L - l

-la1   n.end. Shows who is doing the action in the sentence. Actor. Agent marker, Ergative case marker. Wurrala kara-arra tutja kuka erinha errkuma. The boy is holding the joey. Artwa nyintala irna erinha kama. One man is cutting the tree. Mr Smith-ala etnanha ilaka, "Kala, rrangkarra pmara-urna alpai!" Mr Smith told them, "Okay, you can all go home!"

-la2   n.end. Indicates position, location, in, at, on. Arrua parta ernkala unthama. The rock wallaby lives on steep mountain slopes. Etna urlpaiyala iltjerrama. They're resting in the creek. Nthanhala era - lyuntjala? Where is he - in the shade?

-la3   n.end. Shows what is used to do an action, with. Instrument. Ilapala era irna tuka. He hit (cut) a tree with an axe. Era thepa urlpurrinyala waaka. He hit a bird with a boomerang. Irna kngarritjala era apma tuka. He killed the snake with a big stick.

-la4   n.end. Indicates that something happens in a time or a state. Ngkathala era kwatja ntjuma. She is having a drink of water because she is thirsty. Ilura ingula unthaarlaapuma, intarra ngkama. Geckoes come out at night and make a loud noise.

laakinha   adv. like this, this way, thus. Laakinha yinga ekura-urna ngkaka. It was like this that I spoke to him. Artwa era laakinha kara-arra etama. The man cooks the kangaroo in this way.

laakinhanga   adv. for this reason, therefore. Era trera wulhamala, laakinhanga era itja nuka-urna pitjalpuka. He was frightened, and for this reason he did not come back to me. Laakinhanga Kuprilyaka Arltala tjuntaka, nurna Altjirranha danke-ilitjika. So Kuprilya Day, a day of thanksgiving to God, started in this way. Laakinhanga Ntaria-rinya kwatja-karta, marna-karta turta naka. So Hermannsburg people had water, and also had food.

laakinha-errama   vi. happen like this or that. Laakinha-errama unta itja lhitjika pmara etnaka-urna! As things happen like this, you are not to go their place! Morph: [laakinha + suff.·erra,ma].

laakinha-ilama   vt. do or make like this or that. Morph: [laakinha + suff.ila,ma]. Atha laakinha-ilama, unta itja nhanha mpaaritjika. I do it like this, but you should not do it like this.

laakintja   n. as many as, that many, Atha kara ramia laakintja tuka. I killed that number of goannas.

laanha   pron. 1 • that, there, those. This can be used alone or to describe something. Artwa laanha ngkama. That man is speaking. Wurra laanha tharra walhama. Those two boys are swimming.

2 • there. Etna waarta laanha-urna-erraka, katjia mapa arrtjanaka kwatja karntala walhitjika. As soon as they got there, the children ran to have a nice cool swim.

laanha-iperra, laanha ekura-iperra   After that, from there. Laanha ekura-iperra nurna marra kuta naka, nurnanha itja twintjaka. After that we were really well, because we didn’t have an accident.

laanhangatjina   From there, from one place to another. Laanhangatjina nurna alpuka-ntama Mpaiyal-Irrpuka-urna. From there we returned, then, to 'Mpaiyal-Irrpuka'.

laanthama   vt. give, hand over. Artwa nyintala urlpurrinya artwa arrpunha erinha laanthama. The man gave a boomerang to the other man.

laantja-laantja   n. costly, precious. Nurna wuma relha arrpunhala parta laantja-laantja tnyaamala inama. We hear that other people have dug up and got some precious stones.

Laaparrapuntja   n. place name. Usually it is written as 'Labrapuntja'. Pmara nhanha Ntarianga yirrara ekngarra. This place is north east of Hermannsburg.

laiya   n. sea, ocean. Laiya era kwatja kngarritja. The ocean is a large body of water.

laiya-rinya   n. belonging to the sea or ocean. Laiya-rinya etna nama lungkultja: irrpaanga ntjaarra inthurra, thepa ntjaarra, arrpunha ntjaarra turta. Sea creatures are a variety of animals that are good to eat: many kinds of fish, birds, and other creatures. Morph: [laiya + suff.rinya].

lalitja   n. conkerberry, a bush with black berries. Carissa lanceolata. lrna lalitja urlpaiya eterala mangkama. Marna ekuranha urrpurla-erramala, etna urnma. Conkerberries grow near creeks. Their berries turn black and are then ripe.

