T - t

taaka   n. solid, thick, bulky, sturdy, stout, thickset. Artwa nyintala relha arrpunha ntangkama, ekura tangitjala, ura taaka inpura tjaarrinitjika. A man calls several others over to help him, to move the heavy, bulky piece of firewood. Arrkutja kngarritja nhanha lyupara taaka. This big woman has sturdy thighs.

taakama   vi. 1 • breaking through, collapse something. Lhunga kanha naka kartninya waarala, itja iparta inthurra. Eratharra-ntama taakaka. However, the burrow was close to the surface, not very deep down. They broke through it.

2 • tap the ground to listen for a hollow sound. Era arna taakama, nuangkamanga wutjinala, tjaapaka. She is tapping the ground, listening for the hollow sound showing witchetty grubs.

taakalhama   vi. fall in, collapse. . Urlpaiyala ngantja mpaaramaga, iparta-ilamala, arna pulya taakalhama. When making a soakage in the riverbed, soft sand falls into the hole.

taakantalhama   vi. just collapses, falls in by itself. Unta itja lhunga erinha arama. Unta empinhama. Lhunga era kala taakantalhama. It is not possible to see a burrow. You just leave it. The burrow will collapse in by itself. Morph: [taakalhama + suff.anta].

taakinpuma   vt. inherit. Wurra arrkurlinya ekuranhala kaartaka pmara taakinpuma. His eldest son inherits his father's country. Ingkaartai, laanthai, era marra Katji' nhanha tnyinitjika, Katji' era taakinpunha 'Ngkwanga kut-erritjinanga. Lord, give, so that she will care for this child, So her child will retain this inheritance from you. [from Western Arrarnta hymn 182.]

taakiwuma   vt. hang up something. Era maarntarra ilkngikala taakiwuma. She is hanging up the clothes that have been washed. Arrkutja nyintala ngkurlpa lyaarta kakala, langaka taakiwuma, ntjirrka-erritjika. One woman, who got some native tobacco leaves today, is putting them out in the sun, to dry out.

taakurra-intama   vi. lie resting on something. Taakurra-intamala, era yia wuma. She is lying, resting on her elbow, listening to a story. Arrkutja era kngarra urrkaapukala, era iltjerramala taakurra-intama. The woman, having worked hard, lies down, resting on her elbow.

taarna   n. coolamon, carrying dish, pitchi. Taarna mpaaramanga, relhala thunga paka irna inarnta inama, thunga paka irna ititja, thunga paka irna para. When making a coolamon, people might get beanwood tree wood, or might get mulga wood, or might get river red gum wood. Taarna arrpama, iparta-ilamala. The coolamon is carved to make it hollow. Taarna katjia kurrkanha miala kngama Mothers carry babies in coolamons. Rutja era nama taarna kngarritja iparta-ilakala, kwatja ekurala intitjina, ntjutjika. 'Rutja' is a big coolamon, carved deeply, for drinking water to lie in it.

taatharra   n. hell, home of evil beings. Altjirrala errintja erinha, relha ekura itja kangkerramala ntjaarranha turta, taatharra-urna iwutjina. God will throw the devil, and all those people who do not obey him, into hell.

taiya   n. 1 • moon. Ingula taiyala pa ntheilparala paarrtjilhelama. At night the moon and the stars give light. Kngarripata ingkarrakala nurnanha ilaka, “Wurrai, unta taiya aritjala nai, unta arakitja, nhanhatitja unta kuta minta nakitja, kapurta kurna-errakitjala. Nhanha taiyaka minta nama. Katjia arrpunha-urna-raanga rruwuma." All the older people told us, "Boy, don't look at the moon, don't look at it. If you do you will have this illness, your mind will be full of bad things. That is sickness from the moon. Other children shiver and shake from it."

2 • cycle of the moon, about a month in time span. Nurna Ntarianga ekngarra naka, taiya tharra ngerra. Kurunga nurna Laaparrapuntja-urna wutha pitjalpuka. We were east of Hermannsburg for about two months. Then we came back to Laaparrapuntja again. Leltja ntjaarrala tjina Irrpmangkarra-rinya ntjaarranha tukalanga, nurna yirrara lhaka, trelka kngarra. Tanha yinga taiya ntjaarra kuta-erraka. Kurunga nurna wutha Laaparrapuntja-urna pitjalpuka. Enemies having killed many of the people from Running Waters, we went north, greatly afraid. I stayed there for quite a number of months. Then we came back to Laaparrapuntja again.

taiya-taiya   n. grub that lives in the soil, which cannot be eaten.

-taka   n.end. emphasis. Katjia ntjaarrai, rrangkarra lyaarta itja school-urna lhitjika. Nhanha-taka holiday nama! You children are not going to school today. It is a holiday! Nurna-taka urlpaiyanga kutala intaka. We slept at the edge of the riverbed.

takaarra   n. root. Tjaapaka tnyaamala, relhala takaarra arama arna kwaarninya, kngarritja-errakala. "Awa, tjaapa thunga paka nhanhala intama!" When digging for grubs, people look for a root under the ground which is bigger. "Yes, there might be grubs in here!"

takaarra-karta-errama   vi. become with roots. Irna errilya takaarra-karta-erramanga, irna errilya arrpunha ntjaarra mangkama. Etna laakinha kngarra-errama. Colony wattle bushes have roots from which other colony wattle bushes grow. In this way the plant multiplies. Morph: [takaarra. + suff.erra,ma].

talka   adv. incorrectly positioned. Irna talka intama, nhanha! Erinha rraatja ingkairnai! This post is standing wrongly positioned. Erect it correctly!

talkunya   adv. across, further away, further off. Relha nhanha talkunya untharlaanama. Era itja nuka-urna pitjima. This person is roaming further off. He is not coming over to me.

taltjakurla   n. mulga apple. Kwatja kngarrala nhamanga, taltjakurla mangkama. After lots of rain, mulga apples will grow. Relhala irna ititja aramala, kurunga taltjakurla iltaaramala, etnanha inama, ilkuma-ntama. People, seeing a mulga tree, then noticing mulga apples, pick them and then eat them.

taluwa   n. end, conclusion. Tjuntintja taluwa-kunya. The beginning has no end.

taluwa-errama   vi. finishes, comes to an end, comes to a conclusion. "Yia nhanha kala taluwa-errama. Atha yia itja wutha nhanha-iperra nganha ilama. Kala." This story comes to an end here. I don't have any more to tell you about this story. That's all. Turrintja nhanha itja taluwa-erraka. Artwa ntjaarrrala turrama kuta. This fighting hasn't finished. The men are continuing to fight.

tama   vi. burst, explode, blow up.

talpa-tama   v.t. continue to burst strongly or explode, fart. Nantha arrtjanamala, talpa-tanhama. The horse, running, keeps on farting.

tarlaanama   vi. keep bursting forth (eg. spring). Kwatja pintja nhanha marra inthurra, kutatha tarlaanama! This spring water is a wonderful, continuous stream of water.

tangilama   vt. share in, have a part of. Miala katjia ekuranha marna nthama, tangilitjika. Mother gives her child a share of the food. Marna nhanha nuka tangila. This food is my share.

tangitjala   n. taking a side, help, help others, help someone out. Irrkuntja urrkaapuma tangitjala nitjika. The police work to help people. Relha kngarritjala katjianha ilama, "Itja tangitjala tutjika." Adults tell the kids, "Don't gang up on one child in a fight!"

tangitja-errama   vi. become helpful to someone, gang up against a few or one. Kwaarra nhanha ntjaarra tangitja-errama, kwaarra nyintaka. These girls gang up against one girl.

tangkalhelama   vt. rescue, save, help, Relha nyinta ngkathala inthurra, nyinta-rinya kwatja-kunya namanga, relha arrpunhala erinha iltaaramanga erinha kwatja nthama, erinha tangkalhelamanga. A very thirsty person, alone and having no water, once found by other people is given water, and so is rescued.

tangkalhelaka   vt. rescued, saved, helped. Katjia nyinta kwatja ipartaka irrpukalanga, relha kngarritja ekura-urna lhaka, kurunga erinha tangkalhelaka. A child having got into a waterhole, adults went to him, and then rescued him.

tangkalhelalhama   vi. save or rescue oneself. Kwatja ipartaka irrpukala, katjia kngarritja nyintala irna irrkumala, kwatjanga rraatitjinhala, ekura-rinya tangkalhelalhama. A big child, having got into a big waterhole, holds onto a tree in order to get out of the water, and so to save himself. Morph: [tangkalhelama + suff.lha,ma].

tangkalhelanha   n. rescuer, saviour, Relha minta-erramanga, tangkalhelanha kala nama, hospital-ala: ngangkara ntjaarra. When someone becomes ill, there are people in the hospital who can save that person: doctors. Morph: [tangkalhelama + suff–nha].

tanha   adv. that, there. tanha arai! Look at that! Tanha intama! Table-anga kwaarninya! There it is, lying there! Under the table!

-tanya   end. in spite of, despite. Kwatjanga-tanya era lhaka. He went in spite of the rain. Pmara-kunyanga-tanya, era nurnanha yairnaka, katjia kngitjika, arrkanerritjika. As there is no place to stay, he sent us to take the kids for sport.

tapa   n. See: etapa.

1 • back, rear. Wurra nyinta wurra kngarritja arrpunhaka tapa ntjika, arrkana-erramala One boy got onto the back of another, big boy, as they played around. Tapa ilkaartanga, era urlpurra-intama. She is lying on her stomach because her back is aching. Nanthaka tapa ntjikala, artwa era kngarra inthurra arltala unthaka. Mounted on the back of the horse, the man travelled a long way during the day.

2 • edge, side of heap, rim, tip, ingka tapa top of the foot.

tapa ngkwaarna   n. backbone, spine.

tapaarnama   vi. bend over. Katjia ungkwanga tapaarnamala yultha kuka inama, kurunga kamerramala itnaama? When your child bends over to pick up something, can he stand back up again by himself?

tapaarrka   n. kidneys. Relha ingkarrakala tapaarrka ntarntaralhitjika. Marra nama kwatja kngarra ntjutjika. Tapaarrka kurna-erramanga, relha minta-erramanga, yaarna marra-erritjina. Everybody needs to look after their kidneys. It's good to drink lots of water. When the kidneys deteriorate, people get sick, and are not able to get better.

taparrarnama   vt. turn upside down, turn on its back. Pmaara-pmaara taparrarnamanga, era yaarna ngalhama, yaarna rraatjilalhama. When a beetle is lying on its back, it can't move, it is unable to right itself.

tapinyala   adv. behind, at the rear. Pmara tapinyala nuarta eratharrala marna pa tharrka mangkalhelama. The husband and wife are growing vegetables and things to eat, behind the house. Etna pmara tapinyala kwintja mpaaraka, kurunga ura etaka. They made a shelter behind the house, and then lit a fire.

tarla   adv. there, at that place. Tarla era naka arrkurla. Kanha relha arrpunhala erinha kngaka. He was there beforehand. But another person took him away.

tarlpa   n. moon. [Southern Arrarnta.] See: taiya. Etna Ingkaarta Strehlow-anha kngamanga, relha ntakaarra nyintala wurra ekuranha taiya ntelamanga, ilaka, "Nhanha nama tarlpa." They were taking Pastor Strehlow, when a man from the south pointed to the moon and said, "This is 'tarlpa'."

tarnama   vt. straighten something. Era urala wumpia-ilama, tarnamala rraatja-ilama. He is warming the crooked stick over the fire, and bending it to straighten it.

tarnkama   vi. 1 • suddenly jump or spring out of, flee. Kara arra tarnkaka artwa-ntjala The kangaroo fled from the man.

2 • bounce off.

3 • fly off (sparks), splash out.

tarratha   n. shallow. Arrkurla urlpaiya rua lhaka. Lyaarta, kwatja kurrka waara urlpaiyala intamanga, kwatja tarratha waara intama. Prior to this the river ran in flood. Now there is only a little bit of water lying in the riverbed, shallow water only. Miala katjia etnanha ilama, "Kwatja tarratha waara marra, walhitjika!" Mother tells her children, "Just shallow water is good to swim in!" tarratha-urnarrp-errama approach the shallow part.

tartart   kt. Mother's father, and his brothers and sisters. Relha lyaartinya 'tartarta' anparnama, miaka kaarta erinha aramalanga. Contemporary generations address him as 'tartarta', when they see their mother's father.

