L - l

-la   nominal suffix. lots of, continuous, keep on (doing) or indicating emphasis, repetition, intensity, exclusion; Gram: It may occur on verbs as well as other words. See: -awamini; -awama; -awurti. Nga-ri-kurungumi-la karri turtiyanginari ngamp-upuji nyirra purnikapa awinyirra karaka. We dig and dig until we see the white colour of the turtle egg shell. Kama kirlipaga-la nyimpu-ngint-akurluwunyi? Why do you keep avoiding my eyes?" Awarra Patamankara yimi ngini 'Yita wanga natinga-la nyimarrimiringarra.' Father McGrath said 'You are to marry only one woman!'. kukunila wet. Lit: lots of water. jajiruwula lots of bad people. parruwartila dirty. Lit: lots of dirt.

-la-   incorporated form 1. repetitive. Gram: with NON-PAST and with INCEP prefix See: -la. Yita wanga nuwa ngi-mpi-timarti ngini nga-wunjirri-ngi-pirn-ajirri ngini nga-wu-ja-la-warri ngangi nga-mpi-ngi-ki-ngi-mangapa. You like it that we hit and fight each other because of the drink we have in the evening.

langa   From: English. noun. New Tiwi, half-and-half talk (spoken by younger people). See: langwiji; yungunki. Category: Language.

langwiji   Variant: lankuji. From: English. noun. language. Gram: In Old Tiwi 'language' is often just given as ngini + verb with root: -mi or -angiraga 'that which (one) speaks' Syn: karaliki, yungunki. See: langa. Wuta wu-p-angiraga nginiwutawa langwiji. They speak their own language. Category: Language.

lanikupini   Usage: Archaic ( old Old Tiwi ). masculine noun. smoke from ship's funnel. See: kumurrupuni. Category: Food and cooking.

lankuji   See main entry: langwiji. noun. language.

-larlinga   See main entry: -wijilarlinga. feminine verb root 3. Gram: May have indirect object prefix 1 • paint dots, stripes etc.; write, print, type.

2 • rain lightly, sprinkle (with rain).

latiriki   From: English. noun. electricity. wupakirayi ngawa...latiriki ngini ngawuniyangirri ngini pitiyawu.. amintiya ngini jurrumumi arimi japinamini they give us... electricity which we use on the video.. and the which gives light at night. Category: Introduced items, Food and cooking.

lawurruwuka   feminine noun. roll of material. originally paper bark cut off tree and rolled up. See: manipurruwa; kalikuwu. Note: Photo by Jennifer Lee Category: Clothing and material.

layiti   From: English. noun. light. See: yirrimanunguni; tojilayiti. Category: Light, Introduced items.

lern   Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. learn. See: lernim; tijim; -wakitikimi; -wakiyurruwa; -marruwayapunya. Ngarra puraji arimuwu ngini playi arimi purrupuli amitiya yingampini playi arimi mujik. ngarra lern arimi ka skul. he likes to play football and sometimes he plays music. He learns at school. Category: Talking or thinking.

lernim   Variant: lernimi. Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. teach. Syn: tijim -mi; -piliga, -mingirripiliga, -ajipiliga, -mingirrajipiliga -waluwa, -wayakirayi. See: -kirripiliga; -imungitiga; -ajilipiliga; -murripiliga; lern. Category: Talking or thinking.

lernimi   See main entry: lernim. free form verb. teach.

letim   Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. Gram: May have Auxiliary verb with root: -mi let.

li-   verb prefix. Variant: lu-. Gram: 4th order of verbal prefixes indicating mood IRREALIS, POLITE IMPERATIVE. Gram: This prefix is given as Ci-, where C stands for a consonant, which varies depending upon the prefix whixh occurs immediately before it. It normally follows the mood prefix wu-. Somethimes the wu- does not occur (such as when the subject-tense prefix wu- occurs) but the presence of li- shows that people think of it being there. See: rri-; ti-. Api nga-wu-li-pa-ami naki jurra nga-wu-rra-kirimi pili ngini kakirijuwi awarra wuta nguyi wuni-pa-kirrimiya awarra ngini ngawa nga-ri-kirimi ngampi-jilarlinga ngini-ngawila langwiji. We should work at making books. So that the children will later read what we write in our language. Api pi-ri-mi ngini, "Ngampi-li-pa-luwa arawinikiri wuta mukwani nginingajingatawa ngawarini," pirimi. So they said, "Lets us give them spears and axes, everything that we have," they said. Nyi-li-pa-y-awuriji yilaruwu ngampi kurrampali api nyi-ni-kipunga-mami ngampi ngarra waya yi-majirrip- ani. You should go inside the house and bang on the place where he (the dead man) used to lie.