lama   n. liver. Lama era alhua nurnakanha ilkngima. Lama kurna-erramala, relha kutanta minta-errama. The liver cleans our blood. When the liver does not work anymore, that person becomes permanently unwell.

langa   n. sun Old spelling: lirnnga. Artwala mukaarta arrarnama, langala aangerra mpukitja. The man is putting on his hat to stop the sun burning his face. lngutnhala langa rraatintjalhama. Early in the morning the sun rises.

langala arama   v.t. The sun is shining. Literally: The sun sees.

langkwa   n. bush banana. Marsdenia australis. Eturnaka kwatja kngarra nhamala­-iperra, langkwa mangkama. Bush bananas grow after good summer rains. Langkwa era marna marra, relhala ilkutjika. Bush bananas are nutritious food, good for people to eat.

Larlkintanherrama   n. Mount Hermannsburg. 'Nose peg place'. The mountain a few kilometres south of Ntaria or Hermannsburg.

lartitja   n. pillar, post, prop.

-la-ruka    See: -ruka.

latha   n. journey, trip.

latha-errama   vi. start a journey. Relha nhanha ntjaarra nthau-urna lhatha-errama? These people are heading off to go where? Morph: [latha + suff.erra,ma].

latha lhama   v.i. To go for a good amount of time. Pmara arrpunha-urna latha lhama. Goes to stay at another place. Era latha lhaka, atha urrpia yairnaka marna nuka initjika. He had gone to another place to stay. I sent someone to get some food for me.

latjia   n. pencil yam. Vigna lanceolata. Latjia arna kwaarnala mangkama, ngaaturanga. Relhala tnyaama, etama, ilkuma. Pencil yams grow underground, on the ends of the roots. People dig them up, cook and eat them.

lauwuma   vt. hide, conceal. Arrkutja nyintala ilaka, "Unta ngkurlpa lauwuma? Yinganha turta nthai!" A woman said, "Are you hiding your native tobacco? Give me some too!" Atha marna kuka lauwuma, anma ilkutjinala. I hid a little bit of food to eat later on.

lauwulhama   vi. hide self. Nyinta nukanga lauwulhama, arrkana-erramanga. One boy hid from me, in play. Lyarra-lyarra lyauwulhama, kanha nurna etnanha wuma. Wrens hide themselves, but we hear them chatter. Morph: [lauwuma + suff. ·lha,ma].

lauwulhintja   n. secret. Relhala ngkatja lauwulhintja tnyinama, itja relha arrpunha ilama. People keep what has been said a secret and don't tell other people. Morph: [lauwulhama ·+ suff.ntja].

-lela   end. 1 • with, in the company of somebody, going with, living with or living on something. Occurs with nuka, ungkwanga, ekura and other dative pronouns. Relha arrpunha-lela ngkama. She is talking with someone else. lrnmaara para-lela mangkama. This mistletoe grows on river red gum trees. Yinga katjia ntjaarra-lela walhaka. I went swimming with the children. Unta nuka-lela pitjima? Are you coming with me? Awa, yinga ungkwanga-lela pitjima. Yes, I'm coming with you.

2 • Location. Occurs with verbs such as mpukaanama 'stand leaning on something'. Katjia nhanha purrkanga, mpakaanama mia-lela. Tired, this child is leaning on his mother.

3 • through, going through somewhere. Nurna town-lela lhitjika. We should go through town.

4 • Indicates location, at, on a body part. Mpaara-lela arrarnalhama. kneeling down.

leltja   n. Variant: artwa leltja. enemy, kurdaitcha. Kunpalunpala ngkama artwa leltja paka etinya itnaamanga. Bellbirds might call out when a kurdaitcha is coming close. Leltja imanka naka. Etna relha ilkaarrtja yunthama, erinha kapanha tutjika. Long ago there were enemies. They'd look for guilty people and pay them back.

leltjaka-leltja   n. hostile. Lyaarta relha itja wutha rilherra nama, ingkarraka leltjaka-leltja nama. These days people are not living peacefully together any more, but everyone is hostile to each other.

leltjaka-leltja-ilama   vt. cause to be hostile. Morph: [leltjakaleltja + suff. –ilama].

lengkunya   n. beautiful (of woman), Arrkutja ltarrknga marra namalanga, etna ilaka, "Arrkutja lengkunya nhanha nama!" Seeing a healthy, good looking woman, they said, "This is a beautiful woman!"

lenha   pron. that, no longer used.

lenha-rinya   n. That’s very own. Pertaining to that only. Morph: [lenha + suff.rinya].