Tata   See main entry: Thatha.

tera   n. fear. Relha ingkarnanga pitjimala, era intarra ngkaka. Laakinhanga nurna tera wulhaka. A person, coming up from behind, spoke loudly. That is why we felt afraid. Pasauna ngkamanga, nurna tera wulhama. When there is thunder, we feel afraid. Arna-rinya aramala, relha ingkarraka tera inthurra wulhama. Seeing a snake, everyone feels very frightened.

tera-tera   uncertain, not really sure, somewhat afraid, anxious. Relha lurinya aramala, tera-tera waara relha arrpunha ngkama. Seeing a stranger, other people talk with no real certainty. Morph: [tera, reduplic].

teraltha   fearful, scared of others. Kngulya nhanha teraltha. Era itja kngulya arrpunha-lela utnhuma-errama. This dog is afraid. It does not try to bite other dogs.

tera-errama   vi. become afraid. Arna-rinya aramala, relha ekuranga tera-errama. Seeing a snake, people become afraid of it.

terarla-nthama   make afraid. Relha arrpunha-lela yia wumala, yia nhanha pmara ntjaapara ntakalhelaka. Laakinhanga terarla-nthama. Yia nhanha wumala, relha ingkarraka trerraka. Other people, hearing the story, spread this story right across the community. So they are incited with fear. Hearing this story, everyone became afraid.

terra-terra   n. rainbow bee-eater. Merops ornatus. Eturnaka antala terra-terra pitjima. Lhurrpaka antalala tjuntamanga, etna pmara arrpunha-urna lhama. The rainbow bee-eater appears in the hot season. When the cold season starts, they go to a different place.

thaalama   vt. pour a liquid. Marna urlpmanthaka kwatja thaalama, tharra nyinta-lhelama. Pour the water into the flour, then mix the two together. Kwatja urlpurta taarnala intamanga, arrkutja nhanhala kwatja arna-urna thaalama. Kwatja urlpurta era iwuma. When there is dirty water lying in the coolamon, this woman pours it out onto the ground. She throws dirty water out. Nthaakinha? Katjia ungkwanganhala cup-anga ntjumala, era rraatja arrarnama, thaalitjikanhala? Thunga paka kuka thaalama, laakinha waara. How do things go? When your child drinks from a cup, can he put it down without spilling anything? Maybe he spills a little bit, only that.

thaalalhama.   vi. run out, trickles out, pour out, spill out. Kwatja tap-anga thaalalhama. The drinking water is running from the tap. Nhanha kwatja pintja! Nhanha arai: kwatja partanga thaalalhamanga! This is a spring. Look at this: the water is trickling out from the rocks! Morph: [thaalama + suff.lha,ma].

thalpa-thaalalhama   vi. pour down or out for a long time. Kwatja kngarrala thalpa-thaalalhamanga, urlpaiya nthurrpa rua lhama. Irna urlpaiyala itnaamanga, kwatjala etnanha urlpuntjima. As there has been a great amount of rain pouring down for quite some time, the river did indeed run in flood. Trees standing in the riverbed are ripped out by the water. Morph: [thaalama, reduplic. + sufflha].

thaapa-thaapa   n. darkness; dark. Langa irrpukalanga, alkira era thaapa-thaapa nama. The sun having gone down, the sky is dark. Intia kwaarnala thaapa-thaapa namanga, relhala itja rraatja arama. As it is dark inside a cave, people can't see properly. Ingula, thaapa-thaapala namanga, relha ntjaarrala ura etama, pmara etnakanha alkngantha-ilitjika. As it is dark at night, people light a fire, to light their place where they are living.\.

thaapa-thaapa-errama   vi. become dark. Thaapa-thaapa-erramanga, katjia paarrpa pmara-urna alpuma. When it becomes dark, kids quickly go back home. Alkngarra yarramanga, pmara ingkarraka kala thaapa-thaapa-errama. Sunset fading, all places just come into darkness. Morph: [thaapathaapa + suff. –errama].

thaarra   n. paralysed. Katjia kurrka urrputja thaarra nama. Etna mangkama, kanha yaarna rraatja unthama. Etna thaarra kuta nama. A few babies are paralysed. They grow up but cannot get around properly. They stay paralysed. Relha thaarra yaarna kamerrama, unthitjika. Era thunga paka tnarrkama waara. A paralysed person cannot get up and get around. He might perhaps only crawl around.

thaarra-errama   vi. become paralysed. Relha urrputja minta-erramanga, thaarra-errama. A few people, becoming sick, become paralysed. Relha urrputja turrinta-iperra thaarra-errama. A few people become paralysed as a result of fighting. Morph: [thaarra + suff.erra,ma].

thaarta   n. spark. See: ura. Ura thaartala mpuma. Sparks are showering out from the fire. Wurinyala waarnamala ura thaarta alkngantha-ilaka. With the wind blowing, the sparking wood burst into flame.

-thaka1   end. 1 • directional -wards. See: -thapa. Yirrara-thaka northwards. Ntakaarra-thaka Southwards. Katjia ungkwanga paka jump-errama arrkurla-thaka, kuka waara paka, ingka tharra arnanga kartninya-erramala? Does your child jump forwards, just a little way, with both feet leaving the ground? Unta katjia ungkwanganha ntelai irnala imparra mpaaritjika, kartna-thaka, kwaarna-karla. Imparra unta mpaarakala ngerra, era mpaaritjika. Show your child how to draw a line in the sand with a stick, up and down. He is then to draw a line like the one you drew.

2 • good at, responsible for.

-thaka2   explanatory, this is what it is. Era-thaka lheikanha Well, he should go. "Yakai! Eratharra-thaka rirta inthurra. Mpalha laakinha-thua motorcar-ala untharlaaputjika, lhitjika." "Ooh! Those two are so stupid. To go, and to roam around in a vehicle in sweltering heat like that." Kaarta nukanhala mia nuka alpmelaka, "Unta-thaka laanha ingkarraka empeikaha, anga laanha ntjaarra! Kwatja arrkurla arrarnalhitjika, kurunga unta anga initjika." My father told my mum, "You should just leave all this, and not get seeds. It's better to have the water reticulated in first, then get the seeds."

thaka-errama   vi. rush, anxious, worried, in a hurry. Era thaka-errama, erinha relha arrpunhala iwurlalhakitja. She is worried, that the other people might leave her behind in their haste.

thakalhelama   vt. rush someone, make to hurry up, hasten, urge on, Atha erinha thakalhelama, ilirna kala lhitjina. Shop lyaarta-thapa maarnta-ilama. I'm making him hurry up, so the two of us can go. The shop is closing fairly soon.

thaka-thaka-errama   vi. be constantly anxious or worried. Nhanha mapa iwunha paka thaka-thaka-errama? Kala ingwa-errama! Why are these people continuing to be anxious? It's becoming night. Morph: [thakerrama, reduplic].

thaltja   n. frail, weak. Artwa nhanha era nama kngarripata inthurra. Mpurrka ekuranha thaltja inthurra. Era kurrka waara unthama. This man is a very old person. His body is very frail. He only gets around a little bit. Wurritja kutatha inthurra naka. Nurna-ntama kngulya itnura thaltja waara unthamanga araka. The drought went on for a very long time. We, then, saw a dingo roaming around that was quite weak.

thaltja-errama   become frail, weak. Relha kngarripata-erramanga, mpurrka etnakanha thaltja-errama. The bodies of people become weak as they grow old. Morph: [thaltja +errama].

thama   vt. 1 • grind, pound. ltitja anga kutjima, thamala ilkuma. Mulga seeds are collected, ground up and eaten.

2 • knead. Arrkutjala marna thama. The woman kneads the dough (to make damper).

thanha   n. baker, bread or dough kneader. Arrkutja nhanha marna thanha. This woman is a kneader of dough. Morph: [thama + suff–nha].

thamparti   n. a man chosen to care for a teenage boy now that he is a young adult.

thanama   vt. lay down, place down. Ingula, miala katjia ekuranha thanama. At night, the mother lays her child down. Imanka, miala katjia kurrka taarna-karlaka thanitjaarta. Long ago a mother placed her baby into a coolamon.

thangkaarra   n. burrs on a small plant. Thangkaarra era nama tharrka lyaaka-karta. Ingkala erinha rruthamanga, iltjala mpaaraamanga, lyaakala thanthama. Kurunga relha ilkaarta wulhama. Thunga paka maama-errama. Burrs are prickles on one kind of grassy plant. When people walk on them, or touch them with their hands, the prickles will pierce the skin. So a person will feel pain. Maybe they'll get sores.

thangkuma   vt. scoop water, bail out. Era ngkaka, "Unta kwatja thangkutjika lhai" He said, "Go and scoop out some water!" Relhala imanka ngarruanga kwatja thangkutjaarta. Long ago people used to scoop water from a well.

thanthama   vt. 1 • pierce, stab, spear. lrlaakwa lyaakala relhala ngara thanthama. People pierce moles with spikes from the mimosa bush. Arrkutja ntjaarrala inarnta inamala, etnanha thanthama, antjakanha mpaarama. Woman get beanwood seeds, pierce them and make a necklace.

2 • write. Pepa-karlaka rretnya ungkwanga thanthai! Write your name on the piece of paper!

3 • sew.

-thapa   n.end. towards, in the direction of. See: -thaka. yirrara-thapa towards the north. Kwatja yaarna kartna-thapa lhama. Water can't run uphill. urlpaiya-urna-thapa towards a creek. Nurna paka Ntarianga yirrara-thapa lhama, nurna Tjurritja Parta etnaka-urna lhama. If we go northwards from Hermannsburg, we travel towards the MacDonnell Ranges. Nurna paka Ntarianga alturla-thapa lhama, nurna Utju-urna lhama. If we go westwards from Hermannsburg, we travel to Areyonga. Katjia ntjaarra urlpaiya-urna-thapa lhamanga, arna-rinya nyintanha araka. The children, going towards the creek, saw one snake. Katjia ungkwanganhala errkutjikanhala, tjap-tjap rraatja ingkala tuma, ingka ekuranha arrkurla-thapa ngalhelamala? Can your child, without holding on to something, kick a ball by swinging his leg forward?

tharerrama   vi. tip on one’s side.

tharrama   vi. laugh, smile. Yia arrkana wumala, era tharrama! Hearing a good story, she laughs! Kngarripata nthapa-erramanga aramala, era kngarra inthurra tharrama! Watching the old person dancing, she laughs so very much! Miala katjia kurrka ekuranha-urna tharramanga, katjia kuka tharrama-ntema. When a mother smiles at her baby, the baby smiles back at her.

tharrama   two. "Awa, nthaakintja unta antja?" Wurra nyintala erinha ilaka, "Tharrama." "Yes, how many do you want?" One boy told him, "Two." "Unta paka katjianha araka, pmaraka irrpumanga?" "Awa, wurra tharrama irrpuka." "Did you perhaps see kids going into the house?" "Yes, two boys went inside."

tharra   num. two. Wurra tharra two boys. Artwa tharra iltjala turrama. The two men are fighting with their fists.

tharra-raanga   twice, two times. Era shop-urna lhaka. Kanha kngwerramanga yultha arrpunha initjika, era-ntama tharra-raanga lhaka. He went to the shop. But as he forgot to get other items, as a result he went twice.

tharrama-nyinta   num. three. Katjia nyinta mia kaarta-lela naka. Relha tharrama-nyinta naka. There was one child with mum and dad. There were three people there. "Awa, nthaakintja unta antja: tharrama?" Wurra nyintala erinha ilaka, "Itja. Nyinta wutha lhangai: tharrama-nyinta yinganha nthai!" "Yes, how many do you want: two of them?" A boy told her, "No. Add one more in. Give me three!" Katjia ungkwanganhala block tharrama-nyinta, nyintama-nyinta kartnyinaka arrarnama? Does your child put three blocks, one by one on top of each other?

tharrama-nyinta-raanga   three times. Tjina ekuranha aritjika antja namanga, artwa nhanha tharrama-nyinta-raanga-ntama pmara ekuranha-urna lhaka. As he was wanting to see his friend, this man then went three times to his home.

tharrama-tharra   num. four; two by two. Katjia tharrama mia kaarta-lela naka. Relha tharrama-tharra naka pmara etnakanhala. Two children were with their mother and father. Four people were there at their home. Nuarta tharrama pmara nyintala narlaanaka: relha tharrama-tharra. Two married couples were staying at the one home: there were four people. Morph: [tharra + suff.ama, reduplic.]

tharrka   n. grass, stubble. Kwatjala nhakalanga, tharrka kngarra mangkama. As it has rained, lots of grass is growing. Kwatja yarramanga, karntala tharrka tuma, kurunga tharrka ingkarraka ntjirrka-errama. The rain finishes so the cold weather hits the grass, and all the grass dries out. Syn: irnaama.

tharrka-tharrka   n. green, lush (of grass and bush). Marra inthurra kwatjala nhamanga, nurna parta eterala tharrka-tharrka inthurra arama. Kaputha parta thinta waara namanga, eranta thathaka. Beautiful rain having fallen, we see the sides of the ranges are very green. Only the top of the range is rocky sandstone, a reddish colour. Urlpaiya eterala pmurltaatja kngarra inthurra mangkaka: tharrka-tharrka inthurra aritjika. Lots of reeds grew on the edge of the river: a very green area to behold. Morph: [tharrka, reduplic].

