
Bible translation support training

Darwin workshop 9-13 October 2023

Do you live in an Indigenous community?
Do you want people to have the Bible in their heart language?

If you would like to encourage and support indigenous Bible translators then this workshop is for you. You don’t have to be an expert. Translators do need encouragement and motivation in a long and difficult process. They need a cheer squad and a water runner so they don’t have to run the race alone.

Trainers from Bible Society, AUSIL and Nungalinya will give you the know how to advocate, support and guide translators. The local translators will still be doing the bulk of the work, but they can’t do it without support.

Training will be provided free of charge in partnership with Nungalinya College and Bible Society Australia. Subsidies will be available for meals, accommodation, and possibly transport. For more details and to indicate your interest please contact Paul Kube: or 0401 252 605.