-lha   v.end. 1 • doing the action to yourself. Some verbs have -lha such as ilpalhama. Arrkutja maarntarrala kapurta yirnalhama. The woman is tying the material around her head. Yirnama is 'to tie'. Yirnalhama is 'to tie on self'.

2 • something happens to a person or thing who did not cause this action to happen. urltaakalhama break, break up.

3 • Be in a state. Pmara marra irtalhama. Good houses are built.

lhaangama   vt. mix with. Ngkurlpa-karlaka ilpminya lhaangama, ilkuma-ntama Pituri is mixed with ashes, then chewed.

lhaangalhama   vi. join company of, adhere to, Artwa nyinta lhama, wurla-urna lhaangalhama. One man is going, to join that group. Morph: [lhaangama + suff.lha,ma].

lhaanpa   n. armpit. Mia ngkama, "Atha yaarna katjianha tjurnama. Lhaanpa nuka ilkaartanga." Mother said, "I can't lift the child because of my painful armpit."

lhalarama   vt. warn not to do something. Unta katjia erinha lhalarama, ura arrkanerramanga, "Atha nganha tuma!" You warn the child not to play around with fire, "I'll smack you!"

lhalhelama   vt. produce fruit, bring forth. Irna nhanha ntatha-karta waara. Marna itja lhalhelama. This tree only has flowers. It is not producing fruit.

lhama   vi. go. Yinga urlpaiya-urna lhama. Yinga Rirrka Thathaka-urna lhama. Yinga marna yalkaka lhama. I am going to the river. I am going to Red Sand Hill. I am going for wild onions.

lhapalhama   vi. to make one's way to another place. Yinga ekngarra lhapalhama, yaatjarra nitjika. I'm making my way over to the east, to go and visit. Nurna donkey-aka lhapalhaka, Pmakuparta-urna, kurunga pitjalpuka. I travelled on a donkey to Old Station, then came back. Morph: [lhama, reduplic].

lharrama   vi. two people walking or going. Ilirna parta-urna lharrama, ngkurlpaka katjika. Us two are going to the hills to get some native tobacco. Morph: go (2) [lhama + suff.rrama].

lhangkarama   vt. recognise, understand. "Relha nhanha lyaarta waara pitjikala, atha erinha lhangkarama. Yinga ekura kaltja." "This person who came only today - I recognise him. I know him."

Lhara   n. Milky Way. Partaama dialect.

lhara   n. river, riverbed. See: urlpaiya. Relhala lhara nhanha ilama 'urlpaiya'. People say that 'lhara' is a river.

Lhara Pinta, Lharapinta   n. Finke River.

lhaarrkama   vi. Lightning flash, lighten (of weather). Ngkaarla wurla-errama, pasaunha ngkama, kurunga lhaarrkintja lhaarrkama. Clouds gather, thunder rumbles and then lightning flashes.

lhaarrkintja   n. lightning. Lhaarrkintja lhaarrkamanga, relha ekura trerrama. People are frightened of lightning flashing.

-lhela-   v.end. 1 • cause to do, Forms transitive verbs from intransitive verb bases. The Actor makes the Object do the verb. alkngaampulhelama cause to see, open eyes. lrna nhanha ngkalhelamala, era lyilhama. As he plays this instrument, he sings. errarnpalhelama cause to be scattered, shared out, distributed. ilpangkalhelama remind, cause to remember. irrpulhelama cause to enter, lead. irtnilhelama cause to cry.