Thatha   n. place just west of Laaparrapuntja. Old spellings: Tata, Thata. Pmara Thatha era Laaparrapuntjanga ngaatha, Ntarianga ekngarra. 'Thata' is the place this side from Laaparrapuntja, to the east of Hermannsburg.

-thatha   v.end. before.

thathaka   n. red. Marna pmurlpa thathaka-errakala, urnma ilkuma. When quandong fruits turn ripe and red, they are eaten. Ntariaka inarnta etna thathaka nama. Arrkutja ntjaarrala etnanha altjura-ilamala, antjakanha mpaarama. Beanwood seeds in the Hermannsburg area are red. Women, making a hole in them, create necklaces.

thathama   vi. shine red, glow red like fire. Ingula relhala ilanga arama, ura partala thathamanga. At night people can see a long way, and the glow of a fire on the ranges. Relhala arama, parrka thathamanga. Parrka etna wumpia kuta intama. People see the red glow of coals. The coals are still hot. Ura kwaarta alkirala, alkngarrala nurna arama alkira pa maatara thathamanga. When there is smoke in the sky, the sunset that we view makes the sky and clouds glow red.

thatharraampa   n. lerp from red mallee. Thatharraampa irna lhilpa watintjala nama. A lerp found on red mallee trees.

thauwa   n. pouch, bag, purse. Thauwala ngkwaltja intama. The coins are in the purse.

thepa   n. 1 • bird, general word for any kind of bird. Thepa antjuala nama. A bird is sitting on the nest.

2 • Said first and then the name of the bird added. With the specific name of a bird. Thepa nturrurta kakara untharlaapuma, arnala. Spinifex pigeons run around busily on the ground. Thepa lyerrtjina para urlparala antjua mpaarama. Budgerigars are birds which make a nest in hollor red river gum trees. Thepa wangkara kwatjala narrirrama. Ducks are birds that swim in the water.

thinta   n. rock plate, flat sandstone. Parta Thintaka Ingkaartaka impatja araka. We saw the Lord's footprint on the sandstone rock. Parta kngarritja Ntarianga etinya etna parta thinta-karta nama. The big hills near to Hermannsburg are made of red sandstone rock. See: parta thurnta; parta tharra..

-thua   end. This suffix emphasises the word to which it is attached. Nhanha-thua ingka impatja ekura! These are his tracks!

thukia   n. mouse. Pseudomys spp.. Arrkingarrala ingula thukia lurnama, ilkutjika. Barn owls hunt and eat mice at night.

thunga   adv. maybe, perhaps. Yukwa, thunga era pitjima, thunga itja. I don't know. Perhaps he is coming, perhaps not. Thunga paka mia katjia-karta pitjima, thunga paka katjia pmaraka empurlalhama. Maybe the mother is coming, bringing her child, but maybe she'll leave the child at home.

thungarlpa   n. resin, eaten like chewing gum. See: tjuarnpa-ipenha thungarlpa; lupa-ipenha thungarlpa.

Thungarlpa Tjaiya   n. Name of place a little south of Ntaria. Thungarlpa Tjaiya era nama pmaraka rretnya, Tikarranga kuta. Relha imankinya Thungarlpa Tjaiya-urna lhitjaarta, itja antja namanga ilanga lhapa lhitjika. 'Thungarlpa Way' is the name of a place, adjacent to 'Tikarra'. Ancestors used to go to 'Thungarlpa Way', not wanting to walk a longer route.

thurrkaarra   n. hot north-west wind. Wurinya thurrkaarrala waarnama, kala wumpia-errama. When the north-west wind blows, it becomes hot. Thurrkaarrala waarnamanga, wurinya ekarltala arna inamala iwuma. Laakinhanga relha ntjaarra kwintjaka yunthama. When the north west wind blows, the strong wind picks up and blows sand around. Because of this, people seek shelter. Nhanha nama thurrkaarra. Thunga paka kwatjala nhitjina. This is the north west wind. Maybe it will rain.

Tikarra   n. name of the area in the Finke River bed and the nearby hills, at the bottom and east of Mt Hermannsburg. Tikarra era nama pmara Ntarianga ntakaarra. 'Tikarra' is a place south of Hermannsburg.

Tikarrapi   n. name of the area west of Laaparrapuntja. Pmara Tikarrapi era nama Thathanga alturla. Urlpaiya intanhama. Pmara Kwaarla-nga kartninya, urlpaiya nhanha urlpaiya kngarritja nyinta-errama. 'Tikarrapi' is a place west of 'Thatha'. A creek is here. Upstream from 'Kwaarla', this river unites with a big river.

tikitjapaarnpa   n. bull-ant. A large ant which is aggressive. They can run and climb swiftly. They make a nest, and when people or other creatures come close by, they can gather in large numbers, biting a person, for example. This can be a painful experience. Yaarra kngarritja etna rretnya-karta: tikitjapaarnpa. Tikitjapaarnpa era nama yaarra kngarritja. Etna kakara unthama. Relhanha kaakumanga, ilkaarta kngarra wulhama. Large ants have a name: ' tikitjapaarnpa'. 'Tikitjapaarnpa' is a large ant. They roam around, moving swiftly. When they bite people, they cause great pain.

tintjiwuma   vt. bury, inter. Artwa nyintala kara ingkarraka ilkukalanga, ngkwaarna tintjiwuma. A man, having eaten all the meat, buries the bones. Imanka, relha lyurinya ntjaarrala pmara-rinya ntjaarranha kara pa marna nthaka. Kanha pmara-rinya nhanha ntjaarrala kara pa marna nhanha tintjiwuka. Long ago, foreigners gave meat and food to the indigenous people. But the indigenous people buried the meat and food. Kurunga etna kara nhanha kngulyanha nthaka, aritjika thunga paka kngulya ilutjina. Etna-ntama araka, kala etna itja iluma. So they gave this meat to the dogs, to see if maybe the dogs would die. Then they saw that they did not die at all. Anmanta etna kaltjerraka, kara nhanha bullock namanga, marna nhanha marna damper namanga. Etna itja wutha etnanha tintjiwuka. Etna ilkuka. It was only later on they learnt that the meat was bullock meat, and the food was damper. They did not bury these things any more. They ate them.

tintja-tintja   buried, under the ground.

tintjiwuntja   n. burial, funeral. Tjina yarrakalanga, relhala Ingkaarta erinha pmarrama, tintjiwuntjaka pepa mpaaritjika. A family member having passed away, people ask the pastor to take a funeral service. Morph: [tintjiwuma. + suff.ntja].

tipinha   n. skewer (for kangaroo meat). Kara-arraka tnarta altjura-ilakala, tipinhala maarnta-ilama, etitjinala. Once the stomach of the kangaroo has been opened, it is closed with a skewer, ready for cooking.

tira    See: tera.

tiraltha    See: teraltha.

tirarlanthama    See: terarla-nthama.

tiratira    See: tera-tera.

tirerrama    See: tera-errama.

tirrintha   n. centralian tree frog. Litoria gilleni.

-titja   end. This suffix emphasises the word to which it is attached. Yinga-titja lhiai. Let me go, perhaps I had better go. Yinga-titja lhitjika antja, tjia nuka aritjika. I want to go to see my younger sister.

titjarritjarra   n. willie wagtail. Rhipidura leucophrys. Katjiala titjarritjarra waamanga, kwatja kngarrala nhama. If children throw something at a willie wagtail, it will rain a lot.

tjaaka   n. loose. Anma kaaralhai, katjia nhanha umpa tjaaka. Just wait, this child is busting to go to the toilet.

tjaaka-tjaaka-errama   vi. become loose.

tjaapa   n. edible grubs, general name for these grubs. Nhanha tjaapa tnyamaatja urrputja intama. Here are a few witchetty grubs.

tjaapa tnyamaatja   witchetty grub. Nurna irna tnyama iltaarama, tjaapa tnyamaatja etnaka yunthamanga. Tjaapa tnyamaatja intama, ngaatura kwaarnala pmara ekuranhala. Relhala ngaatura urltaakama, tjaapa tnyamaatja erinha urlpuntjitjika. Ura twaapala tnyamaatja etama, kurunga ilkuma. We look for witchetty bushes, when looking for witchetty grubs. Witchetty grubs lie inside the roots, which are their home. People break the roots in order to get the witchetty grubs out. One cooks the witchetty grub in the coals, then eats it.

tjaarlaparlapa   n. belly button. Tnartala tjaarlaparlapa kala nama. The belly button is found on the tummy.

tjaarnama   vi. cross over a creek, river, trench or hole in the ground. Etna paarrpa urlpaiyanga tjaarnama, kwatja rua lyaarta-thapa ingkarna pitjimanga. They quickly crossed the river, as flood waters were coming down there quite soon.

tjaarnalhama   v.i. cross back over. Era itja antja namanga relha arrpunha-lela nitjika, era nyinta tjaarnalhama. Not wanting to be with the other people, he keeps away by himself. Morph: [tjaarnama + suff. –lha,ma].

tjaarnalhelama   vt. cause to cross over, lead across. Kngarripata ekura tangitjala nama, kwatja ruanga erinha tjaarnalhelama. Coming to the aid of an old person, he's led across the floodwaters. Morph: [tjaarnama + suff.lhela,ma].

tjaarnanhama   vi. cross over while going away. Morph: [tjaarnama + suff.nha,ma]. Relha nhanha urlpaiyanga tjaarnanhama, pmara etnakanha urntwaarra. This person crosses over the river, going away from us to his camp on the other side.

tjaarnintjima   vi. cross over (towards speaker). Relha tjaarnintjima, marna initjika, marna etnakanha yarrakanga. Etna urlpaiyanga tjaarnintjima, Ntaria-urna-thapa. People are crossing over to our side, to get food, as their supplies of food are finished. They cross over the river towards us, to come to Hermannsburg. Morph: [tjaarnama + suff.intji,ma].

tjaarnuwa-tjaarna-errama   vi. sing or speak responsively, Unta paka lyilhamanga, katjia ungkwanga lyilhama-ntema. Ingkarraka tjaarnuwa-tjaarna-errama. If you sing, your child will sing as well. Everyone sings responsively.

tjaarrarlpmintja   n. continuous, on and on. Tjaarrarlpmintja inthurra ngkama, arrpunha kala tjukunya-erraka. Someone talks on and on, but the other person is just silent.

tjaarrinama   vt. pull. Katjia ungkwanganhala chair, yultha arrpunha paka, tjaarrinamala ntjima, yultha initjika? Does your child pull a chair, or perhaps something else, and climb up, to get what she wants? Atha yaarna ura taaka tjaarrinama, inpura inthurranga. I can't move this big log of wood, as it is too heavy.

tjaarta   n. spear. Artwa nyintala irna yinpara kama, kurunga tjaarta mpaarama. One man cuts the spearwood bush, then makes a spear. Irna yinpara ingkurta namanga, artwa era urala wumpia-ilama, tarnamala rraatja-ilama. As spearwood is crooked wood, the man heats and bends it in his hands, to straighten it. Artwa nyintala yinpara erinha inamala, yinpa iluma, kurunga rrirlpa-ilama. One man gets spearwood, removes the bark, and then sharpens it. Artwa nyintala tjaarta merraka arrarnamala, iwuma. A man, inserting the spear into the spear thrower, throws it. Artwa ntjaarrala ititja inamala, turrintjaka tjaarta mpaarama: irntawaarrka. Men get mulga wood and make a fighting spear called 'irntawaarrka'.

-tjaarta   v.end. Used to do, would do, habitually did. Kngarripata etna laakinha mpaaritjaarta. The old people used to do it like that. Ngkwaarla ntjwi-ampa etna kwatjaka arrarnitjaarta. They used to soak corkwood flowers in water.

tjaatha   n. far off, distant. See: ilanga. Relhala ilamanga, "Nurna pmara arrpunha-urna lhama." Relha arrpunhala ilama, "Pmara nhanha tjaatha." When people say, "We're going to a different place." Other people say, "That place is far away."

tjaatjatuma   vt. confess, make one's statement. Unta yaarna relha arrpunhanha tjaatjatuma. Nurna yaarna relha arrpunha laakinha ilama. You can't confess for another person. We can't talk to another person like that.

tjaatjatuntja   n. confession, witness, testimony, Lyaarta wurla-errama, relha tjaatjatuntja-iperra ngkarritjika. Today the people are getting together to talk about confession. Morph: [tjatjatuntja + suff–ntja].

tjaiya   n. 1 • road, path, track. Tjaiya rraatja intanhama The road is straight. Ranga partaka ntjimanga, kurunga tnaarnpumanga, tjaiya urrputja lurnama. Euro climb the hills, then descend, following a number of pathways. Pmara-rinya kutatha kwatja iparta-urna lhama, kwatja thangkutjika. Etna tjaiyala kuta lhapa lhama. People from here always go to the waterhole, to scoop water up. They walk along the track. Relha motorcar-aka ntjimanga, karaka lhama. Pitjalpumala etna arama impatja arrkurla mpaarakala. Nyintala ilama, "Nhanha tjaiya!" People get onto the car, to go hunting. On the way back they see tracks made a little while before. One person says, "This is the road!" Relha Ntaria-rinya lyaarta town-urna lhamanga, etna bitumen tjaiya arama, tjinya marra. Hermannsburg people, going to Alice Springs these days, see a long and good bitumen road.

