodland scrub.

irna tnyaartanga   stem, trunk.

irna urlpara   hollow log or hollow in a tree. Thepa lyerrtjina irna urlpara kwaarnaka antjua mpaarama. Budgerigars make a nest inside hollows in trees.

irnaama   n. grass. Syn: tharrka.

irnangaarra   vi. clasp hands behind back. Era muntja irnangaarra lhama. She is walking slowly with her hands behind her back.

irnarama   vi. look up. Irna thepaka irnarama. We look up in the trees to see the birds..

irnmaara   n. mistletoe. Amyema maidenii. lrnmaara parala mangkama. Mistletoe grows on river red gum trees.

irnparrka   n. centipede. lrnparrka arna kwaarnala nama, kwatjanga ingkarna rraatama. Centipedes live underground, and come out after rain.

irnpinpa kngarritja   n. spiny-cheeked honeyeater. Acanthagenys rufogularis. lrnpinpa kngarritjala ngkwaarla ilkuma. Spiny-cheeked honeyeaters eat nectar.

irnpinpa kuka   n. yellow-throated miner. Manorina flavigula. lrnpinpa kukala antjua kuka mpaarama. Yellow-throated miners build small nests.

irntaakupma   n. mountain devil, thorny devil. Moloch horridus. lrntaakupmala yaarra urrpurla kuka ilkuma. Mountain devils eat small black ants.

irntaanama, intairnama   vt. spear, impale. Era tjaartala kara irntaanama. He is spearing the animal.

irntaarlkwa   n. 1 • fork in a tree.

2 • cross. See: ntulka.

irntanga   kt. sister-in-law. Kalyakanha nua kwaiya ekuranhala irntanga anparnama. The wife of an older brother greets the older sister as 'irntanga'.

irntapa   n. bronzewing pigeon. Phaps chalcoptera. lrntapa ingula untharlaapuma. Bronzewing pigeons roam around at night.

irntawaarrka   n. fighting spear. lmanka artwa turritjaarta, ititja-ipenha irntawaarrkala thantha-erramala. Long ago, the men used to fight with fighting spears.

irntirta   n. stinky, putrid. Kara nhanha irntirta, kurna-errakala. This meat is stinky because it turned bad.

irntirta-errama   vi. become stinky, putrify. Morph: [intarta + suff.erra,ma].

irntirtnanhama   vi. run away from (in fear). Tera irntirtnanhama. Runs off, afraid.

irrkaiya   n. faint, hard to see. Alknga kurnala irrkaiya arama. Someone with bad eyes finds it hard to see.

irrkaiya-errama   vi. become blurred.

irrkarlaantja   n. brown falcon. Falco berigora. lrrkarlaantja etinya ngkamanga, arrkutjala iltaaratuma. When brown falcons are close, women frighten them away by banging things.

irrkuma   vt. 1 • catch. Wurrala kapalya lurnaka, irrkutjika. The boy chased the dragon lizard so as to catch it.

2 • hold, grasp. Wurrala kara-arra tutja kuka erinha irrkuma. The boy is holding the joey. Merrala tjaarta irrkuma. The spearthrower holds the spear ready for throwing.

irrkunha   n. catcher (short form). Morph: [irrkuma + suff–nha].

irrkunha-irrkunha   n. catcher (long form). Irna nhanha irrkunha-irrkunha. This thing is used to catch creatures (a net). Morph: [irrkuna + suff.nha, reduplic.]

irrkurrama   vi. embrace (hold each other). Morph: [irrkuma + suff.rra,ma].

irrkurrintja   n. embrace, hug. Irrkurrintja purta nitjika. Everyone is to embrace each other. Morph: [irrkurrama + suff.ntja].

irrkuntja   n. police. lrrkuntja urrkaapuma relhaka tangitjala nitjika. The police work to help people.

irrpaanga   n. Any kind of fish, generic name. Wangkara kaaralhama kara irrpaangaka. Pacific black ducks wait for fish.

irrpalthala   adv. able to, can do, able, capable. Era irrpalthala kaltjerrama. He is able to learn. Era irrpalthala kaltjinthama He is able to teach. Atha iltha irrpalthala parnitjina I'll be able to build the shelter.