2 • Forms transitive verbs from nominal bases. Marna urlpmanthaka kwatja thaalama, tharra nyinta-lhelama. Pour the water into the flour, then mix the two together.

lhelama   vt. to promise. "Unta parlkala lhelama, ngkwaltja nthitjika." "You pointlessly made a promise, to give some money."

lhelarrama   vt. to promise each other. Artwa tharra lhelarrama, purta lhitjinala." The two man promise each other that they will go together. Morph: d. & p. [lhelama + suff.rra,ma].

lhelintja   n. a promise. "Lhelintja erinha ilangara unta yinganha nthitjina?" "When is he going to give what he promised?" Morph: [lhelama + suff.ntja].

lhelualhelama   vt. to promise. An old word which is no longer used. Morph: [lhelama, reduplic].

lhelualhelarrama.   vt. to make an agreement, Morph: d. & p. [lhelualhelama + suff. –rrama].

lhelualhelintja   n. agreement, covenant. Morph: [lhelualhelama + suff–ntja].

lherrama   vt. want, desire, long for, covet. Yinga motorcar nhanhaka lherrama inthurra, unta inaka. I really want this car, that you got. Kurunga lherraka arrkutja makalaria Rubina. He fell for a beautiful young woman named Rubina.

lherrintja   n. desire, lust. Relha arrpunhakanha yulthaka alkngaka unta lherrintja nama. Seeing the things that belong to other people, you want to get them. Morph: [lherrama + suff.ntja].

lhiaka   n. A woman who has no children, barren, childless. Lhiaka era nama arrkutja katjia raapa. A barren woman does not have children.

lhilpa elpungkara   n. Blue mallee. Eucalyptus gamophylla. Lhilpa elpungkara rirrkala mangkama. Langkwa ekura-lela mangkama-ntema. Blue mallee grows in the sandhills. Bush bananas grow where they grow, as well.

lhilpa watintja   n. Red mallee tree.

lhumpa   n. orphan. Relha mia kaarta raapa era nama lhumpa. A person who has no mother and father is an orphan.

lhumpa-lhumpa   n. black-faced woodswallow. Artamus cinereus. Thepa lhumpa-lhumpa nyinta-rinya untharlaapuma. The black-faced woodswallow roams around on its own.

lhunga   n. burrow. Ramia lhunga kwaarnala nama. Kwaarta etna arrarnama. Sand goannas live inside their burrow. They lay eggs. Ngkaiya lhunga kwaarnala nama. Bilbies live underground in burrows.

lhungurlpara   n. fish, spangled grunter. Leiopotherapon unicolor. Lhungurlpara tjalka kngarra, ngkwaarna urrputja. The spangled grunter is a fish with lots of meat and only a few bones.

lhurrpa   n. cold season, winter. Etna kwintja mpaarakala, lhurrpanga urala intitjika. They made a windbreak so they could sleep by the fire in the winter cold.

lhurrpa tjuntintja   beginning of the cold season.

lhurrpa tnarta mpupa   middle of the cold season. Lhurrpa tnarta mpupa, ilpmaara thaalalhama. In the middle of the cold season, dew falls.

lhurrpa karta   end of the cold season. Lhurrpa karta namanga, ramia kartninya-errama, rraatanhitjinala. At the end of the cold season goannas come near to the surface, ready to go out.

lintara   n. non-Indigenous, white person. Lintara ntjaarra wurla-erraka, ntulya ekuranha aritjika. The white people gathered to see his paintings. Syn: tjurlkara.

linya   n. tongue. Linya era tjipaarra, nhanga relha ngkamanga, marna arrkarnitjika paka. The tongue is important, for when people talk, and if tasting food. Katjia kuka linya maama-karta, relhala ntjwia errkngalha etamala arrarnama. When a young child has a sore on its tongue, people burn the bark from the corkwood tree and apply it.

linya-linya   n. very sharp, pointed. Knife linya-linya intamanga, relhala katjianha parrama, kalhakitja. When a very sharp knife is lying there, adults warn children so that they don't cut themselves.

lira   kt. child, son or daughter of a man (both sexes). A short way of saying 'alira'. Variant: (See also: alira). Wunhala ilama, nhanha lira nuka, kalya nukanhaka katjia. Aunty says, this is my son, my older brother's child.

lirnnga   n. sun. Syn: langa.

Lithara   n. Place name for Boggy Hole. A permanent waterhole on the Finke River south of Ntaria.

-lpa-   Syn: -rlpa-. v.end. Event occurs repeatedly. The verb base is reduplicated. thalpa-thaalalhama pour itself out constantly. turlpa-tuma hit/beat up constantly. ararlparanhama always look while going away from speaker. ngarlpa-ngalhama shake, shiver, move constantly. parlpa-parrama prevent, hinder, stop constantly. ingkalpa-ingkama keep on praying [hymn 287].