2 • way, lifestyle, culture.

tjaiyaka-errama   set out on a journey. Etna lyaarta tjaiyaka-errama, Utju-urna lhitjika. They are setting out on a trip, to go to Areyonga. Etna pmara arrpunha-urna lhaka. Lyaarta etna tjaiyaka-errama, pmara-urna alputjika. They went to another community. Today they are hitting the road to come back home.

-tjala   v.end. Negative command.

-tjala nama   v.end. Negative command. Can also be expressed with itja. Yinga pitjitjala nama. I'm not coming.

-tjalha   v.end. after arriving, just after arrival. itnaatjalhama go and stand or stop.

erritjalhama   vi. take place, happen occur. Morph: [erritja + suff. tjalha,ma].

pitjalharrama   vi. come.

tjalka   n. meat without bones, steak, de-boned meat, flesh. Lhungurlpara tjalka kngarra, ngkwaarna urrputja The spangled grunter is a fish with lots of meat and only a few bones. Arrkutja nyintala tjalka ilkuka, kurunga ngkwaarna kngulya ekuranha nthaka. One woman ate some steak, and then gave the bone to her dog. Nurna kara kwatja mpaarama, marna tharrka-karta. We'll are making some stew, adding vegetables.

tjalka-kunya   n. without meat, bony. Thepala kara tjalka ingkarraka ilkuka. Ngkwaarna intama, tjalka-kunya. The birds ate all the meat. The bones are lying there, without flesh. Morph: [tjalka + suffkunya].

tjalka tuma   vt. give someone a big shock. Relha nyintala paka pmarramanga, "Money laakintja yinganha nthai!" Money kngarraka antja namanga, kurunga laakinha engkamanga, relhanha tjalka tuma. If a person asks, "Give me this amount!" And this is a great amount of money desired, and then asked for in this way, a person gets a big shock.

-tjalpu-   v.end. 1 • give back, restore. Morph: [nthama + suff.tjalpu,ma]. Ilangara unta nthitjalputjina? When will you return it?

2 • go back and do.

kngitjalpuma   vt. bring back. Era kara kngitjalpuka He brought back some meat. Artwa nyinta arlta urrputja pmara arrpunhala intakala, era lyaarta yultha ekuranha pmara-urna kngitjalpuka. A man stayed at another place for a few days, and today he brought his things back home. Morph: [kngitjima. + suff.alpu,ma].

-tjama   v.end. Happens continuously in the past.

tjampata   n. container, tin. Tjampatala marna urlpmantha intama. There is flour inside the tin. Morph: [from English: jam pot].

tjangkana   n. type of mistletoe. Tjangkana irna arrpunhanga mangkama. Tjangkana era nama marna. Thepala etnanha ilkuma, katjiala ilkuma-ntema. Thepa lyarra-lyarra tnarta thathaka-karta, eturnaka antalala pitjima, tjangkana etnanha ilkutjika. Mistletoe plants grow on different sorts of plants. Mistletoe is edible. Birds eat them, as do children. Mistletoe birds, with red chests, appear in the hot season to eat mistletoe berries.

tjapartia   n. soldier, warrior. Tjapartia inthurra-thaka kwaarra nhanha! Yep, proper soldier this girl! Tjapartia etna wurla-errama, tjapartia arrpunha-lela turritjika. The soldiers gather in order to fight with the other soldiers.

tjap-tjap   n. ball. Era tjap-tjap ingkala tuma He is kicking the football. Artwa nhanha ilinpinya inthurra, tjap-tjap errkutjika. This man has really great skills, to mark the ball.

tjarlangka   n. 1 • tar, pitch, resin (from spinifex plant). Yurta etakala, era tjarlangka mpaarama. After the spinifex has been heated, he makes spinifex resin. Relha imankinya ntjaarrala waarlka inamala tjarlangka mpaaritjaarta. Waarlka era nama yurta, nhanga tungka waara mangkama. Era itja tjinya itnaama. Our ancestors used to make tar from soft spinifex. Soft spinifex is spinifex which grows to be a low bush. It does not grow tall. Tjarlangka mpaarakala, relhala merra kantja arrarnama, errkutjika. Tar having been made, people apply it to the end of the spear thrower, to hold everything together. Taarna, yultha arrpunha paka altjura-karta, etna tjarlangka arrarnitjaarta, maarntilitjika. They used to put tar on coolamons or other things perhaps, that had a hole in them, to close it over.

2 • bitter, sour, not sweet, unsweetened. Relha kngarritjala errua tjarlangka ntjuma. Etna itja lumara arrarnama. Adults drink plain black tea. They do not add sugar. Mpanyaka arltala, relha ntjaarra ilkutjika wurla-erraka. Etna ngkwaarla relha ntjaarranha nthaka, ntjutjika. Kurrka waara ntjukalanga, relha urrputjala ilaka, "Nhanha tjarlangka, champagne nhanha!" People gathered on the wedding day. They gave the people some alcoholic drinks. Having sampled a little, several people said, "This is bitter, this champagne!" Arrkutja nyintala marna arlparrantji iltaaraka. Era arrkarnaka, kanha marna tjarlangka namanga, era marna nhanha iwuka. Marna nhanha angka kuta naka. A woman found a bush tomato. She tried it, but as it was bitter, she threw it away. It was still unripe.

tjatjikarta   n. miracle, wonder.

tjauwerrilya   n. offering, sacrifice. Sunday arltala, relha ntjaarrala Altjirranha tjauwerrilya nthama. On Sundays, the people give their offerings to God.

tjepakama   See main entry: tjipakama.

tjia   kt. younger sibling, younger brother, younger sister. Yinga nama kalya. Tjia nuka tharrama nama: wurra nyinta, kwaarra nyinta. I am the older brother. I have two siblings who are younger: a boy, and a girl. Yinga nama kwaiya nukanhaka tjia. I am the younger sister for my older sister.

-tjika   v.end. 1 • A polite command 'have to'. Unta Kwaarla-urna lhitjika You have to go to Kwaarla. Era ngkarritjika pitjitjika. She has to come in order to talk things over.

2 • The purpose for doing something, Yinga marna initjika lhama. I'm going in order to get food. Nurna kaaralhama erinha aritjika. We're waiting to see him. Eratharra ngkarritjika antja naka. They wanted to talk together.

-tjikanha   v. end. Not happening. Yinga pitjitjikanha I'm not coming. Syn: itja.

-tjikerra-   v.end. Just about happens. Often an event which is about to take place.

tjilpa   n. Western Quoll. Dasyurus geoffroii. Tjilpa era nama imurra ngerra, punga-karta. Era ngurrala unthama. Ingutnhala, alkintjalhamanga, era wutha karaka yunthama. Nurna itja wutha tjilpa lyaarta arama. The Western Quoll is similar to a possum, covered with fur. He wanders around at dusk. In the morning, before sun up, he again searches for prey. We do not see Western Quolls any more these days.

tjimaarra   adv. a row. Katjia ungkwanganhala aramanga, unta parta kurrka urrputja inai. Parta tharra arnaka arrarnai, kurunga tharra wutha. Nhanha ingkarraka arrarnamanga, tharrama-tharra tjimaarra intamala mpaarai. Katjia ungkwanganhala laakinha arrkarnama-ntama? With your child watching you, get a few small stones. Put two stones down on the ground, then two more. Putting all of these down, make a row of four. Can your child then copy and do this?

tjimia   kt. mother's father and his brothers and sisters. Mia ekuranhaka kaarta era nama tjimia. Miaka katjia ingkarrakala aiyua nhanhanha anparnama 'tjimia'. His mother's father is 'tjimia'. All of the mother's children call this older man 'tjimia'.

tjina   kt. relation, family member, kin, friend. Otto pa tjina ekuranha eratharra purta lhaka pmara Lutheran mission station-urna. Otto and his friend set out together for the Lutheran mission station. Relha nyinta tjina kngarra-karta nama. Ramarama ekuranha kala nama. Relha arrpunha ntjaarrala erinha anparnama, anparnintjaka kaltja namanga. One person has many relations. There is the extended family. The other people address him appropriately, according to that person's relationship.

tjina-errama   vt. make a friend. Morph: [tjina + suff–erra –ma]. Artwa Mpitjaana alturla-urna lhaka. Kurunga era artwa arrpunha-lela tjina-erraka. Anparnintja nyinta kuta ekuratharrakanha namanga, artwa alturla-rinya ngkaka, "Unta kalya nuka nama." A 'Mpitjaana' man went west. Then he mde friends with another man. As they had the same skin name, the man from the west said, "You are my big brother."

-tjina   v.end. Future tense verb ending. Etna ilangara town-urna lhitjina? When will they go to town? Miala ilangara yinganha marna nthitjina? When will Mum give me my food?

-tjinala   v.end. being about to happen. Nurna lhama marna initjinala We're going and we'll get food. Ilkurlpa-ilkuma lhitjinala. Eats and eats, before going on a trip. Eturna kartala ramia pa arna-rinya unthama, ilkurlaaputjika, lhungaka irrputjinala. When the hot season ends, sand goannas and snakes roam about to eat, before going into their burrows. Relhala errua mpaaramanga, etna lumara arrarnama-ntema, ntjutjinala. When people make a cup of tea, they put sugar in as well, before drinking it.

-tjinanga   v.end. A dependent clause marker which indicates 'result, and so, so that, as a result' and indicates the result of a previous action. Atha ilpa-tanya-iperra ilitjinanga, imanka nurna pitjika Tnakatuma-urna Land Rover-ala. I'm going to tell a story about getting rabbits. Some time ago we came to Tnakatuma in the Land Rover. Katjia erinha ntarntaritjika pitjai, laakinha era marra-erritjinanga. Come and look after the child so he will get better. Irna uraka arrarnitjika kngitjai, nurna kara etitjinanga Bring some wood to put on the fire so that we can cook the meat. Era nurnanha rretjingamala nurna itja pairlpa-erritjinanga Because he is leading us we won't get lost.

tjinaparlka   n. shoe. Nhanha tjinaparlka, ingkaka ekarralanha. This is a shoe, to wear on your foot.

tjinkaarra   n. feast. Relha ntjaarra tjinkaarraka wurla-erraka, tjina-lela marna pa kara ilkutjika. Many people gathered for the feast, to eat food and meat with their family and friends.

tjintalparnintja   n. speckled, spotted.

tjinta-tjinta   n. Annual plant with yellow flowers. Helichrysum sp., Senecio gregorii. Tjinta-tjinta lhurrpaka antalala tjuntama mangkitjika. Yellow flowering annuals start to grow in the winter. Kurrka waara wumpia-erramanga, tjinta-tjinta etna ntatha-karta-errama. When the weather becomes a little warmer, the yellow flowering annuals come into flower. Tjinta-tjinta era nama kwaarrakalyilyi. Katjiala imanka antjakanha pa kapurtakanha mpaaritjaarta. Yellow flowering annuals are girls' flowers. Long ago children used to make necklaces and headbands with them.

tjinya   n. 1 • long. Marna ngaraaka tjinya. Bush beans are long. Irna para tnyikala intama, tjinya. The river red gum tree that fell down is lying down, a long piece of timber. Lhurrpa tnarta mpupa namanga, ingwa tjinya nama. In the middle of the cold season, the nights are long.

2 • tall. Katjia nhanha tjinya kngarritja. This big child is tall. Irna para tjinya kngarritja itnaama. The river red gum tree stands tall and big. Nurna unthamanga, irna para tjinya kngarra aramala, nurna kaltja nama nhanha nama urlpaiya, pmara etnakanha. When we travel around, and see lots of tall river red gum trees, we know that this is a riverbed, their habitat.

tjinya-errama   vi. becomes long, extends out. Unta katjia ungkwanganhaka ntelai, nthaakinha imparra arnaka mpaaritjika. Iltja tjinya-erramala, ungkwanga-urnathaka imparra mpaaritjika. Show your child how to draw a line in the sand. Stretch your arm straight out in front of you and draw the line towards you.

tjipa   n. belt. Artwa nyintala tjipala yirnalhaka. A man strapped on his belt.

tjipa   n. 1 • Piece, portion, part.