-li-   incorporated form 1. 1 • long time. See: -wujiliyarra. wuji-li-yarra-pirr-ami they are talking to each other as they walk along. ampu-ngunu-nji-li-mungi-kiyarri she keeps on lying to me. wuji-li-yarra-pirr-ami they are talking to each other as they walk along. ampu-ngunu-nji-li-mungi-kiyarri she keeps on lying to me.

-ajilipiliga   teach someone for a long time. Morph: aji‑+ li‑’long time' +‑piliga ’teach'. ngirr-a-ngan-t-ajilipiliga-mini I've tried to teach you for a long time.

2 • long distance.

lijin   Variant: lijini. Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. Gram: May have auxiliary verb with root: -mi listen, hear. Syn: -pirtangaya, -munguma; -mingirrimaga, minyawunga -mi, hearim -mi. See: -wanyayi; -munganikuni; -marripunginti-. Ngarra lijin arimi ngawa-rringani kangi ngawa. Our father listens to us. Category: Body functions or actions.

lijini   See main entry: lijin. free form verb. listen, hear.

limuji-   See main entry: tumuji-. verb prefix. Gram: 7th order of verbal prefixes - aspect together.

limunji-   See main entry: tumuji-. verb prefix. Gram: 7th order of verbal prefixes - aspect together.

-linji-   Variant: -linjingi-. incorporated form 1. go along. Gram: There is a link between this form and a following root or incorporated form: ngi- for class 1, ng- for class 3 and rr- for class 2. See: -ankirarrinji ?.

lipim   Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. leave someone or something. See: liyipi. Category: Change of position or state.

liringuwana   See main entry: yiliringuwana. masculine noun. tooth, teeth, barb (of spear).

liruwarni   See main entry: yiliruwarni. masculine noun. spoilt or pampered man, precious, special, important.

liyapugi   feminine noun. promised wife, promised husband, promised thing. See: yilipugi. Category: Kin terms, Human status. Category: Kin terms, Human status.

liyapugi -mi   be promised spouse. Morph: ‑liyapugi 'promised spouse' + verb with root:‑mi 'be'. See: yilipugi. Ngarra liyapugi yimi awinyirra murrukupwara. He was promised to that girl.

-liyarra   See main entry: -wujiliyarra. transitive verb root 3. talk to someone, tell someone, talk for a long time.

-liyarrapirri   See main entry: -wujiliyarrapirri. transitive verb root 3. discuss, talk together.

-liyawarntiyarri   See main entry: -wiliyawarntiyarri. Old Tiwi: feminine verb root 3. be important , be powerful.

liyipi   Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. leave somewhere. See: lipim. Category: Change of position or state.

longintongini   Variant: longitongini. masculine noun. Little Bittern. It dives and makes noise, calls out 'long tong' at night and is dark colour. Syn: tongitongini, jongijongi. See: ararrini. Category: Birds.

longitongini   See main entry: longintongini. masculine noun. Little Bittern.

lu-   See main entry: li-. verb prefix. Variant: lu-. IRREALIS, POLITE IMPERATIVE.

luji   Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. Gram: May have auxiliary verb with root: -mi lose, be lost. "Ngiya luji ngirimi pili ngiya karluwu nawu awarra naki murrakupuni," ngirimi kangi wutawa. "Ngajirri awungani nimpajami, ngajirri awungani tuwanga," pirimi kangilawa. "Ngini nimpirimi awungani tuwanga api kiyi nginja yiloti wiyi luji nimpirimi propili," pirimi. "I was lost because I don't know this country," I said to them. "Don't do that again," they said to me. "If you do that again well you will be really lost for good," they said. Category: Change of position or state.

lukim   Usage: New Tiwi. From: English. free form verb. Gram: May have auxiliary verb with root: -mi look at, see. Syn: -akurluwunyi, -akurlupuwunyi, -upuji, -apuji, -umani. See: -ungira; -ipiti; -alimwanjigi; -imiya; -wujirra; -kilurumi; -angurupunya; -anyiki; -kilarrapugi; -apu- -akirli-; -kili-. Note: Picture by Judy Knowles, SIL artist Category: Senses, Body functions or actions.

lumuji-   See main entry: tumuji-. verb prefix. Gram: 7th order of verbal prefixes - aspect together.

lumunji-   See main entry: tumuji-. verb prefix. Gram: 7th order of verbal prefixes - aspect together.

-lupuwanji-   See main entry: -wulupuwanji-. incorporated form 3. sickness.