Ltakarlipuka   n. Mount Giles.

ltaarrpa   n. sad. Relha ltaarrpa inthurra wulhama, etna irtnima. People cry, when they are feeling very sad.

ltaarrpa-errama   vi. become sad, grieve. Relha ltaarrpa-errama, tjina kutanta ilanga lhakalanga. People become sad when their kin have gone far away for a long time. Morph: [ltaarrpa + suff.erra,ma].

ltaarrpa-ilama   vt. make sad, cause to grieve. Relhala relha arrpunha ltaarrpa-ilama, ngkatja kurna ngkamala. A person makes other people sad, by saying bad things. Morph: [ltaarrpa + suff.ila,ma].

-ltana-   v.end. continuous action when three or more people are involved.

ltarrknga   n. healthy. Relhala urlpunta ura kwaartaka kurnamala, katjia ltarrknga mangkitjika. People put children in smoke from emu bush leaves, to make them grow up healthy.

ltarrknga-errama   vi. become healthy or whole. Morph: [ltarrknga + suff.errama].

ltarrknga-ilama   vt. give healing, heal, restore. Morph: [ltarrknga + suff.ila·,ma].

ltarrknga-ilanha   medicines, healing plants and substances. Ltarrknga-ilanha ntjaarra nama: errpmangk-errpmangk, arratha, irna arrpunha ntjaarra turta. There are many medicines: native fuchsia, the hill fuchsia, and other plants. Morph: [ltarrknga + suff.ila·,nha].

lthaarna   n. 1 • ghost, apparition. Relha lthaarnanga trerrama. Relhala yia ilamanga, katjia ntjaarra trerrama. People are frightened of ghosts. When people tell stories about them, children become frightened.

2 • skeleton. Relhaka ngkwaarna ingkarraka etna nama lthaarna. All the bones in a person's body is called the skeleton.

lthana   See main entry: lthaarna.

ltharta   n. public ceremony. lngkarraka nyinta-errama lthartaka, arrkanerramanga aritjika. Everyone comes along to enjoy the ceremony.

lthinia   n. grub from the roots of the river red gum. Para tnaartangala arna kwaarnala, tjaapa lthinia nama. Grubs live in the ground next to the roots of the river red gum.

ltjaarnma   n. freshwater yabby. Ltjaarnma kwatjala nama. Parta arlkanga kwaarnanganganha etna nama. Yabbies live in the water. They live under the big sandstone rocks.

ltjantja   n. beefwood. Grevillea striata. Irna ltjantja tjinya itnaama. Ilpalha ekuranha tjinya. Ntatha ekuranha irna ntjwia ngerra. Beefwood trees grow to be tall. Their leaves are long. Their flowers are similar to the corkwood tree flowers.

ltumpa, kara ltumpa   n. hunter, one who is good at hunting game. Kara ltumpala intaarlpala kngama The hunter is returning with the kill over his shoulder. See: ilinpinya.

lturlpa-ilama   vt. cause to swell, expand. Marna pmurlpa anga kala intamanga, relhala etnanha kwatja-lela arrarnama, etna lturlpa-ilama, mangkama-ntama. The quandong seeds are lying there. People put them in water and they swell up, and then grow.

lturlpa-ilanha   n. baking powder, yeast, leaven. Marna urlpmanthaka lturpa-ilanha lhaangama, thamala, etamala, ilkuma. Baking powder is mixed with the flour. It is kneaded, baked and eaten. Morph: [lturlpailama + suff.nha].

-lua   end. what about? Unta-lua? How about you? Kara-lua? What about (giving me) some meat? Kwaarra erinha-lua? Era minta naka. Era marra-erraka? What about her, this girl? She was sick. Has she got better?

luaala   adv. equally, even. Katjia ingkarraka luaala marna nthai, ilkutjika. Give an equal share of the food to the children, for them to eat.

luka-luka   n. chicken, fowl.

luka-luka urria   rooster. Luka-luka urria ingutnhala inthurra ilkama. A rooster crows very early in the morning.

lukamukama   n. fog mist, haze. Lukamukama intamanga, relhala yaarna ilanga arama, irrkaiya waara. When there's fog around, people can't see a long way, and just see things faintly.

lukara   n. single women's camp. Lukara nama pmara arrkutja nua raapaka. The lukara is a place for unmarried women.