2 • hole. Yinga ekarralhama maarntarra marraka. Nhanha tjipa. I am looking for my good clothes. This one has a hole in it.

tjipakama   vt. cut or tear into pieces. Kngulya ntjaarrala arrkanerramala, maarntarra tjipakama. Playing together, the dogs tear the clothes to pieces.

tjipakalhama   vi. tear itself. Maarntarra ingkwia-erramala, era tjipakalhama. When clothes get old, they tear. Morph: [tjipakama + suff.lha,ma].

tjipaarra   n. special, important, the only one that you have, precious. "Itja, ilirna tnyaama, kara tjipaarra inthurranga." "No, we're digging. There's good meat here." Miala ilaka, "Itja iwutjika, kara tjipaarra inthurra." Mum said, "Don't throw it out. Meat is very precious." Kngarripatala ilaka, "Kwatja nhanha itja thaalitjika. Kwatja nhanha tjipaarra." One of the elders said, "Don't pour this water out. This water is precious."

tjipa-tjipa   n. lively, energetic, enthusiastic. Erinha arama, tjipa-tjipa unthamanga. We see him walking around, showing he's energetic.

tjipa-tjipa-ilama   vt. make lively. Arrkutja nhanhala marna marra erinha ilkutjika nthama, erinha tjipa-tjipa-ilama. This woman is giving her some good tucker to eat, to give her energy. Morph: [tjipatjipa + suff.ila,ma].

tjiperrawuma   vt. judge, decide between. Court-urna kngakala, relha nhanha kaaralhama, relha arrpunhala etlaramanga nthaakinha tjiperrawutjika. Taken to court, this person waits to hear what the other person thinks and judges.

tjiperrawunhawunha   n. judge. English-ala ilama 'judge', Arrarntala ilama 'tjiperrawunhawunha'. Relha nhanhala relha errkukala tjiperrawuma, era paka ilkaarrtja, itjanga era relha parlkinya. English talk about 'judge'. Arrarnta people talk about 'tjiperrawunhawunha'. This person judges the person who has been arrested, maybe stating guilty, and if not, then innocent. Morph: [tjiperrawuma + suff–nha, reduplic].

tjiperrawuntja   n. judgement. Relha ingkarraka wurla-erritjina, tjiperrawuntjaka arltala. Everyone will gather, on judgement day. Morph: [tjiperrawuma + suff–ntja].

tjipma   n. rib. Tjipmala mpurrka kwaarna-iperra kurltama, kurna-ilakitja. Ribs cover the inner parts of the body, so that they cannot be harmed. Relhala tnunthaka tjipma ilkuma. Tjipma nhanha kara marra-karta. People eat the meat on the ribs of animals. These ribs have good meat.

tjipmaara   n. fingernail, toenail.

tjipurrkurla   n. precious, valuable. Relhala parta tjipurrkurla iltaaramanga, era arrkana inthurra wulhama. Parta nhanha marra inthurra aritjika! When people discover precious stones, they feel very happy. These stones are very beautiful to behold!

tjirlaarra   n. women's ceremonial headband. Arrkutja tjirlaarra ekarralhama, nthapa-erritjika. Women put on headbands so that they can dance.

tjirl-arama   vi. peep from behind something, look around. Arrkutja nyintala pmara kwaarnanga tjirl-arama. A woman is peeping from inside the house. Kaartala tjirl-arama, katjia ntjaarranha arrkanerramanga. Father peeps out to see how the children playing are getting along.

tjirlpirlpara   n. Richard's pipit. Anthus novaeseelandiae.

tjirrama   vt. 1 • shoot. Era inturrala kara-arra tjirrama. He shoots the kangaroo with a gun.

2 • cook, bake bread. Marna twaapala tjirrama, ilkutjika. One cooks the damper in the hot coals, ready to eat. Pangkuna anga kutjima, twaapala tjirrama, ilkuma. The seeds of the dogwood are collected, cooked in the ashes, and eaten.

tjitaatja   n. thin spears used for fishing. Wurra kngarritja nyintala tjitaatja irna-urna iwuka, arrkanerramanga. Anma paka era tjitaatja-karta urlpaiya-urna lhitjina, kurunga irrkurlaanitjina. A big boy throws a thin fishing spear at a tree, in play. Later on he will take his fishing spear to the river, and will fish with it.

tjitingka   n. young tree that is just starting to yield fruit. Irna pmurlpa nhanha tjitingka waara nama. Lyaarta irna nhanha marna urrputja-karta nama. Era itja nama irna ingkwia. Irna nhanha wutha mangkitjina, kngarritja-alkura itnaatjina. This quandong is a young tree. At the moment this tree yields some fruit. It is not an old tree. This tree will grow some more, and will be a bigger size later on.

tjitjarta   n. leader, ruler, boss. Relha nhanha tjitjarta, pmara urrputjaka. Era relha ntjaarranha ntarntarama. This person is a boss for a few communities. He looks after the people.

tjitjarta-errama   vi. become a leader, lead. Artwa nyinta marra kuta urrkaapukalanga, erinha tjitjarta-errama-ntama. As the man has continued to work well, he is becoming a leader.

tjitjarta-errintja   n. rule, government. Morph: [tjitjarterrama + suff–ntja].

tjitjipanga-tjitjipa   n. name of story telling game, using leaves to show people. Kngarripata etna kwaarra ntjaarranha alpmelaka,"Kwaarra ntjaarrai! Rrangkarra laakinha arrkanerritjika. Rrangkarra tjitjipanga-tjitjipa arrkanerritjika. Ilpalha ingkairnai, tjurrka ilpalha rrangkarra ingkairnai. Ilpalha kurrka turta ingkairnai, nhanhatitja katjia kurrka ngerra." The old people told the girls, "Girls! You are to play like this. You are to play 'tjitjipanga-tjitjipa'. Place the leaves there, stand the fig leaves there. You are to make small leaves to stand there too, which are representing little children."

Tjuarnpa   n. place name. Tjuarnpa era nama Outstation Resource Centre, Ntarianga etinya, ntakaarra. Tjuwanpa is the Outstation Resource Centre near Hermannsburg, a little to the south.

tjuarnpa   n. Ironwood tree. Acacia estrophiolata. Irna tjuarnpa ntjirrka, era nama ura ngkwaltja marra. Relhala kutjima, kurunga etama, wumpia marra nitjika arlta karntala. Dead Ironwood trees are good fire wood. People collect it, then burn it to be nice and warm when the weather is cold.

tjuarnpa-ipenha thungarlpa   n. lerp from ironwood tree. Tjuarnpa-ipenha thungarlpa eturnaka rraatama. We find this ironwood gum in the hot season.

tjukakurla   n. Macdonnell Ranges cycad, Cycad palm. Macrozamia macdonnellii. Relha Pmara Pmurlangkinya-urna lhamanga, nurna tjukakurla kngarra pmara nhanhanga ngaatha arama. Tjukakurla parta ernkala mangkama. When people enter Palm Valley, we see cycad palms growing as we get near to that place. Cycads grow on cliff sides.

tjukunya   n. quiet, silent, not making a noise. Miala katjia kurrka thanamanga, katjia tjukunya waara intama, ankwa. As Mum lays her baby down, the child just lies there not making a noise, asleep. Lhaarrkintja etinya waara lhaarrkamanga, relha tjukunyala waara arama, ekuranga trerrama. When lightning flashes rather close by, people just look without saying anything, fearful of it.

tjukunya-errama   vi. be quiet, shut up. Relha kngarritjala katjia etnanha parramanga, katjia etna tjukunya-errama. Etna itja wutha ngkama. When adults warn the kids to stop it, the children become quiet. They do not say anything. Morph: [tjukunya + suff. –erra, ma].

tjukunya-ilama   vt. make to be quiet, shut up. Miala katjia etnanha tjukunya-ilama, ilamanga, "Atha rrangkarranha tuma!" Mum makes the children to be quiet, saying, "I'll smack you!" Morph: [tjukunya, +suff. –ilama].

tjuntama   vi. begin, start, commence. Era ngkatja Arrarnta intalhelitjika tjuntaka. He began to write down Arrarnta language. Arrkanerrintja etnakanha tjuntamanga, katjia ntjaarra itnaama, arrtjanitjinala. Their sports starting, the children stand, ready to run. Ngaiyala inthurranga, etna paarrpa tjuntama ilkutjika. As they are very hungry, they straight away start to eat.

tjuntintja   n. beginning, at the start. Lhurrpaka tjuntintja, ramia pa arna-rinya irrpuma, karntanga. At the beginning of the cold season, goannas and snakes enter the burrows, because of the cold weather. Lhurrpaka tjuntintja, kapalya pa tnuntha kurrka arrpunha ntjaarra irrpuma, karntanga. At the beginning of the cold season, dragon lizards and other small animals enter the burrows, because of the cold weather. Morph: [tjuntama + suffintja].

tjura   n. warmth, sunshine.

tjura-errama   v.i. sit in the sunshine. Yinga karnta wulhaka, kwaarnala namalanga. Yinga rraatama, kurunga tjura-errama I've felt cold, having been inside. I go out, and sit in the sunshine.

tjura   n. ant species, a small black ant with a painful bite.

tjurarama   vi. look at, examine closely. Unta relha nhanha tjurarama? Unta erinha ilama, "Maarntarra ungkwanga rraatja-ilai!" Check out this person properly? You should say to her, "Put your clothes on straight!" Relha arrpunha unta arama? Unta erinha tjurarama? Era minta paka? Do you see this other person? Can you see exactly how he is? He might be sick?

tjurlkama   vi. shine, shiny, be brilliant (in colour). Atha araka parta ernkala tjurlkamanga, ngkwaarna kngarra intamanga. I saw something shining on the side of the cliff, which was a heap of bones lying there. Nurna arama kngulya tjurlkamanga, relha arrpunhaka pmarala. We saw a shiny white dog at someone else's place.

tjurlkara    See: lintara.

n. 1 • white (colour), Nurna Pmara Tjurritja-urna lhaka, kurunga parta tjurlkara araka. We went to the MacDonnell Ranges, and then saw white rocks. Kwaarra nyintala ilaka, "Yinga kapurta urrpurla. Kngarripata era pitjima: kapurta tjurlkara." One girl said, "My hair is black. An old person is coming: with white hair."

2 • white person. Imanka relha urrpurla nhanha-rinya ntjaarrala relha tjurlkara araka. Aramala, etnanha tnurlkalhelaka. Long ago, black Aboriginal people saw white people. Seeing them, they were surprised. Tjina arrpunha nurnaka-urna pitjika. Etna ilaka, "Nurna lthaarna araka. Nurna errintja ntjaarranha etnaka-lela araka-ntema. Nurna trerraka etinya-erritjika." Artwa tjurlkara nhanha ntjaarra, nurna etlaraka nhanha nama artwa urrpurla etna ilukala, kurunga etna wutha pitjalpuka. Kurunga nurna trelka yirrara lhaka. Other family came to us. They said, "We saw ghosts. We saw many devils with them as well. We were frightened to come close to them." We thought that these white men were black people who had died, then came back again. Because of that, we went north, frightened.

tjurnama   vt. lift, raise up, hoist. Maarntarra iparta-urna tnyimanga, artwa nyinta ipartaka irrpuka. Relha arrpunha ekura kaaralhaka, etinya inthurra itnaamala. Artwa nyinta arrpunha nuka-urna ngkaka, "Rringka-rringka kala empai. Ilirna erinha tjurnama, erinha rraatalhelitjika." Some clothing falling into a hole in the ground, a man went down into the hole. Others waited for him, standing close by. One of the men said to me, "Don't think about the ladder. The two of us will lift him up, to get him out."

tjurnalhama   vi. boast, show off. Literally: raise oneself up, lift oneself. Artwa nyintala etlaraka, "Yinga kalya, artwa arrkurlinya. Atha-ntama royalty money kngarralkura initjina, arrpunha ingkarrakangatjina." Era laakinha tjurnalhaka. One man thought, "I am big brother, the first born son. I'll then get a greater share of the royalty money, more than the others." That's how he boasted. Morph: [tjurnama + suff. –lhama].

tjurnpa   n. perentie. Varanus giganteus. Tjurnpa nhanha partala itnaama. This perentie is standing on a rock. Tjurnpa era ramia kngarritjalkura nama. Era nama kara marra. The perentie is bigger than a goanna. It is good meat.

tjurra   n. leg. Tjurra nuka ekarlta marra namanga, yinga marra arrtjanama. Yinga partaka ntjima, kurunga partaka tnaarnpuma. As my legs are good and strong, I can run okay. I climb up a hill, and then climb down from the hill. Tjurra nyinta itja marra namanga, yinga inurra waara unthama. As one leg is not good, I get around a bit lame. Tjurra tharra-ntema itja marra namanga, yinga yaarna marra unthama. As both of my legs are not good, I am not able to get around much. Relha ntjaarrala Ingkaarta Albrecht-anha ilitjaarta, 'Ingkaarta Inurra'. Many people used to call Pastor Albrecht, 'the Limping Pastor'.

tjurra tjinya   tall, someone with long legs. Artwa nhanha tjurra tjinya. Era yinganha kartarama. This man is tall. He looks down on me. Thepa untjwaara era nama tjurra tjinya. Kwatja eterala era untharlaapuma. White necked herons have long legs. They walk around the edge of the water.