Irrpmangkara   n. place name, Running Waters. Irrpmangkara era nama kwatja iparta. Running Waters is a permanent waterhole.

irrpuma   vi. 1 • go in, enter, penetrate. Arrkutja nhanha pmara kwaarna­ urna irrpuma. This woman is going inside the house.

2 • sun set. Alkngarra-errakanga, langa irrpuma. The sun goes down at sunset.

3 • attend. Era katjia arrpunha ntjaarra-lela Mission School-aka irrputjaarta. He attended the Mission School with the other children.

irrpunhama   vi. enter, go in, Rriwanga irrpunhama. People going in the door. Morph: [irrpuma + suff.nha,ma].

irrpunha-irrpunha   n. one who enters. Arrkutja nhanha kutatha irrpunha-irrpunha, ilkurlaanitjika. This woman is always going inside, to have a feed. Morph: [irrpuma + suff.nha, reduplic.]

irrpintjima   vi. enter while moving towards the speaker. Era kathala itnaama. Ntangkakalanga, era irrpintjama. He is standing outside. Called from inside, he enters. Relha kwaarnala namala, arrpunhala iltaaratumanga wuma, ngkama, "Irrpintjai!" People sitting inside, when they hear someone knocking, say, "Come in!" Morph: [irrpuma + suff. –intjima].

irrpulhelama   vt. make to go in, cause to enter, lead inside. Miala katjia kwaarna irrpulhelama. The mother brings her child inside. Morph: [irrpuma + suff.lhela,ma].

irrpurlaanama   continue to enter.

vi. Morph: [irrpuma + suff.rlaana + ma.]

irrputjika-errama   vi. be about to enter, Morph: [irrpuma + suff.tjikerra,ma].

irtaakwa   n. windbreak. Etna irtaakwa mpaaraka, kngarripata urala intitjika. They made a windbreak so that the old people could sleep by a fire.

irtama   vt. build, erect. Pmara lyaartinya etna laakinha irtama. They build modern houses like this. Syn: parnama.

irtalhama   vi. built, stand (having been erected). Pmara marra irtalhama. They build good houses by themselves. Morph: [irtama + suff.lha,ma].

irtanha   n. builder. Relha kala pitjika, pmara irtanha. The people have already come, these builders of houses. Morph: [irtama + suff–nha].

irtirta   n. deaf, silly in the head, Relhala yaarna muntja-ilama relha irtirta. Relha ekuranga trerrama, itja etinya-errama. Other people are unable to care for people who are silly. They fear them, and do not come close to them.

irtnima   vi. cry, weep. Katjia nhanha ilkaarta irtnima. Because of the pain, the child is crying.

irtnilhelama   vt. cause to cry. Katjia nhanhala kutatha mia ekura irtnilhelama. This child is always crying out for its mother. Morph: [irtnima + suff.lhela,ma].

irtnintja   n. tears. See: alknguntja.

irtnipa-irtnima   vi. cry constantly. Morph: [itnima reduplic].

irtnirlaanama   vi. continue to cry. lnurla kngarritja nhanha ingula itnirlaanama ngerra. Barking spiders make a crying sound at night. Morph: [itnima + suff.rlaana,ma].

itharrka   n. Umbrella bush. Acacia ligulata.

ititja   n. mulga. Acacia aneura, Acacia paraneura. Yirrampa ititja tnaartangala, arna kwaarnala nama. Honeyants live near mulga trees, underground.

ititja-ititja   mulgas, mulga scrub. Kurunga wurra era aritjalpuma kwatja, kurrka kngarra-kngarra intamanga ititja-ititja mpupala. Then the boy found some water, just some or a quite a lot of water that was in the middle of the mulga scrub.

ititja   n. tooth, teeth. Kngulyaka ititja etna rrirlpa. Relha ekuranga trerrama. A dog's teeth are sharp. People are afraid of him.

ititja-ilpalhata   n. Blue Mulga. Acacia aff. aneura, var. latifolia.

ititja-ipenha thungarlpa   n. lerp from mulga tree. ltitja-ipenha thungarlpa antala etnakanhala waara nama. We find mulga tree lerp only now and again.