lukatur-tur   n. black-tailed native hen. Gallinula ventralis. Lukatur-tur mpurrka urrpurla, kanha tjurra thathaka. Black-tailed native hens have black bodies and red legs.

luluwuma   vt. despise, ignore. An older word. Relha ngkamanga, etna itja wuma. Etna luluwuma. When people talk, they don't listen. They ignore the speaker.

lumara   n. sugar. Relhala errua mpaaramanga, etna lumara arrarnama-ntema, ntjutjinala. When people make a cup of tea, they put sugar in as well, before drinking it.

lungkultja   n. all kinds of animals that are good to eat.

lupa   n. acacia bush, elegant acacia. Acacia victoriae ssp. arida. Relhala lupa anga kutjima, ura twaapala etama, ilkuma. People collect acacia bush seeds, cook them in the warm ashes, and eat them.

lupa-ipenha thungarlpa   n. lerp from elegant acacia. Relhala lupa-ipenha thungarlpa thama, purta-ilamala wantjama. People grind this gum, make a ball from it, and then suck it.

lurinya   n. stranger, exile. Relhala lurinya aramala, etna kngarra trerrama. Seeing strangers, people are very frightened. Imanka relha pmara-rinya ntjaarrala relha tjurlkara lyaartanta aramala, etna kngarra trerraka. Etna ilaka, "Lthaarna pitjikala!" Pmara-rinya ntjaarra-ntama etnakanga lyauwulhaka. Long ago local Aboriginal people, seeing white people for the first time, were very frightened. They said, "Ghosts are here!" So the people hid from them.

lurnama   vt. 1 • chase, hunt, pursue. Wurrala kwaarranha lurnaka. A boy chased a girl.

2 • follow, track. Arrkutja nhanha ramia impatja lurnama. This woman is following the goanna track. Atha artwa inurraka impatja lurnaka. I followed the lame man's tracks.

lurnarlaapuma   going about chasing. Arrkingarrala ingula thukia erinha lurnarlaapuma, ilkutjika, Barn owls hunt and eat mice at night. Morph: [lurnama + suff. ··rlaapu, ·ma].

lurnintjima   vt. chase while coming towards. Katjia nhanha arai, lurnintjima! Look at those kids, coming towards each other as they chase! Morph: [lurnama + suff.intji,ma].

lurnkara   n. Desert grass-tree, black boy. Xanthorrhoea thorntonii. Irna lurnkara rirrkala mangkama, Ntarianga alturla. Desert grass-trees grow in sandhill areas to the west of Hermannsburg.

lurnpa   n. red-backed kingfisher. Todiramphus pyrrhopygia. Lurnpala lhunga kwaarnaka kwaarta arrarnama. The red-backed kingfisher makes a nest for its eggs underground.

lurrknga   n. sinew. Artwa ntjaarrala imanka kara-arraka lurrknga inamala, irna yirnaka, merra pa tjaarta mpaaramanga. Long ago the men got kangaroo sinew, and bound sticks together when making a spear thrower or spear.

lwaarra    See: urlaarra.

lyaaka   n. thornbush, prickles. Erraarntala marna anga, lyaaka turta, ilkuma. Red-tailed black cockatoos eat seeds and also prickles.

lyaapuma   vi. sprout. Kwatjala nhamanga, yalka tharrka lyaapuma When it rains, bush onions sprout.

lyaapulhelama   vt. cause to grow, cause to spring up. Kwatjala nhamalanga, ntatha lyaarta lyaapulhelama. Having rained, flowers now come out. Morph: [lyaapuma + suff.lhelama].

lyaarta   n. now, today. Kala, nurna lyaarta lhama. Okay, we are going now. Yinga lyaarta intama, purrkanga. I'm lying down now, as I'm tired. Kwatja rua lhamanga, lyaarta relha ntjaarra urlpaiya-urna lhama. Flood waters coming down, now is the time for people to go to the river.

lyaarta-alpula   Up to the present time. Lyaarta-alpula nurna ilpangkama Kuprilyaka Arltala. Right to the present day we remember Kuprilya Day.

lyaartanta   just now. Ankwanga, era lyaartanta alkngaampuma. She is just opening her eyes just now, after being asleep.