Tjurritja   n. 1 • place name, Heavitree Range. Older spelling: Tjorritja. Parta Tjurritja era tjinya nama. Pmara Rrutjupma-nga, etna tjinya intama, ekngarra-thapa. The MacDonnells are a long range. From Mt Sonder they lie there, going a long way eastward.

2 • The Arrarnta language variety which is spoken in the McDonnell Ranges.

tjurrka   n. wild fig. Ficus brachypoda. Marna tjurrka partala mangkama. Irna tjurrka etna marna-karta nama. Lhurrpaka antalala irna tjurrka marna-karta-errama. Wild figs grow in the hills.Wild fig trees have fruit. Wild fig trees have fruit in the cold season.

tjurrka-tjurrka   n. Native myrtle, water bush. Myoporum acuminatum. Irna tjurrka-tjurrka era itja marna-karta nama. Era urlpaiya eterala mangkama. The native myrtle does not have edible fruit. It grows near the river.

tjurrunga   n. sacred object, story, song, Artwa nhanhala tjurrunga tnyinama, arrkurla arranga ekuranhala tnyinitjaarta. This man is holding the tjurrunga that his father's father used to have in previous days. Era tjurrunga pakaka. He smashed the tjurrunga.

tjutalpa   n. bird.

tjuwa   n. 1 • two children born in about the same month. Kwaarra nhanha katjia urrputjaka tjuwa, taiya nyintala alkngerraka. The children of this woman have been born in the same month, and are 'tjuwa'.

2 • young men about the same age, mate. An age mate, person born around the same time. Artwa kurrka nyintala, artwa kurrka arrpunha aramala, era anparnama 'tjuwa'. A young man, seeing other young men like him, call them 'tjuwa'.

tjuwanhanga   n. 1 • two children born in about the same month. Katjia nhanha tharra, nhanga taiya nyintala alkngerraka, eratharra nama tjuwanhanga. These two children have been born in the same month, and are called 'tjuwanhanga'.

2 • young men about the same age. Artwa kurrka urrputja nhanha ntjaarra nama, tjuwanhanga. A number of young men, of similar age, are 'tjuwanhanga'.

tjuwa   n. thin, skinny, slim. Katjiala marna itja rraatja ilkumanga, era tjuwa nama. Children who do not eat properly are thin. Wurritja namalanga, relha ingkarrakala itja rraatja ilkumanga, etna tjuwa nama. When there is a drought, and everyone is not eating well, they are thin.

tjuwa-errama   vi. become thin, lean, skinny. Relha paka minta-erramanga, era-ntama tjuwa-errama. When a person becomes ill, he then becomes thin. Morph: [tjuwa + suff.erra,ma].

tjwaara   n. Hop bush. Dodonaea viscosa, several spp.. Relhala irna tjwaara urltaakama, ntulya mpaaritjika. People break off hop bush branches, to make some shade.

tnaakama   vt. believe in, trust. Wumala, nthaakinha artwa nhanhala ilaka, etna erinha tnaakaka. Etna etlarama, era rraatja ilamala. Hearing what this man said, they believed him. They think that he reports everything correctly.

tnaakalhama   vi. boast, brag. Artwa nyintala relha arrpunha ilaka, tnaakalhamanga, "Nantha nuka arrpunhanga kakaralkura arrtjanama!" One man told the other people, boasting, "My horse runs faster than the others!" Morph: [tnaakama + suff.lha,ma].

tnaakanhakanha   n. believer. Ingkaartaka kurtungurla etna naka tnaakanhakanha. The Lord's disciples were believers.

tnaakintja   n. creed, statement of belief. Ingkaartala ilaka, "Nurna tnaakintja nurnakanha ngkitjika, 'Atha tnaakama' ngkamanga." The Pastor said, "We will state what we believe, as we say 'Atha tnaakama'." Morph: [tnaakama + suff–intja].

tnaapurta   n. lustful, person who sleeps around. Relha ntjaarrala ilama, "Artwa nhanha era tnaapurta." People say, "This man's a lover boy."

tnaarnpuma   vi. get down, jump down, come down. Katjia nhanha motorcar-anga tnaarnpuma. This child is getting down from the car. Katjia ungkwanganha rringka-rringkarrala tnaarnpumala, unta paka iltja arrpunha ekuranha errkuma, era iltja arrpunhala wall errkumala lhama? Does your child walk down stairs if you hold onto her one hand, and she holds the wall with her other hand?

tnaarnpulhelama   vt. get something or someone down, cause to get down. Artwa nyintala yultha ekuranha motorcar-anga tnaarnpulhelama. One man is gettings his things down out of the car. Morph: [tnaarnpuma + suff. –lhelama].

tnaarnpintjalhama   vi. come down and move towards someone. Miala katjia ekuranha ilama, "Muntja tnaarnpintjalhau! Tnyikitjanga!" Mum tells her child, "Come down slowly to me! Be careful not to fall!" Morph: [tnanpuma + suff. –intjilhama].

tnaarnpintjama   vi. come down towards someone. Kaarta itnaamanga, wurra ekuranha motorcar-anga tnaarnpintjama, kurunga ekura-lela itnaama. As his father is standing there, his son gets down out of the motorcar to him, then stands with him. Aiyuala wurra kngarritja erinha ilaka, "Tnaarnpintjai!" Wurra era-ntama ekura-urna tnaarnpintjama. The old man told his big son, "Come down to me!" So the lad comes down to him. Morph: [tnaarnpuma+ suff.intjima].

tnaartanga   n. base, bottom part, at the base of something. Ingkwa tnaartanga relhala ilkutjaarta. People used to eat the bottom part of the bullrushes.

tnaartangala   behind another. Katjia lyurra ekuranha-lela tnaartangala lhama. Eratharra pmara-urna purta alpuma. The child walks along behind her grandmother. The two of them are going back home together. Para tnaartangala arna kwaarnala, tjaapa lthinia nama. Grubs live in the ground next to the roots of the river red gum.

tnairnama   vt. shepherd, tend a flock, care for. Imanka, Ntariala, relha lurinya ntjaarrala sheep-i tningka tnyinitjaarta. Etna relha urraaraka, tnuntha nhanha ntjaarranha tnairnitjika. Long ago at Hermannsburg, foreigners used to have many, many sheep. They chose Aboriginal people to look after these animals. Atha sheep-i kurrka ntjaarranha tnairnaka. Artwa Tuendemann nurnaka-lela naka. Yinga wurra kngarritja nakala, arlta nhanhala. I looked after the lambs. Mr Tuendemann was with us. I was a big boy at this time. Arlta nyintala maartara kngarra aramanga, Tjalka-Purtala lhangaraka kwatja kngarra pitjitjina. Arlta nhanhala, era sheep-i etnanha tnairnaka. Ingkinyala, lhaarrkintja kngarra lhaarrkaka. Tjalka-Purtala ura ngkwaltja kngarra kutjika, etaka-ntama. Sheep-i etnanha wurla-ilaka, irnanga etinya, kwintja kuka etnakanha. Kwatja kngarra inthurrala nhaka. Ingula, era kaarra kuta naka, sheep-i etnanha ntarntaramanga. Kanha arlta arrpunhala kwatja paarrpa yarraka. Tjalka-Purtala sheep-i etnanha rraatja inthurra ntarntaraka. Seeing lots of clouds one day, Tjalka-Purta realised that a big rain would be coming. At this time he was caring for the sheep. In the middle of the day there was a lot of lightning. Tjalka-Purta gathered a great pile of firewood, and lit it. He brought the sheep close in, near the bushes, which was a small shelter for them. There was a huge amount of rain. In the night, he stayed awake right through, looking after the sheep. It was only the next day that the rain finished abruptly. Tjalka-Purta did a really good job caring for the sheep.

tnairnarintja   n. shepherd, guardian. Pmara-rinya etna tnairnarintja naka. Relha lurinyala sheep ntjaarra inthurra Ntaria-urna kngitjika, kurunga pmara-rinya ntjaarra kaltjerraka etnanha ntarntaritjika, tnairnamanga. Local people were shepherds. Foreigners brought lots of sheep to Hermannsburg, then local people learnt to look after them, shepherding them.

tnalhama   vt. chase, drive about. Thepa ngapa urrputja pmara ekuranha-urna pitjikalanga, arrkutja pmara-rinya nyintala etnanha tnalhama, ilkamanga, iltjala parramanga. Several crows having come to her camp, the one woman from there drove them away, calling out, and shooing them with her hands.

tnama   n. digging stick, short stick. Tnama tnyaanha-tnyaanha. The digging stick is the tool used for digging. Arrkutja ntjaarrala tnama-karta lhama, yirrampa tnyaatjika. The women go with their digging sticks, to dig for honey ants.

tnama-tnama   n. narrow-leafed native currant. Canthium lineare. Tnama-tnama marna anga urrpurla kuka nama. The narrow-leafed native currant has small black fruit.

tnangkarra   n. 1 • Creation, 'Dreaming' time of creation and stories about the times of creation.

2 • A story from the Creation time. Tnangkarra Artwa Nyinta pa Katjia-iperra A Creation story about a man and some children.

3 • ceremonies.

tnangkarra arama   vt. to have a dream. Arrkutja nyintala tnangkarra arama. Tnangkarra kurna aramala, era tera wulhama. Tnangkarra marra aramala, era marra wulhama. A woman has a dream. Having a bad dream, she feels afraid. Having a good dream, she feels okay.

tnantjama   vt. to praise, applaud, laud. Relha ntjaarrala erinha tnantjama. Era katjia ntjaarranha ntarntaraka, arna-rinyanga. People praise him. He protected the children from a snake. Ingkaartala relha ntjaarranha ilaka, "Nurna Altjirranha tnantjama. Makalaria inthurra era ingkarrakanha arrpmarnaka." The pastor told the people, "We praise God. He's created everything in a wonderful way!"

tnantjintja   n. praise. "Tnantjintja, tnantjintja," relha ntjaarra lyilhitjaarta, Christmas arltala. "Praise, praise", people used to sing at Christmas time. Morph: [tnantjama + suff.intja].

tnarrkama   vi. crawl. Katjia kuka arnala tnarrkama. Era itja itnaama, itja ingka lhapalhama. The young child is crawling on the ground. She does not stand, and does not walk around. "Kungka, katjia ungkwanga kala ingka unthama. Era itja wutha tnarrkama!" My woman, your child is now walking around. She is no longer crawling!"

tnarrkanha   n. crawler, crawling creature. Morph: [itnirrakama +suff. –nha].

tnarrkarlaapunha   n. creatures that crawl around. Ilanga-ntama era tnarrkarlaapuma. Now he crawls a long way. Morph: [itnirrakama + suff.rlaapu,nha].

tnarta   n. 1 • stomach, belly, tummy. Tnarta era pulya. Relha arrpunhala tnarta ungkwanganha tumanga, unta thunga paka yaarna marra aiyangkama. Unta ilkaarta kngarra wulhama. The stomach is tender. When someone else hits your stomach, you probably won't be able to breath properly. You'll feel a lot of pain. Atha yaarna wutha ilkuma. Tnarta nuka marra, atha kala kngarra ilkukala. I can't eat any more. My tummy is good. I've already eaten very well.

2 • The middle or centre of something. The middle of a season. Lhurrpa tnarta mpupa The middle of the cold season. Antala nhanhala, lhurrpa tnarta mpupa, wurinya karntala waarnama. Relha ntjaarrala ura etama, wumpia marra nitjika. During this season, the middle of the cold season, a cold wind blows. People make a fire, to keep nice and warm. Lhurrpa tnarta mpupa kala namanga, arltala nurna langa kwaarninya waara alkirala arama. Arlta tungka nama. Paarrpa ingwa-errama. Antala nhanhala, wurinya karnta ntakaarranga waarnama. When it is the middle of the cold season, during the day we only see the sun low in the sky. The days are short. It quickly becomes night. During this season, the wind blows cold, from the south. Eturna tnarta mpupa The middle of the hot season.

tnarta mpaarlkarta   vi. lie on back. Yinga tnarta mpaarlkarta intama. I am lying down on my back.

tnatharta   n. scorpion. Kwatja kngarrala nhamanga, tnatharta rraatama. After lots of rain, scorpions come out. Tnatharta era kantja tjinya. Relha etinya-errama, era paarrpa inthurra thanthama. Tnatharta era iltja-karta. Iltja nhanhala paarrpa irrkumala thanthama. Scorpions have long tails. When people come close, it very quickly stabs them. Scorpions have claws. Holding on with these claws, they pierce the skin.

tnauwuma   vt. Let go, send off. Artwa nyintala tnuntha ekuranha ntjaarra tnauwuma, tharrka-urna lhitjika. A man takes his animals away, to go to good pasture. Ngkatja nhanha kala tnauwuai, itja wutha nhanha-iperra ngkitjika! Just get rid of this kind of talk. Don't talk like this again any more!

tningka   n. 1 • lots, many, large number, big mob. Katjia tningka wurla-erraka, school-aka irrputjika. Lots of kids came together, to attend school. Thepa nyingka ntjaarra kwatja etera-urna pitjika, ntjutjika. Etna wurla tningka pitjika. Lots of budgerigar birds came to the edge of the water, to drink. They came as a big mob.