itja   adv. no, not, nothing. Negation of all categories of the verb. Katjiala itja arrkutja erinha wuma. The children do not hear and understand the woman. Atha itja lhangkarama I don't understand what you're saying. Relhala ura itjanga, maarnpa waama. When people have no fire, they make one with a firesaw. Katjiala marna itja rraatja ilkumanga, era tjuwa nama. Children who do not eat properly are thin. Kwatja itja intamanga, relhala ngantja tnyaama, ntjutjika. When there' s no water, people dig a soakage so that they can drink.

itjanga   As it does not exist, due to not having. Morph: itja,nga. Marna marra itjanga, relha ntjaarra minta-erraka. Due to lack of good food, many people became ill.

itja   n. lice, head lice.

itnaama   vi. 1 • standing. Lira nuka mianga kuta itnaama. My son is standing next to his mother. Untjwaara kwatja eterala errarta itnaama. White-necked herons stand motionless by the water's edge.

2 • be, exist, is, are. Kwatja yarranhamanga, mpurlaarra itnaama. When the rain clears there is a rainbow.

itnaarlaanama   vi. continue to stand. Nantha nhanha errarta itnaarlaanama, ilkaartanga. The horse is standing motionless, because of the pain. Morph: [itnaama + suff. ·rlana,·ma].

itnaatjalhama   vi. come and stand or stop. Nthanhanga relha nhanha itnaatjalhama? From where should this person come and stand? Morph: [ltnaama. + suff.tjalha,ma].

itnima   See main entry: irtnima.

itnura   n. Dingo, wild dog. Kngulya itnura. Kngulya itnura relha-urna itja etinya-errama. Dingoes do not come close to people.

itnyetnyawuma   vt. curse.

itua   n. bush turkey. Ardeotis australis. Nurna antja nama kara itua ilkutjika. We like to eat bush turkey meat. Itua itja alkira-rinya. Etna kwaarninya waara alkiraka-errama. Bush turkeys are not ones to fly up in the sky. They just fly low to the ground.

Itua Iparta   n. A place just west of Wallace Rockhole.

iturnka   n. leader, boss. Relha nyinta era ramarama ntjaarraka iturnka. One person is the head of the family.

iturnpa   n. Bush tomato. Solanum coactiliferum. Iturnpa era katjirra ngerra, yinpa waara ilkuma, anga iwumala. This bush tomato, 'iturnpa', is similar to the desert raisin. The outer skin only is eaten, and the seeds thrown away.

iturnta   n. stomach.

iturta   n. Summer grass, Armgrass millet. Brachlaria subquadripara, Brachiaria spp..

iwinya   n. mosquito. lwinyala relhaka alhua ntjuma. Mosquitoes drink people's blood.

iwulhama   vt. lie down, literally: ‘throw oneself down’. Relha purrka iwulhama, iltjerritjika. People who are tired lie down, to rest. Morph: [iwuma.+ suff.lha,ma].

iwuma   vt. throw. Kara kurna kamala, iwuma. We cut bad meat off and throw it away. Taarnala ilkaanama, urlpurta iwuma. Coolamons are used to yandy seeds to take out the chaff.

iwurlalhama   vt. leave behind, abandon, desert. Kwatja nuka iwurlalhama, kngwerramala. I leave my water behind, having forgotten it. Morph: [iwuma + suff.rlalha,ma].

iwunha   adv. what. Nhanha iwunha? What's this?

iwunhaka   what for? Iwunhaka unta pmarritjika antja nama? What do you want to ask for?

iwunhanga?   For what reason? Why? Iwunhanga unta laakinha mpaaraka? Why did you do it like that?

iwunha ngerra?   what is it like?

iwupa   n. 1 • spider web, cobweb.

2 • itchy grub. Atha iwupa mpaaramanga, mpurrka errkumala, nturlpa-nturlpa-errama. If I touch an itchy grub, my skin becomes itchy. lwupa antjua ingkwiala maama marra-ilama. An old itchy grub bag is a good bandage for large sores.

Iwupathaka   n. place name, Jay Creek.

iwurrama   vi. argue, fight, compete. Rrangkarra kunpinya nama, nhaakwa iwurrama. You people are unaware. People over there are arguing. Morph: [iwuma + suff.err +ma].