lyaarta waara   soon, in a little while. Lyaarta waara yinga pmara-urna alpuma. Yinga itja kutatha inthurra ungkwanga kaaralhama. In a little while I'll go back home. I don't want to wait a long time for you.

lyaarta inthurra   right now. Lyaarta inthurra, nhanha-karta nuka-urna tuperrai! Right now, come back to me with that!

lyaartinya   n. new, modern, recent. Pmara lyaartinya etna laakinha irtama. They build modern houses like this. Ramiaka lhunga lyaartinya A new goanna burrow.

lyaartinya-errama   vi. become new. Irna para ntjaarra mpukalanga, kwatjala nhamala etna lyaartinya-errama, wutha mangkama. As a lot of river red gums had been burnt, when the rain comes they become new and grow again. Morph: [lyaartinya + suff.erra,ma].

lyaartinya-ilama   vt. renew, cause to be new. Lyuntja kurrka waara ingkwia-errakanga, lyaartinya-ilama. A shade shelter that is a bit old and has deteriorated in condition, is made new. Morph: [lyaarta + suff.ila.ma].

lyarra-lyarra   n. wren. Malurus spp.. Lyarra-lyarra lyauwulhama, kanha nurna etnanha wuma. Wrens hide themselves, but we hear them chatter.

lyauwa   n. munyeroo, pigweed, purslane. Portulaca oleracea. Lyauwanga marna anga kutjima, thamala ilkuma. Seeds are collected from the munyeroo plant, ground up and then eaten.

lyekarra-ilama   vt. bless. Ingkaartala relha minta erinha lyekarra-ilama. Pastor blesses the sick person.

lyerrtjina   n. budgerigar. Melopsittacus undulatus. Lyerrtijna urlpara kwaarnala nama. Budgerigars nest in hollow trees.

lyewerrama   vt. wrestle. Artwa ekarlta tharra lyewerrama. The two strong men wrestle together.

lyilhama   vi. sing. lrna nhanha ngkalhelamala, era lyilhama. As he plays this instrument, he sings.

lyilhintja   n. song, singing, Lyilhintja arrpunhaka nurna lyilhitjika kaltjerrama. We are learning to sing another song. Morph: [lyilhama + suff–ntja].

Lyiltjara   n. place name. A small spring, with an outstation, west of Ntaria. It is a little further west of Kuprilya outstation.

lyilyaaka   n. bush tomato, banana-flavoured. Solanum cleistogamum. Marna lyilyaaka urnma unta ilanganga ntjaanama. You can smell the ripe banana­ flavoured bush tomatoes from a long way off.

lyima   vt. sing spell, Arrkutjala lyimala lyupara tulhama. As the women sing, they beat the rhythm on their laps.

lyintjalyinga   n. collared sparrowhawk. Accipiter cirrhocephalus. Lyintjalyingala intaltja ilkuma. Collared sparrowhawks eat grasshoppers.

lyulpalyulpa   n. full.

lyulpalyulpa-errama   vi. become full. Morph: [lyulpalyulpa + suff.erra,ma].

lyulpalyulpa-ilama   vt. cause to be full, fill. Arrkutja nyintala taarnaka marna pmurlpa lyulpalyulpa-ilama. A woman fills up the coolamon with quandongs. Morph: [lyulpalyulpa. + suff.ila,ma].

lyuntja   n. shade, shade shelter. Nthanhala era- lyuntjala? Where is he- in the shade? Relhala lyuntja mpaarakala, wumpianga wurinyaka nitjika. People made a shade shelter so they could sit in the breeze during the hot season.

lyupara   n. thigh. Kngulyala katjia nyintaka lyupara kaakuka. A dog bit a child on the thigh.

lyupara ngkwaarna   thighbone. Lupara ngkwaarna wulhaka ilkaarta, ilanga arrtjanakala. His thighbone felt painful, having run a long way.

lyupara tulhama   vi. beat rhythm on lap with hands. Arrkutjala lyimala lyupara tulhama. As the women sing, they beat the rhythm on their laps.

lyura-errama   vi. become satisfied with. Old language.

lyurra ipmanha   kt. Mother's father's wife and her brothers and sisters (grandmother, grandparent).

lyurra parla   kt. Father's father's wife and her brothers and sisters (grandmother, grandparent).

lywatj-itnaama   vi. lie on back with knees up. Iltjerramala, era lywatj-itnaama. Resting, she is lying down with her knees up.