2 • revenge party. Artwa tningka Irrpmangkara-urna pitjika, leltja-erramala relha pmara-rinya ntjaarra tutjika. The revenge party came to Running Waters, as enemies, to kill the people from there.

tnuatnua   n. confident, fearless. Unta tnuatnua urrkaapuma, arrpunha ungkwanga tangitjala nama. You work confidently, with others helping you out. Unta arrkurla rraatja kaltjerritjika, kurunga unta tnuatnua urrkaaputjina. Unta paka kaltjerrama tnuntha ntarntaritjika, urrknga paka mpaaritjika, katjianha kaltjinthitjika. Rraatja kaltjerrakala, unta tnuatnua urrkaaputjina. First of all you are to learn how to do things correctly, then you will work confidently. You might learn to look after animals, to learn to make pottery, or to teach children. Once you have learnt everything thoroughly, you will work with confidence.

tnukurlpa   n. garden, field, place where plants are growing well. Relha nhanha marra tnukurlpala urrkaapuma, marna ingkairnitjika, irna mangkalhelitjika. These people are doing a good job in the garden, to grow food, and cultivate trees. Artwa nhanhala tnukurlpa marra ntarntarama. This man is looking after the garden well.

tnuntha   n. animals (larger creatures). tnuntha ntjaarra animals. Pmara nurnakanhala tnuntha ntjaarra kala nama. Kara-arra, ranga, thepa ntjaarra, thukia, tnuntha arrpunha ntjaarra kala nama-ntema. In our country, there are many animals. There are kangaroos, euros, various birds, mice, and other kinds of animals as well. Pmara nurnakanhala tnuntha arna-rinya ntjaarra kala nama. Relha ntjaarrala tjurnpa erinha ilkuma, ramia turta. Imanka relhala apma kngarritja nhanha tharra ilkutjaarta: inturrkanha pa inanha. In our country there are many kinds of ground dwelling animals. People eat the perentie, and also the sand goanna. Long ago people used to eat two kinds of big snakes: the carpet snake, and the woma python.

tnurlkama   vi. startle, surprise. Katjia nhanha tnurlkama, relha nhanha ntjaarra intarra ngkarramanga. When other people talk loudly, this child is startled.

tnurlkalhelama   vt. cause to be startled. Katjia nyinta lyauwulhama. Urrputja arrpunha ekura yunthama. Itja iltaarakala, katjia nyinta nhanha paarrpa rumerramala, katjia arrpunha etnanha tnurlkalhelama. A child hides. A few others look for him. Not having been found, this one child suddenly appears, startling the other children. Morph: [tnurlkama + suff.lhela,ma].

Tnurrala   n. Place name, Gosse's Bluff. Old spelling: Tnorala. Tnurrala era nama pmaraka rretnya. Pmara nhanha Ntarianga alturla. Gosses Bluff is the name of a place. This place is west of Hermannsburg.

tnurranga   n. emu bush. Eremophila longifolia. Irna tnurranga kngarritja-kngarritja itnaama. Emu bush grows to be a fairly big bush. Arrkutjala irna tnurranga kamala, arrkutja ura kwaartaka kurnama, nhanga katjia kuka-karta. Ura kwaaarta nhanhala ekarlta-ilama, ltarrknga-ilama. Women cut the branches of the emu bush and put a woman, who has a baby, into the smoke. This smoke makes them strong and healthy.

tnwaantha   scrub.

tnwaantha-rinya   n. scrub dweller. Morph: [twaantha + suff.rinya].

tnyaama   vt. dig, dig out, sink a well. Irna tnyama aramala, arrkutja ntjaarrala tjaapa tnyamaatjaka tnyaama. Seeing witchetty bushes, the women dig for witchetty grubs. Irna ititja aramala, yaarra ekura ntjimala, etna yirrampaka tnyaama. Seeing mulga trees, and ants climbing up them, they dig for honey ants. Kwatja itjanga, relha urlpaiya-urna lhama, kurunga ngantja tnyaama. Iparta-ilakala, kurrka waara kaaralhama kurunga thangkumala ntjuma. When there is no water, people go to the river, and dig a soakage. Having made a hole, they wait a little while and then scoop water up to drink it. Etna well tnyaaka Ntarianga alturla. They sank a well west of Ntaria.

tnyaarna   n. flat grinding stone on which seeds are ground (with parta); grinding stone. Parta tnyaarnala intanga intama. The seeds are lying on the flat grinding stone. Ngkurlpa pa ilpminya arrarnamala, tnyaarna-karlaka, kurunga thama. Arrkarnama-ntama. Ngkurlpa nhanha marra ilkutjika? One puts the tobacco and ashes on the grinding stone, then grinds. After that, try it. Is this tobacco good to use?

tnyaartangala   See main entry: tnaartangala.

tnyama   n. witchetty bush. Acacia kempeana. Irna tnyama etna nama tjaapa tnyamaatjaka pmara. Ngaatura kwaarnala etna nama. The witchetty bush is the home for the witchetty grub. They are inside the roots.

tnyara   n. Supplejack. Ventilago viminalis. Irna tnyara etna mangkama Ntarianga yirrara. Etna tjinya itnaama. Supplejack trees grow north of Hermannsburg. They are tall.

tnyarlanga   n. native fuchsia. Eremophila latrobei. Tnyarlanga ntathala ngkwaarla nama. Native fuchsias have honey in the flowers.

tnyikwa-tnyikwa   n. big toe. Relhaka ingka tnyikwa-tnyikwa-karta nama. Relha nyinta partaka ntjimanga, ingka tnyikwa-tnyikwa thanthama. People have big toes on their feet. When a person climbs up rocks, they hurt their big toes.

tnyima   vi. fall. Wurra irnanga tnyima. The boy is falling out of the tree. Marna pmurlpa irnanga tnyima. Quandong fruit are falling out of the tree. Nurna lhangkarama wurra ungkwanga marra ingka unthama. Era paka urrputja-raanga tnyimanga, era ilkaarta wulhama. We can see that your son is walking around well. If he falls down a few times, he'd feel pain.

tnyika   vi. fell. Imanka, artwa nyintala kara ranga erinha errkumala, ernka-urna tnyika, Pmara Wurrapala. Yaarna ntjimanga, yaarna tnaarnpumanga, era iluka. Long ago a man was holding onto a euro, and fell over the cliff at Wurrapa. Unable to climb up, unable to go down, he died.

tnyirlalhama   vi. fall down by itself. Yinga lhapa lhamanga, marna atha iltjala tnyinama, tnyirlalhama-ntama. As I walk along, the food that I am holding in my hand then falls down. Marna pmurlpa urnma irnanga tnyirlalhama. The ripe quandong fruit fall from the tree. Morph: [tnyima + suff.lalha,ma].

tnyirlalhitjikanhala   vi. does not fall off by itself. Katjia ungkwanganhala spoon-ala ilkumanga, era rraatja errkuma, marna tnyirlalhitjikanhala? When your child uses a spoon when eating, does she keep the spoon the right way up, so that the food doesn’t fall off it?

tnyilhilama   vt. drop, cause to fall, husk seeds. lngkala rruthama, marna tnyilhilama. She tramps on the seeds and the seeds fall out. Arnaka arrarnamala, etna ingkala rruthama, marna anga tnyilhilama. Putting them on the ground, they tramp on them, and the seeds fall out.

tnyinama   vt. 1 • to hold. Kaarta nukanhala tjia nuka nurtala tnyinama. My father is holding the youngest child on his lap. Relha arrpunhala yinganha tnurlkalhelamanga, marna atha iltjala tnyinama, kurunga tnyirlalhama. Era nuka ilkaka, "Arna-rinyangai!" When another person frightens me, and I'm holding some food in my hands, it falls. She calls out to me, "Look out for the snake!"

2 • to have, possess. Kaarta nukanhala arrkutja marra inthurra tnyinama: mia nukanha. My dad has a very good woman: my mother. Artwa nhanhala tjurrunga tnyinama, arrkurla arranga ekuranhala tnyinitjaarta. This man is holding the tjurrunga that his father's father used to have in previous days.

3 • to look after. Ngunhala katjia nhanha tnyinama, yinga urrkaaputjika lhamanga? Who will look after this child, as I am going to work? Artwa urrputja lhaka, bullock etnanha tnyinitjika. Tnyinamala, etnanha kwatja nthitjika. Tnyinamala, etnanha tharrka marra-urna kngitjika. Several men went to look after the bullocks. Looking after them, to give them water. Looking after them, to take them to good grassy areas. See: irrkuma.

trelka   n. afraid, fearful. Tjina nurnakanha, Irrpmangkara-rinya ntjaarra, nurnaka-urna pitjika. Etna nurnaka-lela narlaanaka. Kurunga etna pmara etnaka-urna alpuka. Arlta nyintala kaarta nuka irnaka ntjikalanga, ura kwaarta ntakaarra araka. Era irtnika, tjina nurnakanha ntjaarranha leltjala tukalanga. Kurunga nurna yirrara lhaka, trelka kngarra. Our relatives from Running Waters came to us. They stayed with us. Then they went back to their home. One day my father, having climbed a tree, saw smoke to the south. He wept, as our relatives had been killed by enemies. Then we went north, greatly afraid.

trera    See: tera.

trerrama   vi. become frightened, fear. Leltja rumerranga, relha ekuranga trerrama. When an enemy appears, people are afraid of him. Relha apma etnakanga trerrama. Apma ntjaarrala laakinha nama: etna relhanha utnhumanga, relha nhanha minta-errama, thunga paka paarrpa iluma. People are afraid of snakes. Snakes are like this: they bite people, who then become sick, and might even suddenly die.

tuakitja   n. grey-crowned babbler. Pomatostomus temporalis. Tuakitja wurla urrputja unthama. Etna kngarra ngkarrama. Babblers go around in groups. They make a lot of noise.

tuatja   n. gap in hill, chasm, cleft. Nurna parta kngarritja etnaka-urna lhamanga, nurna arama tuatja namanga. As we went to the big hills, we see that there is a gap.

tukura   n. boils, sores, yaws. Irna kukala relhanha thanthamala, thunga relha nhanha tukura-karta nitjina. When people have splinters, these people might get boils. Relha, nhanga itja marna pa tharrka marra ilkumanga, thunga relha nhanha tukura-karta-errama. Those people who do not eat good food and vegetables, may well get boils.

tukura-karta-errama   vi. getting boils or sores. Relha tukura-karta-errama, irnala thanthamanga. Wutha kngarra-errama. When people get splinters, they get boils. The sores multiply. Morph: [tukura + suff.karta,erra,ma].

tukura-paaputha   n. covered in boils or sores. Relha tukura paaputha-karta, ilkaarta kngarra wulhama, minta-inthurra-errama. A person who is covered in boils, are in great pain, and get really sick. Morph: [tukura + suff.paaputha].

tukurta   n. heart. Tukurta marra urrkaapumanga, relha nhanha ltarrknga marra nama. Tukurta itja marra urrkaapumanga, relha nhanha minta-errama, thunga paka iluma. Tukurta era tjipaarra namanga. When the heart is working well, this person is good and healthy. When the heart is not working well, this person becomes sick, and might die. The heart is precious. Tukurta mpurrka kwaarnala intama. Tjipma erinha kurltama. Tukurta nhanhala alhua yairnama, mpurrka ntjaapara-urna. Kutatha inthurra tukurta era urrkaapuma, relha ilutjinalpula. The heart is inside the body. Ribs cover it. The heart sends blood to all parts of the body. The heart is always working, right up to the time when a person dies.

tuma   vt. 1 • hit.

2 • kill. This may occur with errilknga. Irna kngarritjala era apma tuka. He killed the snake with a big stick.

