
Considering missions, but not ready to commit to a long-term position? Want to see what working with Wycliffe/SIL is like?

We are looking for people to come and work in Darwin for a year, with the possibility of extending to two years. It would involve joining Wycliffe and raising your own prayer and financial support, though partial funding may be available.

– Work full time from the Darwin Office
– Be trained and work in your areas of interest
– Contribute to the administration needs of the Darwin office
– Keep your church and supporters up-to-date about your work

Skills and training
Successful applicants will learn their role on the job, however proficient computer skills are required.

We are looking for interns with a passion for and skills in at least one of the following areas.
– Linguistics
– Audio recording and editing
– Translation
– Project management
– IT
– Biblical exegesis
– Managing digital content (web, apps)
– Literacy
– Language research
– Website development
– Admin & office management

The exact role you do will depend on your skills and passion, and could involve more than one type of work. Below are a few examples:
– Bible translation
– Managing digital publications and archiving
– Recording and editing Scripture audio
– Language research/survey

Job opportunities

We’d love more workers so that we can do more! Please note that these are not paid positions. Most of our staff work as members of Wycliffe Bible Translators and have a team of partners who pray and provide financial support, and we also have some volunteers. Below are some of the urgent needs for personnel, but they are just a sample of the opportunities available.

Office manager

We are looking for someone to manage our office and bookshop in Darwin. Filling this role would make a big difference to our Darwin staff!


Resource distribution

Bibles and other resources are no use sitting in a storeroom! We need people who can travel to communities to take resources to the people who need them.


Literacy – Scripture engagement workers

We are looking for people to come alongside churches and communities, to encourage people to use the Scripture and biblical resources available in their language. This could include helping them to increase their ability to read portions of vernacular Scripture, and helping produce new resources.


Linguists – Bible translation advisors

We need people to work alongside Indigenous Australian Bible translators, giving exegetical advice, helping with computer issues, training them in translation, coordinating consultant checks and more.


Linguist – translators for the Plain English Version

The Plain English Version is specifically designed for speakers of Indigenous Australian languages, and we need more translators to get the whole Bible done.


Audio-Video technicians

In cultures where oral learning is the norm, it’s important to make God’s truths available in various formats. We need people willing to help with audio and video recording, editing, mastering and manufacturing, both for music and Scripture recordings.


IT support & developers

We need people to help set up an online store, maintain and update our website, maintain a cloud-based archive system, and create and update apps with Bible resources, as well as provide IT support for staff and Indigenous Bible translators.


Typesetters & graphic designers

We need people to typeset translated Scriptures, and design books, music labels, and promotional material.


Please pray with us for more workers, and if you’re interested in finding out more, please don’t hesitate to contact us or your local Wycliffe organisation! Australian or NZ passport holders or permanent residents are preferred for work in Australia. There are also opportunities in Timor-Leste, and indeed all around the world. Visit for more information ~ 08 8911 1326 ~ 03 9712 2777