3 • chop. Era irna ilparranga urltwaampa tuma. She is chopping honey from the whitewood tree.

twintjima   vt. hit while, coming towards. Kwatja elpantha pitjimanga, relha kngarritjala katjianha ilama, "Urlpaiyala twintjima! Kwatja alturlanga pitjima! Nurna ingkarraka pmaraka irrputjika, kwatjanga!" With rain setting in, adults tell the children, "It has hit the river as it comes this way! Rain is coming from the west! We all have to go inside our homes, because of the rain!" Morph: [tuma + suff.intjima].

tulhama   vi. hit oneself. Relhala tulhamalanga, etna thunga paka arlta urrputja minta nitjina, thunga paka arlta ntjaarra minta nitjina, thunga paka etna iluma. Relhala tulhamalanga, tjina etnakanha ltaarrpa wulhama. When a person harms himself, they might be sick for a few days after that, or maybe will be sick for a longer time, or perhaps die. When a person harms himself, their family and friends feel sad. Lyaarta relha ntjaarrala wuma, nthaakinha pmara-rinya ntjaarra jail-aka kurnakala namanga. Etna wuma, 2020-ala katjia kngarritja jail-aka kurnakala, kngarra tulhaka. Kanha lyaarta katjia kngarritja jail-aka kurnakala, kngarralkura tulhama. These days many people hear how things are with Aboriginal people, who are in jail. They hear that in 2020, many big children who have been put in jail commit suicide. But today, when big children are jailed, a greater number commit suicide. Morph: [tuma + suff.lha,ma].

tuntja   n. a beating, a hiding. Mr Schwarz-ala wurra erinha ntangkaka, "Nuka-urna pitjai.”Atha pula etlaraka, thunga era yinganha tutjika ntangkama? Kurunga era yinganha maarntarra nthaka. Kwatja yinganha nthaka, ilkngilhitjika, kurunga towel yinganha nthaka. Yultha kngarra inakala, atha itja wutha tuntja-iperra etlaraka. Mr Schwarz called the boy, "Come to me." But I thought, maybe he is calling me so as to hit me? Then he gave me clothes. He gave me water to wash with, then he gave me a towel. Having received all these things, I no longer thought about getting a hiding. Morph: [tuma + suff–ntja].

turlpa-tuma   vt. hit or beat up constantly. Katjia nyintala katjia arrpunha turlpa-tuma, erinha parramanga, "Itja nhanha initjika. Nhanha nuka!" A child, constantly beating up another child, to restrain him, "Don't take this one. This is mine!" Morph: [tuma, reduplic].

turla-alpuma   vt. hit and then return. Arrkutja tharra turraka. Arrkutja nyinta wutha lhaka, pmara ekuranha-urna, arrkutja arrpunhanha turla-alpuka. Two women fought. The one woman went once more, to her home, to hit in return the other woman. Morph: [tuma + suff.rlalpu,ma].

tunha-tunha   n. hitter. Lintara nhanhaka nurna itja kaltja. Era nama tunha-tunha inthurra. We don't know this white person. He is a fighter. Morph: [tuma + suff.nha, reduplic.]

turrama   vt. fight, fight each other. Kuturala arrkutja tharra turrama, urlaarraka-urlaarra. Two people are facing each other and fighting with a nulla-nulla. Morph: d. & pl. [tuma + suff.rra,ma].

turrintja   n. a fight, fighting, battle. Turrintja kngarra-errama. Relha ntjaarra wurla-errama, turritjika. The fighting gets big. Many people gather to fight. Turrintjakanha urlpurrinya ilpakanha. The hooked boomerang is used for fighting. Era alkurtala turrintjanga. He protects himself from the fight with the shield. Morph: [turrama + suff.ntja].

tungka   n. short. Kaarta tjinya itnaama. Katjia ekuranha tungka. Father stands tall. His child is short. Irna para kngarritja nhanha tjinya itnaama. Kanha irna para kurrka, tungka waara itnaama. This big river red gum tree is tall. But this small river red gum tree, is only short.

tungka-ilama   vt. make short, shorten. Arrkutja nyintala irna tungka-ilama, tururra mpaaritjika. One woman makes a piece of wood shorter, making music sticks. Arrkutja nyintala irna ititja tungka-ilama, kutura kngarritja nyinta mpaaramanga. One woman makes a piece of mulga wood shorter, when making a big nulla nulla. Morph: [tungka + suff.ila,ma].

tupa-errama   vi. place upside down, overturn. Morph: [tupa + suff.erra,ma].

tupanta-errama   vi. only turn back. Kwatja rua ingkarninya pitjimanga, miala katjianha ilama, "Kala tupanta-errau!" Flood water coming along behind them, mum tells the kids, "Just turn back!" Morph: [tuperrama + suff.anta+suff.erra,ma].

tupalhelama   vt. cause to turn around. Miala katjia ekuranha tupalhelama, etna kwatja iparta inthurra ekura-urna lhamanga. Mum makes her children turn back, when they are heading for the deep waterhole. Katjia etna tjaiya-urna lhamanga, relha kngarritjala katjia etnanha tupalhelama, "Tuperrai! Motorcar kala pitjimau!" When the children are going towards the road, the adults make the kids turn back, "Turn back! Cars are coming!"

turlka   n. across. lrna tjaiyala turlka intama. The branch is lying across the track.

turlp-errama    See: nturlp-errama.

turnama   vt. to command, to order. Unta paka katjia ungkwanganha turnamanga, pmara kwaarnaka irrpumala yultha initjika, era nganha wumala mpaarama? Unta thunga paka ilamanga, "Tjap-tjap inamala kngitjai!" "Thunga paka maarntarra initjika." "Thunga paka yultha arrpunha initjika." If you tell your child to go inside to get something, will he listen to you and do it? You might ask "Get the ball and bring it here!" or "Bring me your shorts," or "Maybe get something else".

turnai   Tell to do something. A command. Katjia ungkwanganha turnai, school-aka lhitjika. Tell your child to go to school. Katjia ungkwanganha turnai, tharrama-nyinta-raanga era mpaaritjika. Nyinta-raanga erinha ilai, nthaakinha era mpaaritjika. Itja iltjala, alkngala ntelitjika. "Iltja tulhitjika, rriwa-urna lhitjika, arrarnalhitjika!" Tell your child to do three things. Say what he should do one time. Don’t point and don’t use your eyes to show what to do. “Clap your hands, walk to the door, sit down”.

turna-errama   to urge, egg each other on. Artwa nyintala artwa arrpunha ilaka, "Untarrka ntjai! Yinga anma ntjitjinanga!" Laakinha eratharra turna-errama. One man told another man, "You get on first. I'll get on later on!" The two of them urge each other on like this.

turnintja   n. an order, command, commandment. Iturnka era turnintja ilama, "Laakinha waara mpaarai, rraatja kangkwerramanga." A leader states an order, "Just do things like this, obeying in the right way." Morph: [turnama + suff–ntja].

turrkura   n. neck, bones of neck. See: antja; urntja. Turrkura ngkwaarna urntjanga kurrka kartninyala. The neck bones are a little higher up from the back of the neck.

turta   conj. also, as well, and. Era ingka, kantja turta, urltaakama He is cutting off the legs, and also the tail. Erraarntala marna anga, lyaaka turta, ilkuma. Red-tailed black cockatoos eat seeds and also prickles. Ngurra-ngurra-errakalanga, arrkutja pmara-urna alpuma, nua ekuranha turta. As it was late afternoon, the woman goes back home, and her husband as well.

tururra   n. clapsticks, music sticks. Relhala tururra laakinha mpaarama. People make clapsticks like this. Relhala tururra irna ititjanga mpaarama, thunga paka irna arrpunhanga turta. Irna kupaartanga turta. People make clapsticks from mulga wood, or maybe from other kinds of wood as well. Plum wood is also used.

tutharrutharra   n. marsupial mole. Notoryctes typhlops. Tutharrutharrala itja alknga arama. The marsupial mole cannot see. Tutharrutharra arna kwaarnala nama. Arna pulya nama arna marra. The marsupial mole lives under the ground. Soft soil is good soil. Ntaria-rinya ntjaarrala imanka tutharrutharra erinha aritjaarta. Etna erinha tnyaatjaarta. Thunga paka era nama kuta, thunga itja. Hermannsburg people long ago used to see the marsupial mole. They'd dig for it. Maybe it still exists, maybe not.

tutja   n. joey. Wurrala kara-arra tutja kuka erinha irrkuma. The boy is holding the joey. Kara-arra kurrka-karta namanga, relhala ilama kara-arra tutja kuka. Tutja kuka era puthala intama. Kurunga tutja kuka rraatama, unthitjika, tharrka kuka waara ilkutjika. When a kangaroo has a young one, people call it a joey. A joey lies in the pouch. When the joey comes out to roam about, it will eat just a little bit of grass.

Tutja   n. place name near Gilbert Springs (Ltaarlarltuma). Kurunga yinga wutha lhaka Lhara Urlpmurra-urna. Arranga nuka kala ilukalanga, artwa nyintala yinganha kngaka. Aiyua nhanha-lela yinga tanha kuta naka, Tutja Urlpaiyala. Anna nyinta ngerra yinga tanha naka. Tanha nurna iliaka kwaarta kuta ilkutjaarta. Artwa nhanhala ilia intairnaka. Then we went again to 'Urlpmurra' Creek. As my grandfather had died, another man took me. With this older man, I stayed there at 'Tutja' Creek. We stayed there for about a year. It was there that we ate a lot of emu eggs. This man speared emu.

tnama-tnama   n. Rainbow fish. Melanotaenia splendida.

tnama-tnama   n. Fish, Rainbowfish. Melanotaenia splendida tatei.

tnungka   n. rufous hare-wallaby. Lagorchestes hirsutus.

twaakalhama   vi. to stoop or bend down. Artwa nyintala etnanha ilaka, "Rrangkarra marra inthurra lyilhakala. Twaakalhai!" One man told them, "You mob sang great. Take a bow!"

twaantama   vt. to shut. Artwa nyintala leltja ekuranha iltaaraka, intia kwaarnala namalanga. Paarrpa inthurra yurta kngarra inthurra inamala, kurlpa-kurnaka intia rriwa-karlaka. Laakinha twaantaka. Kurunga yurta etaka. Leltja-ntama yaarna rraatamanga, iluka-ntama. A man discovered his enemy, there inside a cave. Quickly getting lots of spinifex, he rammed it all in the entrance of the cave. He shut it off like that. Then he lit the spinifex. The enemy, unable then to get out, died as a result.

twaapa   n. hot ashes of fire. kara-arra twaapala mpuma. The kangaroo is cooking in the coals. Arrkutja nyintala katjianha ntelama nthaakinha marna yalka ura twaapala etitjika. One woman shows the children how to cook wild onions in the coals of the fire. Arrkutja ntjaarrala tjaapa ura twaapala etama The women are cooking the grubs in the coals of the fire.

twaapa nthama   tr. verb phrase. go along with someone and leave them with someone else, or leave them at a certain place. Kwaarra nyintala pmarraka, "Unta yinganha twaapa nthama? Tjina nuka etinya waara itnaama, nuka kaaralhamanga. Ilirna-ntama pmara-urna alpuma." One girl asked, "Will you come along and drop me off? My friend is standing close by, waiting for me. Then the two of us will go back home." "Nhanha ingwa. Unta paka yinganha twaapa nthama? Relha arrpunha kurrka waara urntwaarra nuka kaaralhama." "It is night. Will you come along with me a little bit of the way? Others are waiting for me a bit further on."

twaartama   vt. make a wad of tobacco in the mouth, with spit. Relhala ngkurlpa pa ilpminya urlpmantha-ilamala, twaartama. Etna rrirnpinpala arrarnama, kurunga ilkuma. Purta laakinha mpaarakala. People make a powder of wild tobacco and ashes, and make a wad. They put it on their lips and use it like that. They make a wad from it.

twakia   n. wild orange. See: mpaltjarta. Capparis mitchelli. Relha ntjaarrala ilama irna nhanhaka rretnya 'twakia'. Arrpunha ntjaarrala ilama 'mpaltjarta'. People call this tree by the name 'twakia'. Others call it 'mpaltjarta'.

twantama    See: twaantama.

twatja    See: tuatja.

tweta    See: twita.

twetakatweta    See: twitaka-twita.

twintjima   See main entry: tuma.

twita   n. set aside for oneself. "Nhanha empa, twita nuka! Unta itja initjika!" "Leave this one, it is set aside for me. You are not to take it!"

twitaka-twita   n. different, separate, separated out, sorted by kind. Marna twitaka-twita arrarnakala, shop kwaarnala intama: apple wurla nyinta, orange wurla arrpunha, onion wurla arrpunha, marna potato wurla arrpunha, marna arrpunha ntjaarra turta. The food is put out, sorted by kind, inside the shop: apples in one lot, oranges as a separate section, onions as a separate lot, potatoes as a different assortment, and other kinds of food as well.